What's with the Globe and Mail? The Glob has been around a long time. Sort of way back before the Confederation of the Not Obama Nation (NON). Indeed it was the first loser news rag to declare itself a “national newspaper” sometime in the 1970's.
Even with the title, its national sales did not approach the daily circulation of the mighty Toronto Star. But the Star never claimed to be a national paper. The Glob possessed a stable of good writers and columnists for the longest time. All that history though imbued The Glob with a distinctive level of arrogance.
At the beginning of this month, The Glob raised its copy price from a $1.25 to a whopping $1.50. Take a moment and suck this in.
Take another time sucking moment.
Okay enough. I just want to state the exact under the breath surprise comment I muttered when I read the notice. I am quoting this from me which meant that this got me talking to myself. I said. “Just from what fucking planet are these guys smoking?”
Now I am the first to acknowledge that I don't have the degree initials attached to the collegial group of intellects that run the Glob. The implication is this. They increased the amount of money charged to read the same news service fed material that one can get off the internet for free.
The Glob claims that it is the first of business newspaper. Indeed that is somewhat true. But what is equally obvious is that they fail to read their own news copy. To the publishers of the Glob. Hey! Dudes! There is a freaking DEPRESSION going on.
The price of newsprint has plummetted. The internet is challenging the newspaper and television media for media supremacy. Subscription lists for the old style newspapers, are shrinking. There are now free dailies and newspapers on the racks in the transit and subway stations competing for the ad copy and quantity of ads. Companies are chopping costs not excluding advertisement costs. The major driver for ad costing is the circulation. Traditionally all prices raises have triggered circulation declines. The Glob's publisher sees decliningl revenues. Their solution, raise the copy price.
Three words sum this idea of a price increase. “Stupid, stupid, and stupid.”
1 comment:
A lifeline of experience has proved to me, without the shadow of a single doubt, it isn't cream, rising to the top of political parties, governments, large companies and large corporations.
Depending on the angle of the light shining on it, it is sort of the same color as cream --- but not quite.
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