So back handed in so many ways. First most if not all of the staff suggestedly forced to wear these shirts are supervisors, the sargeants in the work force. This is how you treat them? Then label them Customer Service?

During Saturday, the rush was so large that they literally doubled the size of the garbage pile in a single day.

This angle is about 25 yards away. At the moment, this is the oblique to the piles. In the background is the former RCMP headquarters, now the five star hotel "the Grand". So Miller and his councilors are so thoughtful to let tourists see Lake Ontario and his new mountains.

This is the standard shot that I have been using for the last couple of days. But its at its limit. I cannot go too much further back. So the rest of the shots will be oblique I suspect.
1 comment:
Well, you might be dirty, diseased and overrun by rodents but at least you're neat.
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