Saturday, May 05, 2007

Woe the Modern Philosopher

Woe the modern philosopher
Unemployed by society
Once the choice of babe groupies
Now the ghost of empty rooms
Lost loves in confusion
Romance gravely slow
Stuck in moral piety
The frustration of the real goal
Wanting to learn how the Universe works
Now that I know it
Only to find that no one wants to know...
They got Black Berry's.

© All rights reserved, Toronto 2007


Anonymous said...

Did you ever notice
people with BlackBerrys
are so very proud of themselves?

Tethered to nonsense,
perpetual motion
never slows never slows
and I wonder,
Do the fuckin' things work
even in your assigned grave?

gord said...

The new software package juste released by RIM, guarantees that the BlackBerry will work in Heaven or Hell. Got a text message Luci, hang on chappy.

Anonymous said...

Jeeze Gord, with my heart, maybe I should get a BlackBerry after all. As long as it's guaranteed to work from Hell, I could send you emails from beyond, telling you all about it - sort of like an interdimensional travel agent or, if you like, the travel agent from Hell.

Just think, you'd know exactly what to pack for when it's your turn, heh heh, heh heh.