Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Que Sarah?

Technically, legally, future Vice President Sarah Palin will never travel to Ontario. According to Ontario law any animal that even looks like, appears to be related to a pit bull is banned and if found here euthanized. According to Palin remove the lipstick and there is a pit bull. Everyone knew she looked familiar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mean Sarah Paleo?


1 : involving or dealing with ancient forms or conditions - paleobotany

2 : early : primitive : archaic - Paleolithic

Anyone who lives in this day and age, who puts a bounty on the right foreleg of wolves, then passes a law to allow hunters to 'hunt' them from aircraft, is a very sick puppy indeed and is, in no way, a pit bull.

In fact, the comparison is insulting to all pit bulls, mon ami!