My tin can antenna hasn't been working all that well in the last week. Neither have I. I caught a rather decent dose of sunstroke about seven days ago. Recovery time varies.
I had a doctor's appointment during that period of time. It was rather humorous. I forgot all the names of my former family doctors and counselors. I thought the powers that be were going to institutionalize me right on the spot it was so bad.
About four days in a dark room rather helped a bit. The biggest problem has been the measured time forays into the heat and smog of the outside. Tuesday has been cooler and thankfully cloudy. Once one gets a heat or sunstroke then the chances are really good for a re-occurrence.
For a full recovery a nice long grey winter is the best cure. Can hardly wait.
1 comment:
I'm really sorry to hear about your ailing tin cans, Gord. There's nothing worse than a pile of tin cans not working up to their potential.
On top of whatever is causing the tin cans to ail, apparently they've had to put up with a glow-in-th-dark 'computerist' who can't remember the names of all the altruistic, heroic medical figures in his life.
I can see why the Docs were thinking about sending you away for a long, long rest. :-P
I just shudder to think of those poor tin cans, stuck in an apartment for four days with a hulking, mobile, fluorescent blur. It's no wonder they went on strike.
I do hope you bit your own tongue when you uttered those fateful words: "...nice long, grey winter". The only thing a long winter "cures" is irrational joy.
In any case, I hope you're feeling better now and you suddenly gained the sense to stay the hell out of direct sunlight! Either that or the wisdom to move to the Great White North, where we don't have such silly problems.
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