If one wonders why I call right wingers Cornservatives and the middle left wing Liveralls got their windows cleaned this week past. Canadian politics while structurally more complicated lacks in the sophistication of other nations.
This outrageous statement is brought to you by both Stephen Harper and Michael Ignattief (Geshundeit). They accommodated on various policies in order to prevent the defeat of the government by a nonconfidence vote later this week. Such a revolutionary result would plunge the country into a summer election.
The claim was to appease voters. But I suspect the buggers wanted the summer off and an election would wreck the BBQ and cottage tour by the free loading politicos. Fund raising picnics seem to the new summertime passion for Canadian political persons. This vacillating of theme sort of lets everyone know why, when referring to the left wing as Liveralls.
1 comment:
Michael Ignatieff may have commited the unforgivable sin of living outside Canada to make a living for most of his life but as a non-dummy, he ain't going be allowing any federal elections until he's convinced in his own mind he will win.
Ignatieff and Obama...
We may finally end up with two actual brains running the northern part of North America --- instead of none at all!
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