Four years ago, I almost got knocked off FaceBook. This morning the same thing happened. Some obscure Palo Alto cyber gnome sent me an alert to say that a comment had been deleted. The problem was that I didn't know exactly which.
One sore point was where some Yankee from Detroit weighed in on Khadr. The guys avatar painted him a Christian Crusader. His retort was to simply call me a moron. Okay, but substantiate it.
Here's what I found in all the attacks on Omar Khadr's release. First, without exception they are ignorant people, usually Conservatives or American Republicans and their entire comments involve name calling and catch phrases. Face facts, Americans are a racist culture, white and black inclusive. However they want to apply their racism north of the border and will block off any view that seems effectively anti-American. FaceBook after all serves the USA globally and that's the working reality.
He just called names. I looked at his FaceBook page. One I told him that the Omar Khadr affair was an internal Canadian affair, then I checked his FaceBook Page which carried the Crusader or an anti-islamic shield, I then called him a racist goof. Well perhaps the FaceBook adjudicator, another American racist residing in Palo Alto California, decided to ban or in their lovely phrase "Deactivate your Account." Which they did.
But FaceBook censorship is the biggest bully of all. It deletes or criticizes comments according to charges from someone or anyone with no ample effort to request a defense from the accused. For one thing I don't know if I am out of line. Without referring to the actual comment, its hard to define whether a person exceeded some limit. Americans take offence very easily. Its a very low bar.
However their bar allowing comments against Islamic people, or anyone with Liberal affiliation seems very high. Conservatives can call people names and make racist comments without fear on FaceBook. About three years ago I complained about a Conservative American making a racist comment on a topic that was definitely not according to the Conservative world that Zuckerboy is trying to instill but the only reply was that this wasn't racist, nor offensive. It was a really bad judgement.
But here is the second problem, I am not sure. Here's why. About six months before the last federal election, a couple hundred of Conservative volunteers and sometimes paid cyber operatives activate phony FaceBook accounts and begin trashing anything that isn't Conservative. The last time I ran afoul of the Facebook censor, in fact everytime, was when I took after those phony critics. With practice, over the years I've got quite good at coming back at their blatant lies and slanderous nicknames. For every Lieberals they puked up, I countered with a Con-Troll. Yes I invented that nickname.
Here is the problem, Liberal thinking peoples don't gang up like the Conservative bullies do. Over time they have learned to gang up on other posters that defend their positions opposite of their conservative views. If a person proves effective they gang up to complain about that person and have them banned despite the fact that most of their identities are phony. FaceBook never cancels those phony accounts. Any Liberal accounts they ban or deactivate without a second thought.
So going into the next election remember one thing... FaceBook permits Con-Trolls not their liberal critics. Anything that goes through FaceBook should be considered with a severe conservative bias.
That is the problem, FaceBook doesn't quite tell you. Its a feudal empire with Zuck the F'ck as emperor. Any judgement they render is always done by secret deliberation. So you can't tell whether one went over a line or this is just another political gambit by the Conservative Party cyber hitmen secreted over the internet.
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