Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bring on the clowns

Indecisiveness led me to the inconclusiveness of fact gathering. To gather simply facts denies the obvious lack of emotional attachments. Hence the ambiguity of trying to make a single assessment.

The triggering event was President Obama's single combat with a Blue Bottle fly. The target of the assessment are the self proclaimed animal lovers, such as PETA, who decried the event as cruelty to animals. The American Cornservatives were besides themselves disproportionately in view of and despite Cheney's shotgunning of a colleague after mistaking him for a bird recently.

The assessment I am trying to come to. Massive mounds of evidence exist. Despite that any assessment which is neutral cannot be easily tackled. A simple assessment led by a question. Are these clowns for real?

1 comment:

Cinaedh said...

PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Since when is a fly an animal?

I always thought of flies as some sort of insect kind of thingee.

I can certainly understand how the President became confused.


By the way, why did you include a photograph of a Republican/Conservative with this post? They are the very last people on the planet who care about the survival or ethical treatment of anything or anyone, let alone animals and insects.