What's the big sports kerfuffle this week? Its not fighting. Its not expansion. Its not concussions. Its not about bankruptcy of teams. No...
The overwhelming controversy is Alexander Ovechkin celebrating his fiftieth goal. I heard about this first over the radio, the Fan 590 to be precise. From hearing it there first, I thought that he committed a major time consuming demonstration. My mistake.
When I saw the replay over Youtube it took all of ten seconds if that much. It was over so quick I had to rewind. Ovechkin scored the goal, finished his run behind the net, put the stick on the ice, hopped around a bit and bounced around with hands extended to his stick. Then he picked it up and skated around. It took longer to write this out. It will take longer to read it rather than see it. Yet this little maneuver took the media by storm and consumed hours of punditry and comments.
The reaction was quantively and qualitively more over the top than the actual event. Small minds leads to great yappage.
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