Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mulroney's gulch

Mulroney says he's the most investigated former Prime Minister in history. Out of frustration for the most part. Its his own fault. He took money from a person who possessed a reputation for being a scammer.

In his own defence, Mulroney stated that he didn't do anything to earn that money. That's one hell of an admission. He said that it wasn't fraud or an illegal payment. He made the first set of ethics rules for parliamentarians.

The heat would've been off but about a decade ago Mulroney proceeded to lift two million dollars from the Canadian taxpayer in a lawsuit which stated that he did not receive illegal payments. Sounds like a guy who would blame the church key for failing to remove a twist off cap off a beer bottle.

1 comment:

Cinaedh said...

A church key removes the twist off cap from a beer bottle quite handily, Gord.

That'll be $90,000.00 in cash in an unmarked envelope, please and thank you!