Sunday, April 08, 2007

Another illegal drug that causes no ill effects

Oh what have we here. People enjoying themselves? Canadian culture is woefully Puritan or Calvinist. A drug from our trading partner in NAFTA makes what appears to be a healthy form of hallucinigenic.

Apparently to this moment unlike LSD or other forms of mind bending drugs this one has no latent effects. And it is a natural product.

To date there is so few users that no deleterious health effects have been found to make it officially illegal. Never mind that state run booze sales cause the deaths and alcoholic dependencies in about 1 out of every 10 users, a single death or mishap will cause the banning of the following product. This story is enterred on the record for the education and

from Canadian Press

OTTAWA -- A freely available herb that packs a powerful psychedelic punch has some federal health officials recommending strict controls.

But Health Canada says it can't regulate the use of salvia divinorum until there's more evidence of its dangers.

Department documents obtained by The Canadian Press under Access to Information law say salvia is being used by adolescents and young adults for its hallucinogenic properties.

Salvia divinorum is difficult to grow outside of its native habitat in southern Mexico, but the plant's leaves and extracts of salvia's active ingredient in pill form are sold in Canada.

A December 2005 report by the marketed health products directorate, an arm of Health Canada, recommends that salvia be placed under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

Department spokesman Jason Bouzanis said salvia has been known to cause hallucinations, out-of-body experiences, unconsciousness and short-term memory loss. But that's not enough to declare it illegal.

"We can't make any recommendations to place salvia under the Controlled Drug and Substances Act schedules until we have sufficient scientific and empirical data that concludes it has the potential for misuse and abuse," Bouzanis said.

Australia is one of few countries that has made it illegal to possess, distribute and consume salvia, also known as Sally D, the diviner's sage, or the sage of seers. It is a species of sage, which belongs to the mint family, and is most commonly found in Mexico, where indigenous Mazatec shamans have used it for centuries for spiritual journeys.

Salvia leaves are most commonly dried and smoked. Extracts of salvinorin-A, salvia's active ingredient, are available in tablet form. Pill prices can range anywhere from $30 to $80 in Canada depending on the potency desired. Most online sellers of salvia advertise the herb as a natural health product.

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