Looking up some statitististics recently. This is the day to begin the long road to political independence from southern Ontario. Reason. People can remember this day.
A creation of that province of Northern Ontario by whatever name would create the 7th largest province within Confederation. With the resources found and still to be discovered, this political entity could survive economically if not better. We wouldn't be sending our hard won tax money to the softies surrounding Queer's Park. So much for the first argument by the people who oppose such independent action.
The opponents work from self interest, greed, and simple laziness. As for the border, where does Northern Ontario begin? Let's say the French River with the exception of North Bay which is a southern Ontario colony having elected sell-out politicians over the recent years.
The Northern areas aren't unified. This is true. It is necessary for the First Nations and other heritages to work together recognizing the rights, the needs and the respect for others. This would be the focus of future political action, for the short term. There is room enough for all, and working together success assured.
Use today to think about Northern Ontario land. May the fourth is the day to mark.
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