Monday, September 29, 2008


The US Congress bails out every multi-millionaire involved in finance at a price tag of 700billlion. How fortunate.

During the eight long years, Bush supporters prospered. Oil revenues have soared, up and into the pockets of Bush and Cheneys' pockets. George W. remains in financial linkage with the Savings & Loan fiasco where he and a few friends managed to line their pockets despite the failure of the financial system.

Behold another financial disaster. Behold who is leading the government. And you can bet, President Bush and friends will line their pockets with profits from the government.

This "disaster" is a shell game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Somehow you managed to leave out John McCain, who was one of the 'Keating Five' (, made famous by the Savings and Loan fiasco.

He's still here, too!