Tuesday, June 23, 2009

House of Windsor provincial wise

More of an update or an appendage to the garbage post. I had to do more research before including the point in the bleg.

It should be pointed out that the civic workers in Windsor have been out for almost three months. No provincial legislation forcing them back to work. Of course they could get their wish, Toronto isn't Windsor. Toronto is also the provincial capital.

Also its Gay Pride week. And the new Molson's Indy. And Caribanana coming. I don't think the provincial government will let this go more than ten days. Unless Premier McSquinty is truly too lazy to care.

1 comment:

Cinaedh said...

You forgot to mention, as home to Queen's Park and the politicians of the Provincial government, Toronto already smells more than sufficiently bad.

Adding more rotting garbage and writhing maggots to the existing odoriferous ordure could simply be more than most poor citizens can bear.

Even from this great distance, I can sense millions of hamsters, starting to wobble on their madly spinning wheels.