Sunday, December 28, 2014

Cancer hypocrisy

In Canada, it seems that many provincial governments refuse to pay for many of the new life saving cancer drugs. Cancer patients are dying because they can't afford the pills or drugs. Drug companies are making millions off the sales of these cancer killing drugs. This is utter and total betrayal of ... humanity. A massive betrayal of the system that funded much of the research to enable the creation of that drug.
... Millions of dollars has been generated through various cancer fighting charities. People gave their time, ran millions of miles and kilometres to provide that funding. Universities share that data and for what. For greedy self centered drug manufacturers that's who.
... Understandably, governments are loathe to add those new drugs simply because of the price. Not only are these drugs massively overpriced, the political establishment prefers not to say anything. By rights, these misery profiteers who overcharge for these pills should be now returning all the value of the decades of the contributing funding to those Cancer societies to one hundred percent.
... In the nation who hails Terry Fox as its greatest hero, no cancer victim should go untreated because they cannot afford it. Every year massive numbers of Canadians run in hundreds of charity events to generate the massive funding. Canadian society earned the right to have its members treated. No one in all of Canada should be caught financially short of receiving the very best of any life saving medical treatment. The people who donate to cancer research do it to save other people's lives. They are the investors. They want it for their friends, kin and fellow Canadians. Its as simple as that.

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