Saturday, April 21, 2007

Black - update

Conrad Black is appearing more upbeat this week as the prosecution founders. Indeed the prosecutors are having a hard time proving Black's criminality to this point. Even Black's journalistic buddies like Peter Worthington are trumpeting sure triumph for the defense.

No one including Worthington appears to be questioning the ethics of his business actions. Indeed the greedy maneuver of noncompete fees had to be kept quiet according to the lawyers involved. Black's actions were molded by others according to his defense team.

Regardless the ethics of such actions retain the allegorical shade of very gray. Black was legally in the right. Applied law is a question of legalities not ethics nor morality. A judge and jury can only deal with a legality based on written law in the case of the American format of justice.

Black may not need Canadian citizenship. Knowing the present Harperite Conservative government's penchant for sliding bad decisions under the door sill, Black already may have been reinstated citizen with true Conservative honors. Despite the decade old very public bashing of Canada on his exit to Lordshipdom the regaining of citizenship can be shielded as a private issue and not held in the public optic. Is he now a citizen? Without a conviction, we we'll never know for sure.

This is a belief but he, or the she, has been on the record as alleging Canadian penal institutions as being the least penalizing in the developed world. According to the expressed viewpoint of the time American prisons and justice had it right. Of this conjecture he will never know. He won't be going to jail. No need for a Canadian jail aka Club Kingston "the Resort". If he is found not guilty, he'll have no need of the burden of Canadian citizenship.


Anonymous said...

In my opinion, you're never going to get a newspaper to print it or a TV journalist to say it but Conrad Black is nothing more or less than a scumbag traitor to Canada.

If he loses, he goes to a U.S. jail, which is the finest kind of place for him. He won't ever come out and other than (maybe) the Amiel harridan, no-one will ever care.

He volunteered for this fate several times over.

If he wins, he gets to go back to England and be a Lord, high and mighty over the rest of the moron English people who took him in and exalted him, knowing already what sort of thing he is.

True, they did it for money, which is understandable to Americans if not Canadians but we are the aggrieved party here.

If he loses and Harper and the Conservatives issue him another Canadian citizenship, they are nothing but accessories after the fact of treason and they should go live in Kingston with their good buddy!

Anonymous said...

"...the ethics of his business actions..."

Har har! In my opinion, probably Conrad is smart enough to know the difference between "ethics" and "legality" but I doubt very much if he appreciates there actually is a difference.

Conrad cares about money and nothing else - except trying to demonstrate that money makes him superior to everyone else on the face of the earth.

He has proved it his entire life by his words and his deeds. Now, they're going to hang him (figuratively) I hope.

The only thing that bothers me is that it is the Americans who are finally calling his bluster and not Canadians. I guess that makes sense because he owns most of us up here in Canada.

In fact, I find him a very sad character and if he wasn't such a dickhead, I might even feel kind of sorry for him because of how he was reared. He knows no better.

Did he do anything illegal? What a yuck! In my humble opinion, considering his observable mindset, he's likely done thousands of illegal things to stockpile cash (for no real reason, since he already inherited $10 million before he even started his career).

It would be ironic if the Americans convicted him of something not strictly illegal. Actually, it would be poetic justice and hilarious.