Posture was recently enlightened. Apparently, the best posture position is relaxed almost a slouch. The hard upright position so long advocated by those teachers appears wrong. This figures. I was right all the time. Now that I am closer to the reaper than the peeper all these things are coming forth.
Poisoning a mouse can be a curious enterprise. The landlord encouraged me to place poison close to the route where the mice were coming in on the pipes. Now I could care less about a teeny weeny mouse. City people get squeemish about mice but go out of their way to provide habitat for racoons.
Anyway, the pellets work. Within a couple of days the mice had trampled down the poison on their way through. They ceased coming into the room despite the roadwork. I guess there was a lot of discomfort for the teeny beasties as the pellets got caught between their tiny little toes.

Swedes are beautiful man. They study the most stupid stuff. One of their studies indicated that when there is a time change from standard to daylight time, the rate of heart attacks increase for two to three days. This got all over the North American media like two days before the most recent event which occurred this weekend.
Now applying a demographic of Swedes to the complex social structures of a declining North America is an interesting process. North Europeans entrench their culture with the curse of punctuality. It supposedly sets them apart from the French and Spanish.
Sweden is further north than almost every North American city which means that their dawn only occurs later in the day and their sunset occurs earlier. The impanicked NAFTA media only researched the data that supported the Swedish ascertain. For instance heres a subsidiary flash... North Americans sleep less than we did a decade ago.
Unfortunately they mixed report demographics. As a former prospect for a sleep study, who realized that the medpro in charge pasted the sign “another sucker” on all the heads of fat people, I wasn't fooled by this little daliance of the medical community into a profit maker.
Their favorite targets are insomniacs who can sleep. They almost never help those people who have a legitimate reason for not sleeping. The latter group really screws up their cure rate. Every person I've met never gets enough sleep. Its like one of those little cultural small talking points like weather, and kicking bums off park benches even though they would never go into the park in the first place. For as long as I can remember, people always complain that they sleep less than a decade ago.
Anyhow, short sleep does not cause heart attacks. Insane medpros do more for that. Apparently, another subsidiary flash comes streaking in here. All medical waiting rooms seem to have upright chairs imparting incorrect posture, which causes more depression and fatigue and back problems. See how these circle back on themselves.
The great secret not let loose on the general civilization by the medpros. One of the great curiosities of recent decades has been the rise of depression in the general population as a statistic. There are a couple of excuses for this. One of the most popular is because of the stress of modern life. This complaint has been popular since Charles Dickens wrote his socialized bigotry. This has been so long used it must be bogus. Another answer may pounce perhaps?
I can't help noticing a related study. The graph rise in the rates of depression, are mirrored by the graphical decline of smoking and smoker's rights. As the use of nicotine declines, depression increases in equal measure. Just another study suggestion for the Swedes, as if they need any more encouragement to do such.
* pic: testing out posture scientifically, but too late.
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