Over recent days I've received quite a few comments on Northern Ontario severance. All of them are interesting. All lack a complete understanding of how Ontario politics really work.
After this government gets down to basics. An aside you will note. I do not define which party is in power. Note that. In their treatment of Northern Ontario each and every Party has promised the North this or that. And every party has delivered on Nothing.
And I don't refer to the little crap. I mean the meat and potatoes of good administration. To the southern Ontario government, despite the expressed woes about how expensive and difficult things are they haven't delivered on a substantial Northern Ontario focussed capitalization.
Yes they will back up their buddies in the forest and mining industries. But all the profits from those corporations stream south because all the head offices are in Toronto or in the GTA (Group of Total Assholes).
Nothing they do is focussed to help Northern Ontario. Okay people cite the Highways. The southern Ontario government always trots them out like they are doing the North a favor.
Well what a crap. Highway 11/17 has only one purpose. It is to get southern Ontario goods to the west efficiently. That's it. That's in the history of those two arteries. They are National links.
If the province was serious about true Northern Development. Big Trout Lake would've had a road twenty years ago. There would be a Highway route to Moosenee. There would be a highway linking Thunder Bay with the Port of Churchill.
So many towns still rely on ice roads. A northern Ontario run government would've dealt with this false isolation years ago.
And what about the countless industries that Northern towns court only to lose them magically to southern towns. Do you expect that there will be fair play as long as northern development is left in the hands of southern biased bureaucrats. You want to know the moaning about the Bombardier plant in Northern Ontario?
During this last bidding process Thunder Bay almost lost this contract to the Europeans because a large segment of Southern Ontario do not regard Thunder Bay as being an integral part of Ontario. I'm down here now. That's exactly the attitude expressed. And I don't know the disposition of the terrifically stupid street car contract. Its up for bidding still.
These are contracts to help Toronto. Not help Northern Ontario. All the profits made from those contracts will depart Northern Ontario and leave only behind the value of the wages behind. It is not an Northern Ontario company it is a Quebec company.
Back to the ten percent rule. Like I stated anyone from Northern Ontario who actually believes that the southerners are telling the truth about this are totally blind. They haven't followed the history of this.
Interesting comments but everyone is quoting the 10% figure. Just how is this going to work?
I am telling you all. It is so many words spewed by an arrogant southerners. You see at present the view of Northern Ontario held by southerners isn't the same view held by northerners.
FYI. The existing law is as follows. All the ridings in the province of Ontario must also be equivalent to federal riding boundaries. That is the law.
Now provincial governments are notoriously lazy. And they lie. Do you believe for one instance that this province will convene members to allocate extra ridings to Northern Ontario. The Southern Riding MPPs would protest. The Toronto MPPs will protest.
This is just a pre-election promise. Get it in writing. Even if you do. It will be all lies. All this promises is a bunch of 10% hooey. Smoke and mirrors.
So southerners regard northerners as slow and stupid. Thats the truth. And with this ten percent figure the commentors insist as the gospel only substantiate that thought.
Here's why. Pay attention to just how sleazy the southern Ontario political leaders are. All parties. NO EXCEPTION. Lets say the proposed number of seats is 108. Its 103 now. And five or six are being added. Thats only one seat for the north at the most.
Second. Everyone who commented about the ten percent. Didn't understand at all that at present time. The North has at least 11 percent. So next redistribution the North loses one. Probably more.
Here's why? NOW PAY aTtEnTion. You guys don't do your political homework.
Every one commenting has referred to those ridings being north of the French River right. In the Reign of Terror of Mike, the Psyche, Harris, the damn boundary moved big time. He wanted to give Parry Sound and save his buddy Ernie's seat some extra funding from the Northern Ontario development fund. To make this feasible, that government moved the southern edge south from the French River to a line south of Muskoka from Midland and across the Northern tip of Lake Simcoe.
So you know the extension of the 401 north of Waubeshene? Thats Northern spending. Ernie got his spending. Moved ridings. Dumped his wife. Married a rich bitch. Regardless all that spending into Muskoka comes out of the Northern budget in the view of Ontario.
In all my readings... All of them... That little policy Law has never, never, never, ever been revoked by the last party or the present one. It is still in force.
So the boundary to the southern Government is far more south than the traditional Northern view. Do the Parry Sound to Bancroft people consider themselves Northerners. Well no. And when there is extra Northern funding... Well yes.
To the Province with the extra two or three ridings already in the Muskoka extension. To them, Northern Ontario doesn't have 11 it has 15. And that dear Suzies, is why the southern Ontario government says with a very straight face that Oh yes, You got your ten percent. You can already give up two ridings safely. And if they have to add they will add a riding somewhere around Orillia.
Thus these comments about the 10% rule is false. Because none have defined the boundary of Northern Ontario. If they give up a seat in your north, they'll move it to Muskoka and it will still be Northern Ontario.
Don't buy the line of Bullshit. Under their proposal under their rules. If you use the present southern Ontario Boundaries Northern Ontario presently is closer to 18% of the legislature. Under their boundaries. Northern Ontario, north of the French River, the real Northern Ontario would not qualify for any proportional representation. In fact it might owe.
The method they will use to deprive the North of representation is simple. The north, the French River boundary will lose up to two more elected seats and will only get one single proportional representative. I dare say that all or most of the proportional seats will go to the cottage (not camp) buddies in Muskoka.
Proportional representation only works in Urban areas not Rural areas.
1 comment:
Gord, you make a very valid point about the demarcation line for northern versus southern Ontario.
When I lived in Parry Sound and even North Bay, I realize I was 'officially' in northern Ontario but it always felt like central Ontario.
Nowadays, since Toronto smog regularly reaches Parry Sound and even Sudbury, I don't consider anything south of Sault Ste Marie to truly be northern Ontario.
Of course you're right about proportional representation screwing the true North compared to the current situation but you know, if you believe in one person/one vote, the true North just doesn't have enough people to justify more seats than already exist.
Doesn't part of the newly proposed proportional representation proposal allow political parties to assign seats to under-represented areas or areas where special circumstances exist? I'm not sure but I think it does.
Of course those assigned seats may well end up in 905 and you're right again when you point out the ridiculous border will benefit southern Ontarians because they're the ones who own cottages in that part part of the country.
I think the government needs to do a lot of education concerning proportional representation before they expect Ontarians to vote on a referendum question. By the way, following is a link to Fair Vote Canada, where this issue is being pushed. Of course they are based in Toronto!
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