One Conrad Black, Lord of Cross Harbour, future Duke d'Stateville, enterred Friday the 13th of June 2007 still confidant that no jury would convict him on the evidence provided by the prosecution. Black exited the day a convicted felon.
One could gloat over this. Except that is what he always did to those opposed to his will. He did say something, and another arrogant comment it is. He alluded that to all those waiting to dance on his grave will find him gone.
Oh the woes now. Black apparently had a long list of libel actions sitting on the back burner waiting to go. Well that is the sound, the music of a flushing toilet. Let's all dance to its wonderful notes.
1 comment:
You can really hear flushing toilets in prison because the doors aren't sound proof.
It's too bad for Conrad but even though he wants his Canadian citizenship back (for purely disgusting reasons), he's no longer allowed in the country as a convicted felon and he does have to enter Canada and stay here a full year if he's to have any hope at all of succeeding.
Of course you never know to what extent Conservatives like Stephen Harper are willing to do for 'contributions' to the Party (and future personal income, after he's done selling out the country like Brian Mulroney).
I'm quite sure Conrad was smart enough to move a lot of money to his wife's name, offshore accounts and secret hiding places but what's really going to hurt the man is all the civil actions that have been and will be launched against him.
The U.S. government has already seized his multi-million dollar apartment in New York as the proceeds of crime.
Everyone is going to go after Conrad's money now. I feel bad that he'll probably only end up with the original $10 million he started with and nothing else for all his troubles.
He might not even be 'Lord' Black much longer. There are people in his adopted country moving to take the Lordship away from him. Perhaps they'll reject his citizenship as well and he'll become a man without a country.
Gloating doesn't make me feel very good but fair is fair. Mr. Black has been gloating his entire life. Well... to this point anyway....
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