Monday, February 18, 2008

Memory and the cast of being

I am trying to use a new approach to memory and its use. Something about the theory of memory being solely located the brain seems way too simple.

It is entirely possible that memories may be locate exterior to the brain itself. More on this later.


Anonymous said...

I'd wait with bated breath but my lungs forgot how to do it.

Anonymous said...

This change to Choose an identity is stupendously stupid.

If you write your comment, then do the word verification, choose Name/URL and then click 'Publish Your Comment', it posts anonymously, even though you told it you wanted to leave a Name/URL.

Prior to entering the Word Verification (and your message too?), you have to click Name/URL and then click Publish Your Comment - even before you write the damned comment.

Only then can you put in your Name/URL, write your comment and do the Word Verification.

Then you click Publish Your Comment a second time.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Out! Out! You Demons of Stupidity!