Thursday, September 20, 2007

Repost: First past the post and last at the trough

For Northern Ontario proportional representation becomes an unmitigated political disaster. There is no benefit to any Northerner regardless of political loyalty.

Over the years Queen's Park drained every spare resource revenue from Northern Ontario. Never reinvesting unless the applicant is a major political supporter, the south only will accelerate its economic pillage unfettered by political audit.

All senior levels of government compose legislation satiating the inward desires of the urban voter in southern Ontario. The Gun Registry, the tax on diamonds, passports at the border, the banning of hunting contribute to the declines in northern commerce, in northern industry and northern populations.

There is no serious reinvestment in the North despite electoral campaign promises. Only a trifling percentage of those taxes revisit the North.

Depending on whether one defines Northern Ontario along the French I believe the North is left with eleven seats in the federal and provincial parliaments. Recently the federal government dangled twenty two new seats from Ottawa to Toronto.

No new seats for Northern Ontario though. In the last distribution the gnomes of democracy proposed one riding from Current River to the Western Border of Sudbury. Try being a representative of that.

Do the math. Even if Northern Ontario held onto its few ridings the proportional representation and the 22 new seats would add about 61 seats to the south. The North presently holds a bare ten percent voice which would fall instantly to four percent. A power reduction of more than 50%. Does anyone actually believe that ten percent of those proportional MPPs would come from the North.

Do you believe that any provincial party all of which are headquartered in Southern Ontario will pick northerners over thirty nine good old boys from 905? Numerically the growing Asian community in the Greater Toronto Area is a more important demographic than the few Northerners scattered over the vast land mass of Northern Ontario. Few no likely none of those 39 seats will be posted by northerners and I state none will.

This is a very critical point of time. If Northerners actually got together in a Bloc like party it would get no legislature funding because all of the seats must switch to be a party recognized by the speaker of the Ontario Legislature. In 2011 the party would have to win more than 16 seats for house debates and house funding. Consider that there is only a rump of 11 maybe 14 seats depending on where you define Northern Ontario. No Northern faction will receiver adequate funding.

Even then approximately 140,000 votes would be needed to qualify for any proportional representation. According to the new legislation a new party must get three percent of the popular vote to be recognized as entitled to add a proportional representative. And that would be only one representative.

If Northern Ontario was a separate province then proportional representation works politically. But when there is a vast discrepancy of population densities between the two parts of this province, then proportional representation works against the lesser population.

In 2011 it is very likely that Northern Ontario will possess no voice over its own affairs. Only 4% of the seats doesn't carry much weight in any caucus no matter what the present incumbents say.

Before that happens Northern Ontario must form its own political movement, its own political party for political separation to regain some form of self governance.

Its been proposed before and handled poorly. There was always time. Now that time has run out. Every single voter in Northern Ontario must vote against proportional representation. Let this referendum be the poll that asserts your rights. Deny southern Ontario its habitual oligarchy over your affairs, over your education system, over your power plants, over your resources, over your mines, over your roads, over your houses, and over your existence

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Every single voter in Northern Ontario must vote against proportional representation. Let this referendum be the poll that asserts your rights."

I admire your enthusiasm Gord but this is what they call a "fixed fight". Most likely, it's already over and the good guys lost, as usual.

Let's take it for granted the people in Northern Ontario fully appreciate how badly they're going to get disenfranchised by this new form of "democracy" and one hundred percent of them vote against proportional representation.

Now, if it's bad for the North, it's gotta be good for the South, right? This is one of those zero sum situations; one side wins and the other side loses.

For every one person in the North, there are thousands of people in the South and if most of the Southerners vote in their own best interests, Northerners don't have a snowball's chance in Hell, now do they?

That's why this vote is even being allowed. The politicians have seen a chance to pull a fast one on all the voters in the Province and simply appoint their friends to government - instead of having to go to all the trouble and expense of trying to elect back room dickheads who are mostly unelectable by their very nature.

Of course, it may turn out the throngs of idiot voters in the South don't have a clue what this referendum is all about and if they don't, in spite of all the government advertising we Northerners are helping to pay for, they just might vote against their own self interest.

You never know. All we can do is hope for the best and hope the Southern voters are as smart as usual. After all, no-one ever failed to get elected by underestimating the intelligence of Ontario voters.