Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Last of the free

The '45 while inconsequential in the history of United Kingdom, for Scotland it was a dramatic pivot point. Clearly the Scots were not militarily strong enough to completely overturn the English crown.

No matter. If you're a Scot, ask yourself. What would have it been like today, if the Jacobite Rebels had won then? ... No Clearances. No deportations. No Scottish regiments serving the British Imperial Army. No Empire to begin with.

No United States of America and thus no Napoleon. Its amazing how one minor event weaves its way into history and today's events.

G.D. Macrae - York, Ontario,Canada

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As always a historic interpretation that has some merit. I'm reading allot more of this kind of comparison these days. Especially in MSM where you would think that since they use historical examples to validate the practices and theories of today's events that the masses would learn from this. Unfortunately history has become something of a play toy for pundits and 'experts'. If you would do the homework required then the lessons of history would certainly be learned and disasters avoided...
Take Gerald Celente for example; a self professed economics guru or 'truther' in youtube land. He uses history as a tool as it should be, draws conclusions from the evidence presented,draws comparisons from historical past and presents a forward thinking interpretation called a 'educated guess' Why wouldn't we believe him? We should, that's clear. After retracing some of his sources I myself, a general nobody could see a pattern developing politico-socio-economicical trend.
Thus the importance of histiry and how it is interpreted and manipulated in my opinion...
Hi Gord, Long Time