Monday, November 06, 2006

The Lucky Caveman

Finally the theme of this here blog. Many new ways cloud us from the world. Passing emphasis on a vaulting dimension creeps forward. Some call it progress. Others call it wonderful.

Listening to the radio triggers a shock of sorts. Listen closely to AM radio. Years ago. And I do mean years ago now. AM radio once you got it tuned in the airwaves were clear and pronounced. There was static and snow if the station wasn’t in tune. But once the frequency was matched there was a quality reception.

This morning the nirvana occurred. Trying to focus on an AM station I found that it was hissing and crackling. Between cell phones and a supply of countless electronic devices radio wave pollution is finally getting the best.

Official scientific papers and reports decry the idea that there is no effect on the biological mass known as the human body. Think a minute on this. Use an old analogical watch to do it. Its hard to find those anymore.

My first watch demanded to be wound by turning a very little knob, once every 24 hours. It could not go more than 36 hours without an attempt at recharging the mainspring. The spin at the watch makers TV ads boasted that these affordable watches were accurate to within three seconds per month.

Some watches were far more accurate. But when the three minute one sold for less than thirty dollars compared against the three thousand dollars price of the latter watch, there emerged a common sense motive.

Bring on today. Watches are accurate to within seconds per year. And depending on the fence (legal or otherwise) one deals with these watches can be had for under $30. Electronics broke down the global domination of time by the Swiss.

Unfortunately almost everything in the major category is now controlled by electronics as well. And there is a lot of it. Even the rice cooker, once a ceramic pot only a century ago is electronically controlled.

Yes cell phones do not cause cancer. But that report is only too narrow. What else? Too often people focus on things that kill, not those things that cause infirmity and severe discomfort. Arthritis, diabetes, obesity, migraines, asthma, Alzheimers, dementia’s and mental disorders rise.

People do live longer thanks to anti-biotics and pharmaceuticals. People simply live longer and in doing so - encounter these infirmities. Many of the infirmities are related to aging. Indeed even aging is considered an infirmity rather than simply a phase of the life cycle.

In that backdrop however, the increase in reported infirmities is disproportionate and higher than predicted by any futurist forecast from forty years ago. In other words not only has the rate of infirmity increase it is higher than the forecast models projected.

Every cell phone user fears cancer. This concern is understandable. Almost every approving report appears generated by a electronic corporation or by a government of a nation that possesses a significant electronics industry. Remember, forty years ago the tobacco industry and the growers governments generated many positive reports regarding the habit of smoking. In many ways the argument over electronic pollution almost mirrors the course set by tobacco forty years earlier.

Yes there are other pollutants but the rise of these infirmities coincide more closely to the rise in the use of electronics. And in concert with those electronics which come in close contact with the human body. Infirmities may be increasing due to the presence of this massive load of active electronics that are shedding off a plethora of radio radiation.

Only in the medical field have electronics excelled. Otherwise in daily life electronics aren’t really needed. Indeed these devices may be the source of many modern infirmities.

Modern medicine has a plateful of issues more serious than the mild aging angsts that emerge from the overwhelming new presence of electronics. Indeed so treatable are the complaints that aspirins easily mitigate the symptoms of such pains. While treating the symptoms the causes remain a mystery.

Another emergence coinciding with the rise of the new electronic world appears to be the changing and growing nature of drug dependency. Drug addiction has always been with us since the discovery of fermentation. Until recently drug and alcohol addiction was rather a simple matter. Changed is the nature of addiction.

Primary to this is the rise of addictions in females. And if one attends a Narcotics Anonymous meeting one is struck by the presence of people not only addicted, but in pain from a variety of sources. The significant change is the nature of the complaints. Quite a few used were addicted not for the high or the buzz but the relief of pain. This is a significant change from addictions in the 1930’s.

Addicts complain about the presence of a body in pain. Their drug use mitigates that pain. In other words they fell into drug addiction trying to deal with a complete body pain. It is treating the symptoms because no cause of pain can be pointed out to a doctor.

They are cut with no knife, no blunt fall, no identifiable cause. Pain usually has a cause. Pain emerges when there is a threat to the body. Eliminating all possible causes by deduction leaves the answer that is left, no matter how improbable, must be the answer. Applied to drug addiction sufferers. They have no choice but to seek relief. Summarily this leaves the only answer. Only one thing has increased enveloping the human body in the past four decades. Massive increases in environmental electronic radiation would be the likely cause.

Cavemen didn’t have this kind of pain.

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