Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hey! Where's the Bull Crap?

The Harper government campaign uses the feel good atmosphere to attack Stephan Dion. A warning here. There is nary a hint at what the Conservatives policy stance on anything in the ads.

Not a word of the Afghan war's expense.

Nary a hint of what sort of treasury monies are available to the Canadian business community caught in the absolute financial disaster exploding south of the border. The Bank of Canada works largely in secret. But can you believe for one second that any or every major Canadian bank would not have financial exposure in the wake of the Lehman debacle?

Old phrase updated. Hey! Wheres the bull shit?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm certain, like me, you don't expect to hear any bad financial news during the election.

Harper represents the wealthy and the wealthy support Harper, so nothing bad will happen in Canada until after the election is over. At least, not in the mainstream media...

After that? Well, watch out because if Harper gets a majority, all kinds of bad things are suddenly going to start happening, as he begins to transfer more and more wealth from the poor and the middle class to the wealthy.

What do people think all this financial turmoil in the States is about? It's the Republicans, maniacally transferring as much wealth as possible, in case they get turfed out of power.

They're doing a pretty good job of it, too. Many trillions will be paid directly to wealthy shareholders, coming from people who pay taxes, which isn't the wealthy, since they don't pay taxes.

That's just what Conservatives do, south of the border and here. If we're stupid enough to give them a majority again (remember Brian Baloney?) we deserve it, too.