Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Cheek to cheek chips

Waking up this morning I decided to make this a good day by doing something original, altruistic and brilliant. Another eureka moment. It was sort of hard to do. It was done in the shower.

The criteria. Must be original. Must be altruistic. Must be good idea. Must be done while wet.

One of my childhood heroes was actually Archimedes. What a guy. I mean what the hell anything ever good came out of taking a bath. Think about it. Easy work being a genius.

Guy digging a irrigation canal. He works in dirt and heat. All day.

I’m a genius. I take a bath. Bingo.

Anyway, I got the idea in my ass pocket. Gotta keep those ideas close to the source.

1 comment:

Cinaedh said...

This blog post is a mindfield, so I'm staying away from it.