Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Normally this is a serious grim sort of blig. World crisis's demand total attention by serious smart ass minds. But.

Some jokes just are not invented. Some simply happen. Some explain themselves.

Acting as agent for himself, Duanté Culpepper, recently retired NFL Quarterback, just decided to turn down the 1win - 6 loss Kansas City Chiefs, for a better opportunity with the 0-7 Detriot Lions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Acting as agent for himself, Duanté Culpepper, recently retired NFL Quarterback, just decided to turn down the 1win - 6 loss Kansas City Chiefs, for a better opportunity with the 0-7 Detriot Lions."

It could have been worse.

It could have been the TiCats or the Argos.
