Saturday, June 23, 2007

Little guy messages

News media is awash with everything Black and Hilton. Media feeds on subscribers hungry for everything inconsequential and trivial. Ethics contained within a bottle. The world of the self righteous do-gooders.

What has this got to do with anything. Scandals depend on their size and impact. There is a long list of these outrages. Environment is one. Poverty is another. Literacy is another. From these key elements stray every other outrage.

Today I wanted to deal with a community service program dealing with literacy. People must be able to read to understand simple things like... what is, how to, and where to. Apparently income hinges on ability to read. This last point can be challenged.

Regardless I was down at the centre reading the bulletin boards. See how the topic relates? There posted a sign outlining in great detail about an adult literacy course due to begin next week. Something nags me that this approach to getting this message out to the target group might not work using this particular method.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Regardless I was down at the centre reading the bulletin boards. See how the topic relates? There posted a sign outlining in great detail about an adult literacy course due to begin next week."

Gord, I'm only allowed one coffee per day and you made me choke on it. While laughing, I sprayed my computer keyboard and now I have to clean it. Do they also post written notices for blind people?

I agree the environment, poverty and literacy are key elements of many outrages but I think I'd have to add overpopulation somewhere near the top of that list.

Wealthy, western countries are apparently experiencing a net loss in population recently but does that mean we have an improving environment, less poverty and more literacy? Not on your life!

Poorer countries that can't even support their current populations seem to be blindly intent on overpopulating the entire human species into extinction. Of course, when life gets too tough in those teeming countries, they simply export their surplus to western countries and let us take care of them and their extended families.

I don't consider myself a racist because I don't care what race we're talking about here: white, purple or green. It makes no difference in terms of overpopulation because all people are just people and there's too damned many of us around here already. Just look around!

Stop overpopulation and some of those outrages you mentioned will fade to insignificance.

Now that I've solved all the problems of the world, I'll get back to what's left of my coffee.