According to a communication, to which I can attest to its perspiration and truth, apparently a personage by the initials JC claimed to have seen me take a hard fall while playing basketball. Now at the moment this testiclemonial appears to be hearsay.
I am looking for the phone card. I do appreciate the contribution to this totally unworthy silly time consuming project. I do need details. At the moment the whole blig would consist of...
"The big dummy fell hard during a basketball practice."
This of course lacks content. The lack of graphics I get complaints, imagine what I get when there is little content.
Outside of cyber world, I get "Gordie shut up!" Here I get."Where's the content."
And all that, the great Buddha says seek the middle way. In this, where is the middle way?
Oh yes. A loose end appears. How did I guess that it was basketball practice? Well TC the coach, rarely played me, cuz he hated hippies. He preferred to play Springer approved beer guzzlers. I mean, if a player lands that hard, the coach should send the player to the hospital.
Well another one bites the dust. Another blyg notch it the Kardex rotowheel of life.
I appreciate the contribution. It helps when people can help with the put downs. That's all.
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