Sunday, July 08, 2007

Have you got the same Question?

This was a Question on Yahoo Answers. Well at first I thought it might be one of the weirder questions. Everyone else answered like "They aren't resentful." or some healthy things replied that they knew a person and they didn't seem that way. Well lets cut to the chase. Normally I don't bring my pandering answers over here to record since any answer to any problems carries an inherently ethereal nature. Well you were bored. Might as well make you mad too. It won't be picked as the correct answer. I've learned one thing. People only vote for the answer they want not the one that really exists.


Do unemployed blind/visually impaired/physically disabled persons resent those with jobs?

Again serious replies only. What I am basically asking do you think those who are unemployed or underemployed or on disability resent those disabled and non disabled persons who have full or part time jobs? If you do pls tell me why? If not pls tell me why not as well. Thank you.


Well working against the stream of thought expressed by the youthful able bodied here. After 15 years of having a disability, honestly. Yes tremendously resentful. Absolutely resentful and beyond any measure British or metric system.

Why shouldn't one be resentful? If you are disabled you are plunged into poverty due to employers demonstrating absolute bias.

A lot of disabled and challenged people put on the happy face. They'll put it on here. Oh they'll say that they aren't. Well that’s a bunch of horse crap.

You know why? Because many people who register an opinion here while being able bodied can't look themselves in the face if they say otherwise. I see it everyday on the streets where I hustle from service agency to service agency simply to stave off the pangs of hunger. These moral people registering a NO. What a total crock. What a absolute lie.

Now why am I resentful. First off. I look at a lazy suit winding his ass out of some taxi into a large office tower and know that SOB or SOBess will do little more than read a couple of screens, sign a paper, move some documents around, or sit for hours on end saying yes for some idiot boss who really is trying to decide which golf course they should call for tomorrow morning. I can do that.

Murderers, yes murderers and criminals get out of jail with a degree and all the social science to help to get a job. The social scientists fall all over themselves trying to rehabilitate these insufferable violators. You know my crime? I got injured.

Thats it. I got injured on the job. I got a life sentence of abysmal poverty. The employer couldn't wait to get rid of me. They got their money out of my work. I didn’t even get a good luck. And I am not the only one who experiences this commercial callousness.

Then the government stepped into "help". And help they did. They did everything to prove that I wasn't really injured even though I couldn't move to the toilet without screaming to myself in constant pain. The medical professionals did everything to prove that I should not receive any benefits from being injured.

And you know what I've learned. I am not the only one. There are thousands upon thousands of old bodies, wasted human hulks forced into shelters, soup kitchens and squalid rooms on the hidden streets of every city. I go into soup lines and soup kitchens and see people pushed onto the heap of the unseen.

You know the city council's idea of helping the homeless and poor. Declare panhandling a crime. Imprison homeless. Harass the poorly dressed every time. This happens every time a tourist bus may see some poor person sleeping on the exhaust steam of a sidewalk grate.

This society shoves the unprivileged like India treats its Daleks or Untouchables. Then hand out benefits to foreigners from other countries. To their own refugees. To their own relatives. To their very own citizens this society banishes from equality.

Families reject them because people lose their job or they shut off the phones because their injured relative may come searching for a meal or clothes. Wives see the light and leave with all the cash. Husbands take off for some obscure reason unrelated to having no income horse. Of course if these same family members have an emergency, well the only time they call when they need assistance because you or that member of the family is on welfare and gee they have spare time.

This society callously hurls the mentally challenged into the streets with overpaid fatuous medical professionals writing out false reports or results from mis-diagnosis.

This modern society claims that it is good and moral. Horse crap. This postulation is total, absolute horse crap and total hypocrisy.

This society will tolerate food banks but not address financially the root causes forcing the need of those food banks. Food banks should not exist in a kind society.

Oh yes there will be some here who complain that this isn't true. But I walk that path everyday. I see it up close. So close you can smell the breath of poor. It stinks. Fumes reach up your nose and into your very soul.

I see people rotting. Driven to crack. Driven to drugs by a cold evil society fundamentally living a dream world cloaked by a facade of total hypocrisy.

Every day I look into the eyes, the depths of their souls. These poor they are like me. I know their pain. And resentful is the sea of their daily lives.

But to eat. To find a place to sleep. To find a cheap way of getting smashed to obliterate that crap feeling of alienation, of sheer loneliness of the embrace of social rejection. They live each day. Someone dies each day.

Oh yes a smile for the person that hands them a coin. A thank you.

Oh a cheerful... "Well I'm okay. {No I am not resentful.}" This is the answer to you. You want it straight. That's straight. That's a straight lie. I see its guts. There is monumental resentment and resentful bitterness.

They are afraid that if society or their relatives find out. Why the great lie? Society may decide in its callous response to cut off all assistance instead. You know the old well if you're not happy well then fruit you. All the crumbs might be cut off.

Do I sound resentful. Hey I can do a lot of things. I know a lot of things. I have monster skills. You know why? The only difference. I got a wonky back and now I am very old. That's it.

Do you think I am resentful.You bet.

But don't think for a minute that I don't appreciate every day the efforts of those very few, those very few like some social workers (not all...) and the efforts of the Salvation Army. I thank whatever God they want me to thank.

You want to see a real Christian. Not the right wing nut bars who claim family values, get into government and stay in office by cutting the meager benefits of the poorest. They say they are Christians. No church can claim to be Christians except the Salvation Army. They walk the walk and do the talk. To them I can never be resentful.

I am not a Christian by any sense of the word. To say otherwise, would be a total lie. But if I was I would definitely be in the Salvation Army. No question.

Never confuse or intermix the thankfulness for resentment, the help by the very few as compared with the vast majority of self righteous pompous suburban hypocrites that populate the concrete canyons of the inner city. It is quite easily to keep separate that appreciation, and indebtedness towards those few with the absolute resentment towards the others.

Do I feel resentful. Oh yes and most of the untouchables of this absolutely hypocritical society do. I can see it deep in their hearts every day. I'm entitled to be resentful. Its working out to be a cheap reward the only social reward for my constant and growing pain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I contributed to the Sally Ann from my paychecks most of my life. They were the only ones I ever saw out in the street all day and all night, helping people with practical assistance.

Unfortunately in the Provincial government, they essentially 'force' you to contribute to the United Way, where the money just disappears and you never see any results. That's because the 'bosses' like to get a nice little 'diploma' to hang up on their walls every year.