In the time of plenty, Canadians show a peculiar quirk. Last night, I had the extreme displeasure of witnessing the magnificent arrogant pomposity of a leading light of one of the New Democratic Party(NDP). Gerald Caplan hung his spiel on the program of a supreme media pompous ass, Steve Paikin.
Caplan flogged his book on Africa, the name of which I will not mention. Caplan waxed fondly on his magnificent contributions of caring. Paikin tossed the lob ball questions in a rehearsed sympathy. Smothered in hyperbole caring, Paikin seduced the book's regurgitating major themes about Africa. All the information contained therein is commonly known for the last 100 years. Caplan killed a lot of trees barfing up his whining data about the problems of Africa.
Yet this headlight of the party which claims to be the guardian of the vulnerable and depressed, walks draped in his own righteousness without failing to observe the abysmal failure of his own political stripe. For the last thirty five years the NDP remains kidnapped by a small clique of elite intellectuals with no grasp of the lower grades of society. Unions slowly abandon this small group of no good, do-gooders.
When formed the NDP was created by the group of gritty socialists and disinfected Liberals. They ate meat. They had fought in wars. They supported the military. They drank and drove. They hunted animals. They fished. They ate meat. They ate processed foods. They earned money working with their hands, not their mouths. They wanted universal health care. They sought safer workplaces. They believed that everyone should be housed. They wanted people to have viable and affordable access to justice. They worked to see that everyone could share in the wealth of Canada. They only bought Canadian made goods. They wanted jobs for all those who wanted to work. They wanted adequate support for those who weren't able to work. They cared about fellow Canadians without any tinge of whiny hypocrisy. They listened. How much changed the NDP now is.
Not meaning to portray the “Good Old Days”, rather to essay the divorce of political aims and the failure of NDP policy distancing its place from the common good. The Jack-off Layton portrays a righteousness arrogance that makes Stephen Harper look good. Worse, if you actually met him, you would know that and he still won the party leadership.
How-weird Hampton, of the Ontario provincial party cannot grasp the concept that he is not a good political leader. He makes McGuinty look good. How bad must one be to do that.
You see one cannot be mad at the Conservatives or Liberals. Inside the party meetings, they know that they are compromised jerks, they act like compromised jerks, and all their political acts proves that they are compromised jerks.
Today's NDP excel beyond jerk status. Caplan's great performance proved this. While he lines up for the poor of Africa, the poor of Canada are cast into deeper poverty. Two downtown food banks are closing before this summer during a period of time when fuel prices are literally driving food prices up beyond the level of affordable. He and his fellow NDP'ers wax fondly in academic arguments on Health Care. Increasingly the medical community with the assistance of the provincial government bureaucracy works to decrease and marginalize the health care that the poor have access to.
While transsexuals have gained funding for sex change operations, the Ontario provincial government and the responsible minister George Smitherman have reduced funding for families on welfare. They eliminated the Winter Clothing Allowance and a monthly grant to each child. They claim a federal tax credit will mostly cover this withdrawal of funds. Ironically the mean federal Conservatives came up with an idea to actually boost the income of the poorest families, and the provincial Liberals clawed this back.
Smitherman still brags about the withdrawal of the Special Diet funding for thousands who need it. He considers a feather in his political cap. Ask him.
And the bad news still pours in as the City Council of Toronto led by that champion of the poor, Mayor David Miller, fixes its new pay scale at least 25% higher refuse to add funds to social action. Due to his leadership, one quarter of the Regent Park residents lost their homes. Their homes were seized to provide low cost housing for middle income supporters of the NDP and the city government. They are literally destroyed a community because it housed poor people not worthy of belonging to the city of Toronto and its image.
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