Saturday, March 07, 2015

CBC posts bogus independent report

  • The CBC as a whole must be considered when reading its Lang review, claims she met their journalist standards. These standards must be very low indeed. Its standing back and taking a look at the whole forest. This is not the CBC that it once was. The CBC shouldn't serve just Toronto. Its meant to provide communications throughout the Dominion. It did at one time.
    ... The corporate critter literally morphed from what was an organization built on neutral integrity and a pandering tax guzzling monster with no connection to its audience. It morphed from character and creed to one where it tries to please everyone in the cultural mosaic.
    ... The corporate danger lies in the tendency to hire, who they are, not what they have done and how they do it. The CBC also has pervasive problems with nepotism, especially in Toronto. After 1976, mother corp. promoted one of their mainstream journalists from the ordinary to the idol status solely based on sexual favors. This little tidbit according to several drunk CBC techs whacking back shots at Hurricane's and Soupy's. And peculiarly enough, in Edmonton which was a fountain of information if one drank at the techie hangout at the old Strathcona on Whyte Ave.
    ... The CBC has changed drastically. When the CBC declared that upon review Lang's behaviour was within their journalistic standards it was as true a statement ever made. In the old CBC, the producers of that period would have not fired Lang but they would certainly converse and establish the parameters. If you date or contract a service within a sector of topics that every journalist does in private activity, then they should not cover anything related to those entities.
    ... And for those truly dedicated people who read this far, the tidbit. Thirty years ago, I was a free lance photo journalist. I must say I wasn't bad at it. As you know few people including the Star don't do their homework when commenting. I do.
    ... The reward. CBC can be accused of clearly fixing the Lang Review. The company commissioned to do the review, Cormex Research. presently lists as its clients, Sun Life, RBC Bank and Manulife the very same clients that Lang contracted or associated with in the accusations. To confirm this I urge you all to go to this page immediately since I rather suspect that this lazy company forgot to change their visible client list. Brag before brains.

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