Saturday, November 25, 2006

More cannonades

New aiming point.
Once the TTC became the target of spirited writings.
Once a specific topic it looses potency.
Declining in priority.
A skyscraper beneath shadows
Of a great free standing tower.

Latent on the blog once written
Such a cannon specified its purpose.
Spiked in Roger’s wrath.
Passing air from its bore.
Moves sights to the armies of problems
Poised growing in the distance.

More powder.
More shot.
Light the torch.
The horde marchs toward us.

Again to the redoubt.
Stand against the new great adversary.
Fire away.
Fire away.
The great enemy comes.
The great enemy, Self Doubt.

News from Marathon

Not in Greece.
Close to Hemlo.
Fours years a Dumas shines
In mayoral splendour.
Forever tough.
Forever rough.
Policies fated on long bender.

Will he give up his other businesses, legal or otherwise?

Meech II - the Sequel "Under the covers"

A total sham. A shallow self serving political gambit bent on garnering Quebec votes rears its loathsome corpse yet again. The Canadian government, a minority parliament is agog with their self-righteous brilliance at coming to terms with Quebec. “A nation within a united Canada.” proclaims Steven Harper PM.

Gobblety gook. Lets call it for what it is. Let us flush this toilet again. This is Meech Lake II “Under the covers - the Sequel”.

Before in the political side show of Meech Lake I, the people of Canada had the right to vote, in a referendum, about this topic. People of Canada demand that right yet again.

Such demand has precedence. Every other time this concept suffered democratic scrutiny in a referendum. Every popular referendum inside and outside of Quebec to date refuted the idea that these MPs are proposing and legislating. This was not on any policy platform of any political party in the last election save one anti-federal collection of misfits. This proposal lacks sufferage.

Meech Lake II needs popular not short term special interest political approval. Make our day. Okay lets have a referendum - now.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Gap


A gap. Interesting word. I was very sick last week. Not as bad as before. Still. Its getting rather tedious. Missed a lot of blog entries. Of course there was nothing to write about.

But all this time was not wasted. At least I keep a computer at home and can do some work offline.

My shorts

Youth. Clearly such a thing is wasted on the youth.


Support the troops. Send Harper packing.


David Miller says support him in the municipal election. Better he should buy a walker.


Layton says leave Afghanistan. Afghanistan says leave Layton.


Liberals soon decide on a new leader. May the best clown win.


It never rains when you bring the umbrella.


A gap. Interesting word. I was very sick last week. Not as bad as before. Still. Its getting rather tedious. Missed a lot of blog entries. Of course there was nothing to write about.

Above is one of my better photos. Unfortunately after many years of marriage it came to an end. They were childhood sweethearts at one time. So sad.

But all this time was not wasted. At least I keep a computer at home and can do some work offline.

My shorts

Youth. Clearly such a thing is wasted on the youth.


Support the troops. Send Harper packing.


David Miller says support him in the municipal election. Better he should buy a walker.


Layton says leave Afghanistan. Afghanistan says leave Layton.


Liberals soon decide on a new leader. May the best clown win.


It never rains when you bring the umbrella.

Lucky people in Inuvik. To celebrate the end of summer, a few of them drive outside town and hoist a Collins with a two punch dose of rum. They want all the citizens there to do the same. That way everyone will get the double on tundra.


To save power in the cell phone battery don’t call anyone. Which means that maybe you don’t need the cell phone to begin with.


Before becoming Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld headed up the company that invented Tamiflu. I admit it fully. I was impressed for a whole minute. Hmmm. Come to think of it, that stuff doesn’t live up to its promises either.


European governments correctly knock Canada for its absurd stand on Kyoto. They swim in warm pools of self righteousness. Their oil companies are ready to plunder the Arctic sea basin north of for more carbon fuels as the cap melts due to Global Warming. The Danes are claiming all of the Arctic basin. Does anyone see the hypocrisy in this?

The idea is not to burn. It is Carbon Dioxide that generates most of the global warming.

Quite a lot of countries in the world will be impacted by global warming. If the Greenland and Antarctica Ice caps start melting more than New Orleans will be effected. New York, Los Angeles, San Diego will be under water. The Bahamas will be gone. Holland gone. Come to think of it this includes much of Denmark.

Which leads us to the question. Just how stupid are humans anyway.? We are about to find out.


Harper had an indepth conversation about human rights with the Chinese government. How lucky they were to be lectured by his Hokiness. It took all of fifteen minutes. Seems awefully efficient.

Lucky people in Inuvik. To celebrate the end of summer, a few of them drive outside town and hoist a Collins with a two punch dose of rum. They want all the citizens there to do the same. That way everyone will get the double on tundra.


To save power in the cell phone battery don’t call anyone. Which means that maybe you don’t need the cell phone to begin with.


Before becoming Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld headed up the company that invented Tamiflu. I admit it fully. I was impressed for a whole minute. Hmmm. Come to think of it, that stuff doesn’t live up to its promises either.


European governments correctly knock Canada for its absurd stand on Kyoto. They swim in warm pools of self righteousness. Their oil companies are ready to plunder the Arctic sea basin north of for more carbon fuels as the cap melts due to Global Warming. The Danes are claiming all of the Arctic basin. Does anyone see the hypocrisy in this?

The idea is not to burn. It is Carbon Dioxide that generates most of the global warming.

Quite a lot of countries in the world will be impacted by global warming. If the Greenland and Antarctica Ice caps start melting more than New Orleans will be effected. New York, Los Angeles, San Diego will be under water. The Bahamas will be gone. Holland gone. Come to think of it this includes much of Denmark.

Which leads us to the question. Just how stupid are humans anyway.? We are about to find out.


Harper had an indepth conversation about human rights with the Chinese government. How lucky they were to be lectured by his Hokiness. It took all of fifteen minutes. Seems awefully efficient.

Friday, November 10, 2006

I Yam what I Yam.

Suppertime this weekend.
I got the secret formula
to cooking the perfect Yam.
I got a lot of Yams.
I am full of Yams Monday,
Yes I Yam.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Donald Rumsfeld finally resigned. Regrettably this was six years too late. The Iraq military strategy appears to be designed by an amateur. He was the amateur.

Rumsfeld’s legacy, what is it? He left the once powerful military infrastructure fractured, understrengthed and undermanned. Rumsfeld didn’t send enough troops into Iraq in the critical early days of the invasion. And wholly against the advice of the politically neutral generals. He exits leaving his nation mired in a protracted guerrilla war with no plausible positive exit strategy.

The USA was run by a triumvirate of sorts. Rumsfeld was one third of that. President George W. Bush and his Vice President comprised the balance. The Three Stooges had a company of clowns supporting their antics. These guys had the fanatical Christian Right supporting their comedy. No one laughs.

Remember President Bush once said that Iraq wasn’t like Viet Nam. He was right. Having lived through that Viet Nam era I can speak with experience. Iraq is far worse than Viet Nam. Coincidently, both the disasters were begun by Republican administrations. The USA involvement in Viet Nam began with President Eisenhower for everyone’s information as did Cuba.

Iraq manifests itself as the apex of American power. Like the Soviet Union’s involvement in Afghanistan, this adventure signals the end of the American global domination. Iraq could have been a success. It could have been a glowing success. Yet Rumsfeld screwed up as did the people who propped him up.

The replacement Gates is not all that much better. Remember this was the guy who created the modern CIA. You know the one agency who agreed that Saddam had all of those WMD’s. The same CIA which tracked down Osama - mostly in their dreams. One hopes that the newly elected Democratic Congress will sink this guy. Bush never picks the right people for the job.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Quest'ce que c'est Georges?

The trials and tribolutions commence an attack of monumental perplexity. Cannot the horse smell the oasis in the distance? I guess not.

George W. Bush future ex President of the US. Give us the refrain "Two more years."
Lost in the election fuss is the ultimate annoyance. The Canadian Conservative talking radio hosts are saying this was only a slap on the wrist. Hmmph.

Not lost on those that follow the political scene in the United States is the fact that during this midterm election most of the seats up for the vote were held by Republicans, indeed very entrenched. The rebuke was stronger than the right wingers suggest.

Monday, November 06, 2006

IA - addiction

Better start a new organization. - Internet Anonymous (IA). For all those people who are addicted to the internet. Its hard kicking the habit. I couldn’t sleep well last night. One must take this one day at a time.

The Lucky Caveman

Finally the theme of this here blog. Many new ways cloud us from the world. Passing emphasis on a vaulting dimension creeps forward. Some call it progress. Others call it wonderful.

Listening to the radio triggers a shock of sorts. Listen closely to AM radio. Years ago. And I do mean years ago now. AM radio once you got it tuned in the airwaves were clear and pronounced. There was static and snow if the station wasn’t in tune. But once the frequency was matched there was a quality reception.

This morning the nirvana occurred. Trying to focus on an AM station I found that it was hissing and crackling. Between cell phones and a supply of countless electronic devices radio wave pollution is finally getting the best.

Official scientific papers and reports decry the idea that there is no effect on the biological mass known as the human body. Think a minute on this. Use an old analogical watch to do it. Its hard to find those anymore.

My first watch demanded to be wound by turning a very little knob, once every 24 hours. It could not go more than 36 hours without an attempt at recharging the mainspring. The spin at the watch makers TV ads boasted that these affordable watches were accurate to within three seconds per month.

Some watches were far more accurate. But when the three minute one sold for less than thirty dollars compared against the three thousand dollars price of the latter watch, there emerged a common sense motive.

Bring on today. Watches are accurate to within seconds per year. And depending on the fence (legal or otherwise) one deals with these watches can be had for under $30. Electronics broke down the global domination of time by the Swiss.

Unfortunately almost everything in the major category is now controlled by electronics as well. And there is a lot of it. Even the rice cooker, once a ceramic pot only a century ago is electronically controlled.

Yes cell phones do not cause cancer. But that report is only too narrow. What else? Too often people focus on things that kill, not those things that cause infirmity and severe discomfort. Arthritis, diabetes, obesity, migraines, asthma, Alzheimers, dementia’s and mental disorders rise.

People do live longer thanks to anti-biotics and pharmaceuticals. People simply live longer and in doing so - encounter these infirmities. Many of the infirmities are related to aging. Indeed even aging is considered an infirmity rather than simply a phase of the life cycle.

In that backdrop however, the increase in reported infirmities is disproportionate and higher than predicted by any futurist forecast from forty years ago. In other words not only has the rate of infirmity increase it is higher than the forecast models projected.

Every cell phone user fears cancer. This concern is understandable. Almost every approving report appears generated by a electronic corporation or by a government of a nation that possesses a significant electronics industry. Remember, forty years ago the tobacco industry and the growers governments generated many positive reports regarding the habit of smoking. In many ways the argument over electronic pollution almost mirrors the course set by tobacco forty years earlier.

Yes there are other pollutants but the rise of these infirmities coincide more closely to the rise in the use of electronics. And in concert with those electronics which come in close contact with the human body. Infirmities may be increasing due to the presence of this massive load of active electronics that are shedding off a plethora of radio radiation.

Only in the medical field have electronics excelled. Otherwise in daily life electronics aren’t really needed. Indeed these devices may be the source of many modern infirmities.

Modern medicine has a plateful of issues more serious than the mild aging angsts that emerge from the overwhelming new presence of electronics. Indeed so treatable are the complaints that aspirins easily mitigate the symptoms of such pains. While treating the symptoms the causes remain a mystery.

Another emergence coinciding with the rise of the new electronic world appears to be the changing and growing nature of drug dependency. Drug addiction has always been with us since the discovery of fermentation. Until recently drug and alcohol addiction was rather a simple matter. Changed is the nature of addiction.

Primary to this is the rise of addictions in females. And if one attends a Narcotics Anonymous meeting one is struck by the presence of people not only addicted, but in pain from a variety of sources. The significant change is the nature of the complaints. Quite a few used were addicted not for the high or the buzz but the relief of pain. This is a significant change from addictions in the 1930’s.

Addicts complain about the presence of a body in pain. Their drug use mitigates that pain. In other words they fell into drug addiction trying to deal with a complete body pain. It is treating the symptoms because no cause of pain can be pointed out to a doctor.

They are cut with no knife, no blunt fall, no identifiable cause. Pain usually has a cause. Pain emerges when there is a threat to the body. Eliminating all possible causes by deduction leaves the answer that is left, no matter how improbable, must be the answer. Applied to drug addiction sufferers. They have no choice but to seek relief. Summarily this leaves the only answer. Only one thing has increased enveloping the human body in the past four decades. Massive increases in environmental electronic radiation would be the likely cause.

Cavemen didn’t have this kind of pain.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Later in the afternoon

Some damage has been repaired. The counterattack on the REE (Rogers Evil Empire) might begin but they are too big and equally too pathetic to worry about.

The evil empire blacked out my access to under the famous gordc238 brand name. Brand name? Yes brand name. Anyhow talk about the stupid leading the stupid. I went to an old email address that I kept around for years and voila!

Another blog site on Yahoo.

The good thing is that with the old site wiped out I can use the old graphics all over again like they were brand new.

Evil Rogers strikes again.

Fuck off Ted

And I really truly mean Fuck Right Off. As predicted, when I cancelled Rogers, they went to Yahoo immediately and appeared to have wiped out the other blog. At least they've blocked it. They wiped out the web page on Yahoo's geocities.

Moved on. Take off Rogers Communications. God are they institutionalized slime. Their customer service is absolutely abysmal. They sneak on hidden charges. Lie like rugs. The software spies on your computers. Not that I would miss this but after all once you clear and flood, you keep going until the rink freezes.

Scratch the Blow Jays off the fan list. They are a Rogers Company too. You can tell.

Besides the Internet has really changed over the last few years. Wikipedia is its intellectual apex. Group rooms are rife with stupid kids pretending to be adults or freaked out Christian Fundamentalists.

I know people would find it peculiar that I would use an Internet gimmick site to knock the Internet. That’s where the beauty of the approach comes in.

On the second floor in another building further north. Entries will be scattered as I now have to work from a collection of free email sites scattered around the city. The only problem is getting on them. The old geezers get on a computer and use it for solitaire. Can’t the stupid farts use regular cards?

So today my home is Internet and cable free. My com costs have been reduced to the cost of radio batteries once every month or so.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Smelling up. roses

Today is the first night in the new smaller improved version of a room. It was a sudden move. Worse still there is no cable outlet for internet. Or phone for that matter. Which is way too bad.

The regular computer rests unused in the middle of the room on its regal furnishings. This is a second floor room with a view. Perhaps there will be one or two open systems within range.

One of the largest reasons for the sudden move was the appeal of having a room with a real bathroom. I know my parents used to preach share, share, share. But after almost four years of sharing bathrooms, that little ethic got the toilet treatment.

I will use free internet to update this sorry blog. Rogers may end the run of literary images. I will try to save the blog. Rogers and Yahoo may try to usurp my email account in blind revenge. After all, in Canada.

See you on the other side. Whaaayhoo

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Moving again

No waiting

Just noting that I am moving again.

The new place is a slightly smaller room but it looks the same to me. The price is the same. It has its own bathroom. And it gives me a reason to cancel out Rogers Internet. It would save me $40 per month. Rogers wasn't quite all honest in its customer service adding little sneaky charges here and there.

The system works great but I really don't need it any more. Only the phone is left tied to Roger's and I have only 13 months to go before that contract is up.

Hopefully the new position will access a wireless LAN somewhere near. The old room was in a building which after being burned out 15 years ago was rebuilt with metal studs. That might explain a lot about why I can't pick up any other wireless systems.

However the new place does have its own bathroom. Imagine no waiting. I can take a shower regularly again without menace. There are significant advantages.