Thursday, July 09, 2009

Go Blue Jays!!!

The hardline executive managers of the city put up this blue screen mesh around the dump site. This happened only a couple of hours that I posted the recent pics.

Oh woe is the clown that works in secret. Since the blue walls are up, they might as well get maximum use out of the color..

They should put up the Blue Jays Logo on these blue fence walls. The Jays are garbage too.

1 comment:

Cinaedh said...

Ouch! Poor Blue Jays!

I can't watch baseball because I have a very serious medical condition. Every time I get terminally bored, I fall into a deep, sleep-like state of snoring unconsciousness.

It turns out this irritates other people and I always wake up with bruises all over my arms and legs.

I've applied for a disability pension but I suspect the bureaucrats in charge of the program aren't baseball fans and they keep turning me down.

Go Jays! Remember, any publicity is good publicity.