Sunday, March 25, 2007

Seal of approval

Doesn't anyone else find it totally ironic that the jet setting do-gooders fly in on aircraft spewing tons of hydrocarbons in the air to save some "cute" seal pups. On the other hand that very activity is more likely to cause Global warming which will in turn cause the species to go extinct far more quickly than all the Newfie clubbers have done in the last four hundred years and could do in the next four hundred years.

Or is this just me?


Anonymous said...

An entertainer named Harry Chapin was once invited to sing at a rally against the Newfie sealers. Apparently it was assumed that as a folk singer, he would hate the Newfies clubbing the seals and his songs would reflect this hatred.

In fact, Harry sang a song about all the interference with the seal hunt and the damage done to the sealers and their families when they had no income as a result of a sealing ban and struggled to survive on Welfare.

Being politically correct when no-one suffers is one thing. Being politically hateful when the poor suffer is something else again.

We ought to be telling these politically correct assholes to stay the fuck at home and leave us alone, don't you think?

gord said...

No. Rather we should encourage this kind of international protest tourism.

I mean if they keep coming then by their own actions the extermination of those fish hungry seals will be all the much quicker.