Sunday, August 09, 2015

Pre-Post election circuit of Canada, now known as Canada

Historical view. Consider governing Canada as sort of like running a sound mixed farm. Needs a lot of fertilizer, needs occasional rotation, plowing in the stubble every few years and the farm hand needs changing every ten years or so because the sheep start laughing.
Trash talking around the federal deselection circuit. So wrong Kathy. Wynne, future former Premier of Ontario, postulated that were he trapped in a time warp at the Cornfudgeration of Canada at Charlottetoon, Stephen Harper would not have constructed the transcontinental railway to British Columbia, now known as British Columbia.

Yes, Harper would have built the railway. From Houston, to as far as downtown Calgary, right beside the Palliser with a double barrel loop at the Stampede grounds. He'd call it the Keystoned and Gatesways Railroad (K&GRR).

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