Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Aging provides an outlet for the pains saved carefully on the clicks of a calendar. Athletic endeavours so treasured once, take flight to background memory. Yet the brain must be exercised.

Needing a cheap hobby I've taken to Yahoo Answers. I found my favorite target. A new hobby revived.

Now understand the premise is lousy. A questioner often only accepts answers that supports his or her world view. Such a virtual department doesn't always mean that good answers amongst many will be accepted especially if you take after the questioner.

To make it worse the little Yahoo feature is polluted with stupid Americans. And I do mean they show up. And young ones too. Its easy to be a genius flower in a land so barren of scholarly endeavour. When you find such a flower pass it on.

I plug into it when listening to the Blue Jays lose. Now days I do it a lot. But its a fun hobby.



democrats, how do you feel about the far left hijacking your party?
If you don't agree than you're in denial. The modern term for socialism is now liberalism.

Me answer ||

Not too good actually. But at least they managed to pass out of Junior High. How un-American.

- At the least they can count beyond t the twenty digits attached to their limbs. Obviously mathematically challenged they are. How un-American.

- At least they can vocalize a coherent sentence with proper grammar e.g. like the simple ability to know when to capitalize a question sentence and know the difference between "then" and "than". How un-American.

- At least they don't worship a glory golly presidential idiot. How un-American.

- At least they can walk and hold their mouths closed. This only substantiates the vicious rumor that unlike Republicans, those evil Democrats can also do that and chew gum. How un-American.

- At least they are genetically human and not direct jump morphed from Australopithecines. Oh wait see as a Democrat I am totally wrong. The species of Australopithecus possessed a far greater I.Q. Sorry. More research is needed. Oh wait. Republicans emerged from the Garden of Eden with the other snakes. How American.

- At least they wear hats, the brains aren't fried. Oh wait another Democratic error. Republicans don't need hats... No brains. How American.

- At least they are generous. You know when they turned 10 they gave up their books and crayons giving them to the young Republicans so they can pass their University finals. How un-American.

- At least they don't overdo eating beef. All that mad cow disease effects brains. Maybe that's why Republicans don't get that huh? How un-American.

Now you've moved the pointer to the right to point out the persistent flaws of the left. The big flaw of left wingers is the total inability of Democrats to accept horse plop.

So I totally agree with you. They just are not up to the fine Republican standards that has wrecked the environment, totally decimated American manufacturing, driven the nation into hopeless bankruptcy, caused a global conflict killing hundreds of thousands, isolating Americans internationally, corrupting the young, following a policy that insures that Americans continue to pay the highest health costs in the entire world and destroy any military credibility that this nation ever had, gut the emergency services to the point where two years after southern Louisiana still staggers under the burden of destruction. I totally agree with you those darn socialist Democrats could never ever match those fine achievements of the Republicans.

Let us take a small trip back into a socialist nightmare. Why under the last Democratic President, there was unprecedented economic growth, a vibrant manufacturing sector, growing international respect for Americans opinions and I dare say those foreigners were beginning to actually be fond of the Stars and Stripes. Whew close miss eh!

So looking at the list of that horrible nightmare under the last bunch of Democrats. And I hope you do point out the weird historical coincidence that no recession ever began under a Democrat, that every period of prosperity was under a Democratic government. This sort of thing is not good for America. Thank God for the Republican Party.

I mean you are totally right. I wholly agree with you. Such hijackers is revolting in the extreme. You are to be admired for such piercing insightful questions especially after the hours upon hours of research it would have occupied your otherwise busy day to conceive of such a piercing query. You sir, are an intellectual God wrapped for certain political glory. I am so happy you're a Republican. You are the living testament, the incarnation of that standard that will keep this country along the same great path over the last seven years.

Libs, Who should make more money, a brain surgeon, or an artist?

Why do you think artists should be able to charge anything they want for a painting, but doctors should have set prices for health care?

What gives YOU the right to tell someone they aren't allowed to do what every other occupation in the U.S. can do?

Why do YOU think just because YOU need health care, that SOMEONE ELSE has to go to medical school, and treat you for non competitive wages?

Me answer ||

An artist. The works contribute to humanity for generations. Everyone remembers a muse. We remember Rembrandt, not his doctor. We remember Michaelangelo not his doctor. We remember Picasso not his doctor.We remember Mr. Spock not Dr. Spock.

Oh yes we remember Doctors. Doctor Livingstone, he sacrificed his life, earned almost no money in bringing modern medicine. Albert Schweitzer, a man, a doctor who gave everything to service mankind and a doctor. They had little wealth. Today's doctors are not here for mankind as a group they are greedy and evil.

Wounded soldiers in Iraq are saved by advanced medical techniques in forward field hospitals on a system. That system comes not from greed. It wasn't founded in Iraq, it wasn't founded in WWII. No the system was founded in the mid 1930's by a volunteer Canadian doctor by the name of Norman Bethune working in combat with the Red Army in China. And he died in service giving. He got no wealth from work. But his gift, his free medical artistry gave thousands of soldiers, your friends life. So America owes so much to a Canadian, a doctor, and a socialist. That's memorable. That sort of thing sticks in memory.

Now if you claim to advocate a moral ethical stance. Even Jesus railed against the money lenders. Money is the root of all evil. Therefore it is appropriate that you advocate the support of greed by money. Now you advocate, you measure by giving evil to the deserving doctors in your idea.

Brain surgeons only do operations on rich Republicans. Which begs the question how can these guys live on a vacuum?

So artists need not your money to prove who they are. The works they do... carries a greater reward. Their bodies suffer in poverty and die because they have little money. But from the ashes of their dreams it inspires future generations, molds future generations. Sates the quest of society for leadership in recording their contemporary world.

Doctors do nothing of that. They are such small people. They measure success in the size of the bank account, and the numbers of Mercedes parked in the garage. Medical types who seek money over service get rewarded by ignominy and disappear from human memory quickly.

Art is eternal. It sustains. It inspires. It lights. It is good. So it can never be compensated in any measure. It is beyond money. Beyond consumate evil.

These are not the evil people, these artists. It is appropriate that Conservatives measure everything in money not deeds. Doctors demand no respect. They just demand more and more money. So it is entirely appropriate that you a Conservative advocate, promote this need to move evil about to those deserving of it. Evil sees what evil does.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In your response to Democrats being hijacked by the far left, I think you should have made a distinction between regular Republicans and what the Americans are calling Neo-Conservatives or 'neo-cons'.

There are some common sense, middle of the road Republicans like Abraham Lincoln, Frank Zappa or even Arnold Schwarzenegger and then there are the lunatic, right wing, evangelical, fascist Republicans like George Bush and Dick Cheney.

I don't think you should tar them all with the same brush - although I do concede you were only doing it to make a very sharp point.

In the same way, there are some left wing, Luddite lunatics who are Democrats and then there are some left-leaning but largely centrist people like Bill and Hillary Clinton. The neo-cons would violently disagree with that last sentence, I think.

I almost fully agree with your analysis concerning the relative value of doctors and artists. I like the way you introduced Doctors Bethune and Schweitzer into the argument but you could have been a little harder on artists who pay other artists to splash paint on a canvas, then sign it as their own and collect huge sums of money for the crap that really looks like crap, stuff they didn't even actually produce.