Saturday, June 02, 2007

Monday morning skews

It must be some sort of Illuminati conspiracy. Gotta be.

Again this Monday it turns out that I have to return to Scarberia to help out that good friend of mine. He’s a tradesman who never got his driver’s license. His boss who normally drives him to the worksite went on vacation for some three weeks. And my Daytimer isn’t exactly overbooked at the moment.

There was a backlog of work that had to be completed. All I have to do is drive him to the worksites and sit around. No money… But I gets fed. Got a small room to myself(with Cable and internet). Free laundry with the good machines. Get to drive drive around. Get to scout out the neighborhoods while he does his trade work. Sort of like a vacation thing. And its a change of pace.

Its just so far out on the edge of the city. Its a three hour round trip transit ride at least. And I can’t afford a Go Train, and even then its a two hour round trip. It is why I stay out there when I am out there.

The first week went okay but like all the great plans not everything went according to plan and now there is one or two more days that I am still needed out there.

It sounds weird from a distant view, but then he and his wife let me stay there for about eight months about four years ago, no first or last and really cheap. So I still owe.

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