Are the memories of the falling skyscrapers full of innocent peoples of all nationalities, cultures and religions plunging in mortal terror into the dust, so far. Those flying bombs were not just pointed at those towers, they were pointed at you, your loved ones. The very same evil persons who perpetrated that deed are the very same people who committed that act.
It doesn't matter that one is a pacifist or not. The terrorists are total evil. So long as they breathe or walk free, they are committed not to steal your land, or steal property. They don't grow or sell drugs. These aren't rapers. These are ruthless, callous killers. They are trying to kill you.
Canadians have a volunteer army. And they volunteer for the combat. And they are committed to that view. They are there, on the ground, doing the very best that they can.
Whether or not one agrees individually with the grand strategy of getting involved or not in Afghanistan was exactly the brightest thing to do is irrelevant now. Canada is a democracy. Which means, that outwardly we must be united regardless of our internal doubts or personal disagreement. The Prime Ministers put this country into history as supporting the action to bring those terrorists to account for their terrible deeds. This is a question of historical accountability.
At the moment, that job is not done. An action like this isn't on a schedule or timetable. It is task oriented. It could've taken an hour. It could've taken a week. A decade seems like a long time, but in history it is but a blink. In a thousand years from now in an electronic library some student scribe will be authoring an article on the character of the people known as the Canadians. What they write then will be about the action we take now.
People around the world watch how Canadians behave in the action to protect the Afghan people from these terrorists. It does nothing for global reputation, whether the observer is friend or foe, to see a country waive its commitments on the battlefield. Withdrawal from this particular theatre of conflict, whether by end of contract or simply leaving while the conflict burns, is a defeat. There is no middle ground. No grey area. If Canada leaves next year, it was a defeat. You want that title impressed on your children, or their children.
Every thing that Canada stood for or now stands for becomes tainted with the name of loser, coward, lukewarm. We become like so many European little powers like Denmark. All mouth. All vanilla. Not worth listening too.
Look I am in complete favour of leaving Afghanistan to the Afghans. These terrorists that bomb innocents around the globe in their quest to impose a twisted vision of a religious utopia on the rest of humanity also terrorize and cruelly oppress Afghans. Our troops remain willing and able. I say, ...stay and finish the damn job.