In the same callous vein borne of the US Bankers, Toronto City council decided to go ahead with salary increases. The reasoning is the same. They have to keep good people.
At the end of the increase they will make just shy of $100G per annum, not including perks for the jerks. The mayor also decided to receive the extra cash but claims to be giving it back to donate to a local charity. This only means he will get an extra tax break.
This year the council will be confronted by city unions on expiring contracts. They also want a hefty raise. There is no need to ask why civil strikes happen when the community leaders set the moral standard for leadership.
1 comment:
I wouldn't worry too much about the city unions going on strike, Gord. Dalton McGuinty and the Nanny State Liberals will just pass a law, forcing them to go back to work.
There is no longer any right to strike in Ontario. In fact, there are hardly any rights left at all in Ontario.
As citizens, we seem to have thrown away all the gains, painfully made during our lifetimes.
Some future generation is going to have to fight and bleed for such rights, all over again.
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