Sunday, May 06, 2007

MSN and the "Street"

Stock market analysts are wetting their pants. The prospect of Micrsoft and Yahoo merging is driving little dreams of all those wonderful commissions they are going to get. That is if the merger goes through.

And reports are totally conflicting. One report says they are talking others say they are not. Is MSN contemplating hiring JP Ricciardi for this job?

"The Street" forgot one thing. The users of Yahoo. I use Yahoo because I detest Microsoft's (MSN) online product with its overwhelming unfriendly memory gobbling internet slowing software. I am not alone.

Stock market analysts love this sort of thing. They go 5+5=10. So wrong. They forgot Yahoo's clients.

"The Street" probably should do more research because obviously their analysts do not get this. Anywhere from half to as much as eighty percent of Yahoo's present customers will move away from Yahoo most likely to Google.

Gates is getting hypoxia from to many high flights in the biz jet. Ever since he semi-retired to bath in the milk of his wealth his company has been wallowing in technical farce.

If MSN wishes to improve its market share then it has to clean up its user pages, remove 50% of the ads per page and get fundamental. Another hint, restore the adult sites that MSN arbitrarily removed last year. Without much notice MSN in a fit of

Indeed a couple of years ago Yahoo decided to get a new aggressive CEO. Well guess what. All those nitty plans didn't work out. Religious people complain about adult group sites only because they are under the idiotic belief that if a person isn't looking at porn they will click over to their website to be saved.

The level of advertising on Yahoo is also increasing especially on its Messenger software. About two years ago it closed in on thousands of adult oriented group sites. Then they have the temerity to complain about loss of business. It too is getting ad heavy.

Google gained that business that Yahoo, and MSN abused. There is a fine line between being concerned with extreme porn sites and complete prudishness. In today's world the top five internet activities are Porn, Music, Photos, Blogging and Chats. MSN and Yahoo abused their users in most of those activities in the last two years.

Google succeeds because their software works cleanly and appears more unobtrusive in every single category. That does more for their success than anything.

The MSN and Yahoo merger looks good on paper. But in rl (real life) its going to be the biggest waste of 50Billion in the internet planet's short history.

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