Sunday, March 15, 2015

Breaking up is tough

Spring ice breaking on the Great Lakes that is.

The Canadian Coast Guard Service (CCGS) may not send the Radisson up the creek (St. Lawrence). Last year it was an add-on. Other than saving costs, According to the CCGS, the ice conditions in the St. Lawrence are worse below Quebec.  If you followed the weather the eastern seaboard suffered a very bad winter with record amounts of snow. The Magdelens and Newfoundland are still islands in the ice. The Straits of Belle Isle accumulates pressure ice ridges.
... Up until a week ago most of the cargo traffic moved through north passage around Anticosti Island not around the Gaspé. Then they move through the thin ice and passed very close by Port Aux Basque. This is to avoid the ice ridges in the southern 2/3 of the Gulf. Terry Fox was dispatched to assist the ferry transiting the Straits of Belle Isle from NL to Labrador/N.Shr,PQ. According to several sources in addition the ferry was blocked for at least a week, and the assigned CCGS breaker at that station was too light.
... There is the spring seal hunt. And the mouth of every tributary has to be cleared of ice to reduce spring flooding. The ice clearing responsibility of ice clearing goes from the Cabot/Belle Isle Straits to Port Colborne.
... Every winter at least one ice breaker spends the winter undergoing major repairs, preventive maintenance, and equipment upgrades. Last year It was Louis St. Laurent in dry dock maintenance as well as CCGH Mamilosa underwent major overhaul. After the Gulf, St.Lawrence below Montreal is cleared and nav aids are set. The Coast Guard vessels undergo a lesser overhaul and re-supply in preparation to enter the Arctic via the entire east coast of Labrador.
... After that they are sent into the Canadian Arctic to conduct ice breaking to allow the cargo vessels reach Arctic communities. And since May to October is the most active time for the fleet conducting SAR, Sovereignty, remote sensor maintenance, assisting exploration companies, and research projects throughout the Arctic. The Franklin Search project was assisted by the Louis St. Laurent for instance.
... And here is the kicker, with the exception of Nanticoke, Canadians can reroute their material via the railways to Montreal/Sorel. Basically, Canadian business can sustain a prolonged winter economically since the river Ports of Montreal, Sorel, Trois Riviere, Quebec and Halifax.
... Seeing that the Canadian economy is about 1/10th the size of the American, it isn't that dependent on moving material by ship. Not too many people Canadian or American are aware of that. Clearing the bulk cargo back log out of the ports Duluth and Marquette took longer than clearing the winter inventory out of the Thunder Bay granaries.
... Last year CCGS Martha L.Black and CCGH Sipu Muin began clearing the Seaway at, and above just about this time last March. The Sipu Muin is a hovercraft which keeps the ice moving along the Lachine rapids up to the Beauharnois Locks and mouth of the Ottawa (flood prevention) you were wondering. The icebreakers should be starting on that project sometime this week.
... I remember reading a blurb on the Boat Nerd site that the US Corpse of Engineering and USCGS seemed optimistic. It isn't the ice coverage its because the ice isn't as thick as last year, and the region didn't see a warming trend until the last week of March. The ice is melting at a better rate than last year.
... The burning question is that, with the CCGS Des Groseilliers at the maintenance facility will the Radisson be sent again up to at least as far as Buffalo Harbor.? I was under the impression that last year the CCGS sent only one extra icebreaker which was the sister ship Radisson which looked really cool cruising up the St. Lawrence like this was not a problem.
... And my last question? Why do I find this stuff fascinating?

Friday, March 13, 2015

Creation myth - BORING!

Today I saw a creationist blog letter to the Deaditor of the Windsor Star. It makes me angry. Very angry that better knowing people sit around accepting what these Dinosaurs spew out in favor of an already discredited Creation theory. Dinosaurs.. Wait, in their fantasy world Dinosaur are just a magical invention. What is very disturbing is that these people claim to be Christians.
... A fact. The foundation of evolution theory is Genetics. The field of Genetics was essentially discovered, founded and defined by an Augustinian Monk. You can't get more Christian than that. And the Roman Catholic Church so notorious for being ultraconservative when it comes to change. They threatened Restoration scientists with ex-communication. They still refuse to allow for married priests or ordaining women on premises best described as cockamamie. Yet. Yet the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope even have acknowledged the established fact of Evolution. The Bible simply a wonderful guide to the spirit. 
... Without giving the full 5000 pagedescription of Law vs. Theory. A theory is a framework around whichscientific facts accumulate to a solution. A law is a framework bywhich all paths of study agree on the theory. Those in denial fail tounderstand that.
... For instance, Newton postulated atheory of Motion which over time was thoroughly studied to the pointwhere all studies substantiated the scientifically assembled factsand they all agreed conclusively. Then after further debates tochallenge the solutions, everyone agrees. That can be called a Law.Hence the Laws of Motion.
... Evolution is a scientificallyproven fact. Get over it. So why is it still called a Theory? Firstand foremost there still a lot of those who swear by the bible asabsolute truth and dogmatically adhere to a mythical framework ofearth's life called creation. Some have engaged in sophistry bytwisting selective facts to fit their universal construct. In otherwords, they write the conclusion then cherry pick facts to supporttheir argument while ignoring the established facts that don't. Sodesperate they are they call it intelligent design to substantiatethe existence of a mythical tribal god(s).
... A plurality of Americans stillbelieve in the creation myth rationalizing the belief by saying itsin the Bible. Crazy. Unfortunately, especially in the USA thesepeople have money. Universities need money and donations so theyalways create a program to teach creationist imaginations. So nouniversity, no group of universities are going to stand up and agreethat yes Darwin's Theory should be now defined as a Law. Its cynical.Yet the money keeps coming in.
... Scientifically proven, evolution isan established fact. Apart from the financial considerations why isEvolution still a scientific theory. The existence, the frameworkDarwin provided, is supported by every credible observation. The onlyblock that remains is ascertaining and defining the mechanisms ofevolution.
... Years of observation drives theconclusion that three camps exist putting forward the method thatdrives evolution. There is of course Darwinian Evolution which isbasically accepted by most people. Most people outside the United States that is.
Law vs. Theory. A theory is a framework around whichscientific facts accumulate to a solution. A law is a framework bywhich all paths of study agree on the theory. Those in denial fail tounderstand that.
... For instance, Newton postulated atheory of Motion which over time was thoroughly studied to the pointwhere all studies substantiated the scientifically assembled factsand they all agreed conclusively. Then after further debates tochallenge the solutions, everyone agrees. That can be called a Law.Hence the Laws of Motion.
... Evolution is a scientificallyproven fact. Get over it. So why is it still called a Theory? Firstand foremost there still a lot of those who swear by the bible asabsolute truth and dogmatically adhere to a mythical framework ofearth's life called creation. Some have engaged in sophistry bytwisting selective facts to fit their universal construct. In otherwords, they write the conclusion then cherry pick facts to supporttheir argument while ignoring the established facts that don't. Sodesperate they are they call it intelligent design to substantiatethe existence of a mythical tribal god(s).
... A plurality of Americans stillbelieve in the creation myth rationalizing the belief by saying itsin the Bible. Crazy. Unfortunately, especially in the USA thesepeople have money. Universities need money and donations so theyalways create a program to teach creationist imaginations. So nouniversity, no group of universities are going to stand up and agreethat yes Darwin's Theory should be now defined as a Law. Its cynical.Yet the money keeps coming in.
... Scientifically proven, evolution isan established fact. Apart from the financial considerations why isEvolution still a scientific theory. The existence, the frameworkDarwin provided, is supported by every credible observation. The onlyblock that remains is ascertaining and defining the mechanisms ofevolution. Its sort of looking at a car. The car is there. But justhow is it powered? Without knowing that you can't conclusively saythat it is a car.
... Years of observation drives theconclusion that three camps exist putting forward the method thatdrives evolution. There is of course Darwinian Evolution which isbasically the prime framework. Darwin observed that the environment(food,climate,existing species) plays a key role in evolution.Generations develop traits to suit the environment.
... There is also Lamarck's Theory ofEvolution which holds that one generation passes on traits based uponits environment and events. Common traits develop and are passed downthrough generations. Those traits that aren't needed eventuallydisappear.
... The third is the Chaos Evolutionwhich few humans like. Life began by total accident from mergingvectors, lightening, water , temperature, chemicals necessary tocreate RNA/DNA sequences. Further the manner of species developmentis more random. Every generation develops random abnormalitiesdeveloped by the environment or carried by viruses or shared DNAespecially between microbes.
... All three concepts probably can bemerged because there are natural examples of each. For instanceMollusks, some fish, insects have to pass on some memory experiencefrom one generation to another. They have to or Cuttlefish, Octopus,Salmon wouldn't evolve into different species especially if thespecies migrates. Darwin's framework for evolution works for the restof species. Meteor impacts, volcanic eruptions, tsunami, tornadoes,hurricanes, fire, landslides ... and so on, cause chaotic evolutionwhere nascent species or species at a location gets wiped out andneighboring survival species fill in the environmental niche. AgainChaos holds to a more random mutations in a generations get passed onby chance if environmentally compatible.
... And yes each variation ofevolutionary theory carries major implications for the human race.For instance, in journeying across the deep voids of space instead ofcryogenics prolonging crews life span, a capsule containing stemcells, surrounding a group of core DNA which contains cells from eachorgan plus a group of precursor nerve cells that carry imprintedmemories for the individual cells. Basically human seeds.
... Instead of massive vessels carryinga compatible environment traveling near light speed journeying overto a planet with favorable environmental factors that fits thecriteria for our planets life form (s). The challenge of a large craft like this are enormous.
... The small vessels can go further, have better survivability resist radiation. They reach a favorable planet and for lack of a betterword, hatch. The hominid form that is generated by the vesselsprogram is compatible with the new planet but carries all thememories and skills necessary to build a human colony. The size ofeach ship would be about the size of a go-cart.
... So this would mean little or nowater, oxygen, food for the journey, perhaps a starter packet ofsupplies. As a result, the resources needed to create one huge spacevessel to go to one destination, hundreds of these vessels could becreated to go in squadrons to many destinations.
... In the Darwinian Evolutionframework, scientists can mathematically extrapolate the presence offavorable life forms and planets throughout the universe. In Chaostheory, the chance of encountering another life forms is very remote.There may be many planets with favorable environments but Earthmathematically may be the only source of life that humans will everencounter. This applies to the Milky Way Galaxy. The Chaos theoryargues with the premise that the Darwinian context for life'sgeneration of life is not in the hundreds of chances but tens ofBillions to one.
... To conclude this. People who haveconfined themselves to the Book of Genesis really have robbedthemselves of embracing the exciting dynamic story of evolution. Theyare locked in a room of their own making. Evolution is not theory.Evolution is a fact. Its called a theory not quite a Law.
... King James really needed betterwriters. In comparison to the Evolution Theory (s), the Book ofGenesis, is really Blah, Boring and Bogus.

Monday, March 09, 2015

Daylight fight, brains left in total darkness.

The lazy whiners are at it again. No switching back and forth from standard to daylight. We should stay on one time. These people aren't deep thinkers. Hell they aren't even shallow thinkers. Their brains are mirror glass. They only see the entire world in their own narrow self interest which is giving up a single hour of standard time which benefits all.
... It matters little else. I was alive and aware of the introduction of Daylight Time. The prime reason that Ontario goes to Daylight time is not to save money, or catch daylight or grow crops. It has everything to banking, finance, and corporate management.
... By rights, Toronto would definitely benefit by changing to Central Standard, and staying there. But that means, that there would be only six working hours of exposure to interact with the banking, and finance of New York. One single hour in standard time equal two unproductive working hours. So Ontario, or most of Ontario changed to the Eastern Standard Time Zone. New York went daylight. Ontario must match it.
... There was a powerful behind the scenes push by Ontario finance, business and industry in the early sixties to get the province to keep in step with New York. Notably, the motive was to allow the TSE(TSX) to match exactly the opening hours of the NYSE.
... A specific example. I grew up in a pulp mill town on the north shore of Lake Superior. And most of the pulp mills province wide interacted with New York on everything from decisions, banking, transfers and global sales. The management was so happy when the town adopted Daylight savings. They could match fully the open hours of their clients/senior executives. A couple of years later daylight savings became law because those communities in Ontario that matched American Eastern Standard time benefited economically.
... As a result, time matching to New York has helped Ontario economically. As long as New York goes Daylight Savings Ontario goes Daylight Savings. If New York decides otherwise. Then Ontario will otherwise too. For purely financial reasons it must match. Its millions upon millions of dollars at peril, if Ontario goes its own way.

Saturday, March 07, 2015

CBC posts bogus independent report

  • The CBC as a whole must be considered when reading its Lang review, claims she met their journalist standards. These standards must be very low indeed. Its standing back and taking a look at the whole forest. This is not the CBC that it once was. The CBC shouldn't serve just Toronto. Its meant to provide communications throughout the Dominion. It did at one time.
    ... The corporate critter literally morphed from what was an organization built on neutral integrity and a pandering tax guzzling monster with no connection to its audience. It morphed from character and creed to one where it tries to please everyone in the cultural mosaic.
    ... The corporate danger lies in the tendency to hire, who they are, not what they have done and how they do it. The CBC also has pervasive problems with nepotism, especially in Toronto. After 1976, mother corp. promoted one of their mainstream journalists from the ordinary to the idol status solely based on sexual favors. This little tidbit according to several drunk CBC techs whacking back shots at Hurricane's and Soupy's. And peculiarly enough, in Edmonton which was a fountain of information if one drank at the techie hangout at the old Strathcona on Whyte Ave.
    ... The CBC has changed drastically. When the CBC declared that upon review Lang's behaviour was within their journalistic standards it was as true a statement ever made. In the old CBC, the producers of that period would have not fired Lang but they would certainly converse and establish the parameters. If you date or contract a service within a sector of topics that every journalist does in private activity, then they should not cover anything related to those entities.
    ... And for those truly dedicated people who read this far, the tidbit. Thirty years ago, I was a free lance photo journalist. I must say I wasn't bad at it. As you know few people including the Star don't do their homework when commenting. I do.
    ... The reward. CBC can be accused of clearly fixing the Lang Review. The company commissioned to do the review, Cormex Research. presently lists as its clients, Sun Life, RBC Bank and Manulife the very same clients that Lang contracted or associated with in the accusations. To confirm this I urge you all to go to this page immediately since I rather suspect that this lazy company forgot to change their visible client list. Brag before brains.