Mayor David Miller's performance during the last couple of days since 810, appears wanting. 810 is the day that the Sunrise propane explosion occurred. So far he has not accepted Toronto council's responsibility for anything to do with the mini-disaster.
Today the death toll rose to two. An unidentified body has been found at the disaster site. A Sunrise employee is listed as missing. One of the top field chiefs of the fire department "Bob Leeck" passed away. Initially natural causes were given as the chief's cause of death. This claim has been muted because the cause of death may not be natural.
Yet Mayor Miller claims that it is a provincial regulator that is responsible for the mishap. What a lack of leisurely responsibility. Miller blamed it on old bylaws. Yet ultimately who is the politician that is most responsible for being the guardian of the municipal citizen. If there is an emergency of any sort, its the mayor's job to assume responsibility for emergency action according to the Ontario Municipal Act.
Before any sort of law, it is the Mayor and council's job to protect the lives and property of its citizens. Otherwise the math of this equation is that the councilors of Toronto failed in their duty and are the ones that are immediately responsible. Casting blame is unseemly but a weapon of choice for this lame mayor. He is a person who shows little or no leadership needed in a mayor. One hundred homes lay waste as a result.
The mayor states that it is the old municipal bylaws that are to blame. But ask yourself which political body is most responsible to update, and maintain those bylaws. It is council. It is math. Math comes after arithmatic. And after the Math it is the aftermath. In the Toronto aftermath, no one is to blame.
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