Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Voice overed

Recently, I had to change my mind. Ohhhh yes. It doesn't take much effort on something that small.

My ponderification began with just who is the greatest entertainer? Who means the most to me? Whose acting entertained?

Without dancing around the point too much, I figure it must be Mel Blanc. Mel Blanc performed the voices of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Tweety Bird and most of the characters in each cartoon short feature made at Warner Brothers.

Wax the past, I point away. No this is not just the good ol' days. Warner Bros. Looney Tunes, a series of seven minute animated shorts began before World War II. And the series continued into the mid sixties. His voice defined the character. And surprisingly most of my favorite characters.

The Simpsons, and the Family Guy are quality animation series today. But they have different actors and special actors doing the different voices. Looney tunes did have other voice actors eg. Tweety's Granny (Bea Benaderet) but the majority of characters were done by one man. Seems like a cheat to me.

Mel Blanc defined the attitude and the phrase. "I tot I taw a putty tat... I did! I did! ...I did tee a putty tat!", “Hang on thar, critter.” and “Eeeh... What's up doc?”

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