Saturday, February 07, 2009

His Royal Annoyanc e

He's probably a very good guy. His intentions beyond ego, totally ethical. I don't know him personally. People shouldn't be judged through the media. At the present time society tends to form their view of a person through the visage created by the media. Despite this, Julian Fantino, itinerant police enchilada, continues to be totally annoying.

Fantino creates a media experience out of every senior post he takes on. Presently he is the head honcho of the Ontario Provincial Police. He came to that post after a presidential like stint in the post of being in charge of the emergency services in Ontario. No one ever heard from anyone in that post before or since. Fantino managed to make the news pages about once a month.

For example, when he was Chief of Police in Metro Toronto. By sheer chance so goes the line, Fantino happened to be at the Canadian National Exhibition, arresting a pick pocket forcing him to the ground in front of a newspaper photographer who also, happened to be at that place, at that time, to record a rare incident in a city of over three million. If that was a coincidence the Muses of Serendipity worked much overtime in that paradise.


Anonymous said...

You may not have known that prior to his stint at Metro Toronto as Police Chief, Julian Fantino served as chief in London, Ont. He also rose up in the ranks from the bottom in Toronto to Chief of Detectives if I recall correctly. He left there to mixed reviews to take on the London post and then the Toronto post.
I do not know the man, only the reputation. For what it is worth, I see an honest cop, that has an ego problem and a urge to be in front of the cameras. Some of his actions are I am sure aimed at trying to get more resources allocated to his already tight budget. My only detraction is that he fails the test of a senior manager when he drops into the mode of on the street/highway beat cop doing what he should be delegating to his competent troops. He has in recent months while driving to a meeting in South Western Ont. pulled over speeding cars to give them tickets or summonses. What concerns me is that every time he takes such an action he is running the risk of encountering a far more dangerous situation and consequences.
It is one thing to show the troops that he is able to do what he is asking them to do, but it also begs the question, "What is happening at his own level where his presence is needed at the helm?" It is not my position to do his job performance assessment, but I also question who is doing that and how well?

Anonymous said...

The politicians seem to love Julian Fantino.

Right now he's got the OPP around here concentrating most of their efforts on the crucial work of giving speeding tickets to the local miners, heading to and from work along the Trans-Canada highway.

In Mafia parlance, Mr. Fantino is a 'good earner'.

No wonder the politicians love him.