It seems that morality shifts for the extremely devout, when inconvenienced. Mel Gibson will get an annulment from the Catholic Church. His wife of 28 years, Robyn Moore, happens to be an Anglican future ex-wife headed for divorce court.
Despite proclaiming to the world several years ago just about what a great guy he is, what a great family guy he is, and what a beacon of morality he was. He fooled around with several mistresses since he sent Christ to the cinema.
Gibson seems to favor Russians recently for his amours. According to the Canberra Times, the female companion on Gibson's recent vacation in Costa Rica went by the name of Oksana Kolesnikova.

Now lets have a lineup. Both go by the name Oksana. Since Gibson obviously is a Conservative type. He will pick a blonde for a mistress. If he fools around buying jewelry for Oksana will be easier to hide if all of his paramours are Oksana. Not a bad plan.
A plan except for the paparazzi who manage to fly all over the place following people of notoriety. And a person who makes their living by having fame, cannot exactly turn it off at a convenience. The first and second pics are of Koleniskova. The next two are of Procepa. It is for your edification of course.
Now the confusion reigns while Mel hits the legal business that will deprive him of at least one half of his present assets. Lots of speculation exists on just which is the unlucky girl.

Personal choice aside the females are neither forthcoming with denials. Indeed both appear to be claiming the prize. Prochepa claims the relationship is "serious". Koleniskova does likewise by saying Oksana is such a common name in Russia. However, this was an Oksana in Costa Rica. Maybe there was two?
Both are about the same age, 25 and 24 respectively. Both are chanteuses which is fancy talk for singers. Both would interact in the glamor world accessible by the world's elite. While these photos compare a remarkably similar hair style, the Costa Rica vamp was more brown hair.
Sigh. It is too bad the guys on the bottom of the social ladder can see the reality of this situation. Gibson is an old guy. The only difference is that he is a rich, and old guy. The common man must look on in an envy tempered with a touch of approval. The gold diggers march on over the corpses of the old and stupid. In this we recall the sorry tale of Paul McCartney who must know that if he were poor he sleeps alone. Heather Mills got more out of him than he bargained. Gibson did not have a prenuptial agreement. Its all for love. The rich old guys like to screw the young things and the young things like to screw back. And this circle happily revolves into tomorrow.
Gibson appears not to have been burdened with the detail that he broke God's Covenant. He apparently missed the point of the movies that he made. He is not only an actor. Like any complex person, he does possess other unrelated talents.
Most of Gibson's wealth began with acting but the bulk of his present fortune now comes from wise real estate investments. It helps to have the down in cash.
Usually Gibson po

It must confuse some who tie their beliefs of a person's character to an on screen portrayal by an actor. Devoted fans often attach the morality of the play's or movie's principal character to that of the offstage character of the performer. How often have we seen where actors seem to acquire those traits. Caroll O'Conner, who portrayed Archie Bunker, was beloved by Republicans despite the fact that O'Conner lined up with the left wing of the Democratic Party offscreen. He was a beacon of liberal thinking who had conservative devotees.
Mel Gibson is no William Wallace. Wallace endured privation, hardship and a tortured execution. to secure the identity of the Scottish nation to this very day some 700 years later. His was a life of deed. Gibson on the other hand appears now a self centered hypocrite who lacked the courage and selflessness to remain chaste and true to his vows. Its an interesting flow of events.

Of course, I must confess. Confession is good for the soul. You listening Mel?
Normally I couldn't give a flying floo-doo about Mel Gibson's personal life. However, it gives a damn good excuse to include the pictures of a couple of very pretty girls in this blig. Every blig needs this sort of thing every so often. It keeps interest says a confidant. Use graphics he says. I am. I am.
1 comment:
I like Russian babes too. Great pictures!
On the other hand, I could not care one whit less about Mel Gibson and his life. Have you ever wondered why actors and actresses and other celebrity-type people are considered so interesting, we have to hear what they're doing and what they're thinking about things - all the damned time?
Mostly, they seem like a bunch of barely functioning, low intelligence, unimaginative, uninteresting jerks but there must be some attraction I'm totally missing.
For example, as a young person I watched Charlton Heston as an actor and I thought he must be a fabulous person to know in real life. Then I saw him interviewed on The Tonight Show by Johnny Carson. What a cretin! You obviously don't need to be smart to be a great actor.
It didn't surprise me at all he became President of the National Rifle Association. Cretins tend to flock together, I guess. Hey! Did it ever occur to anyone to pry his gun out of his cold dead hand?
Britney Spears? Paris Hilton? Miley Cyrus?
There's something seriously wrong with most of the people in this world - or maybe there's just something seriously wrong with me?
At least I try to keep an open mind.
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