Thursday, February 12, 2009


Barry Bonds may have caught a break. No one wants to link a number of plastic bottles of piss to him. This of course must be done as a sworn witness in a court before a judge and a jury of piers. The last bit troubles me. I wouldn't want my fate decided by a baker’s bunch of half wharves.

Bonds of course may get to stay out of jail. The judicial banning of this evidence makes this a reality. Despite that, those samples will still be valuable to those voters three and one half years from now who will be deciding on Barry Bonds inclusion into the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York.

For some reason though, this exclusion doesn't have the bite it once did. Pete Rose did those dishonored a valuable service. People remember him simply because they have constantly argued about him. His name is out there in the public.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"His name is out there in the public."

That's perfectly true. His name is synonymous with 'degenerate gambler'.

That's quite an honor, compared to the Hall of Fame!
