Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Democracy hypocrisy

What doesn't add up here? A poor woman in the Caribou-Chilicotin of British Columbia suffered a fatal blow from the strike of a tiger's paw recently. Authorities felt that it was necessary to euthanize the tiger despite the fact that the tiger was only doing what tigers do.

The entire media went into a frenzy. Politicians at every level promised swift and decisive action to regulate exotic animals. Too the ramparts for everyone in Canada is at threat from a rampage of Tigers.

Now lets stand back a minute. Lets stand way back. And take a look at the sheer quantity of hypocrisy swirling around this little pool.

When younger I hiked and hunted alone in very hazardous wilderness. Rest assured, with little thinking about this extremely likely event; had I seen any moving creature with orange and black stripes prowling in vegetation yonder; and despite the ever longing for anything pussy; and without regard to the pertinent legalities of discharging a weapon, I will shoot the sucker. Tigers are dangerous people.

Not only do I know this. But apparently everyone else on this planet but this poor woman knew it too. Even the legal owner of the Tiger knew that these animals were dangerous. Unlike dogs Tigers are not group animals.

The media must be cited for demonstrating again just how low they have descended too since the ultra conservatives have gained controlling interest in these businesses. Such ownership spreads its attitudes to management because they pick people to manage newspapers who best mimic them. Yes most news editors are arrogant buffoons.

Why is this? First if the victim was a male. Nobody would make a fuss. The idiot victim moved too close to the Tiger with children witnessing the event which was first described as a mauling. Well yes a lot of life lessons are best taught with real life experiences swathed in trauma. You'll bet none of those kids will get too close to any animal from now on.

Then as the articles were revised all this further information emerged. First there was no mauling, it was a single paw strike which even the household cat does when something gets annoying. Initially the media got it wrong.

Now the political weirdness begins. All this fuss. All these new laws to protect Canadian society from Tigers. They claim to hold life precious. This is only one person. Just how many people on average get killed by Tigers in Canada. I didn't know it was such an epidemic.

These are the same governments that license and tax cigarettes and participating in the annual deaths of thousands. These are the same governments that sell or license the sale of alcohol to its citizens which directly causes the early deaths of thousands. Tens of thousands of people die either directly or indirectly due to the avarice greed of government. Now these hypocrites get in a righteous moral snit over a single unfortunate death.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you say, "Natural Selection"?

Hopefully this woman didn't have a chance to reproduce, prior to approaching a huge, fierce, ill-tempered beast with viciously long teeth and claws, marked with bright orange stripes, which clearly indicate smaller, softer animals (like humans) should steer far clear of this animal by a very, very wide radius.

By the way, if the dolt lawmakers in B.C. want to use any or all of the previous paragraph for inclusion in their new "If You Are Smart, You Will Stay Away From Tigers Law", I will give them full permission to use any or all of it under Canadian copyright law.