Friday, November 28, 2008
Just visiting
Later I worked for a pool hall. They had no internet back then. Come to think of it. I have no internet now either.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
New TV system
The quality was high, but I don't think women actresses are going to be thrilled. All of a sudden Kathryn Morris does look 40.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The great hope
Black compared his jail to his days in private school. Who knew he would thrive in an environment surrounded by thieves. Of course, he failed to forget to mention that he got expelled from said schools because of insubordination.
Barbara Amiel is pining for the stud. He wallows in foolishness.
Monday, November 24, 2008
GM pulls plug
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Grey Cup sucks
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A shoe in
The student council had decided on a Winter Carnival. The month was right but the weather wasn't. January had been nothing but very cold averaging forty below for a month straight, day and night. So up went all these ice sculptures.
Almost the instant the Winter Carnival was proclaimed to be open, the temperature soared to be very warm. It was over the freezing point. And down went the melting ice sculptures. The sphinx looked horrid in the noon day fog.
A nascent student newspaper began. My first assignment was covering the snow shoeing races. The year before Santa delivered some super duper Faber Athapaskan style racing snow shoes. The snowshoe route was from Penn Lake to the High School which has since been changed to a shopping plaza and Canadian Tire parking lot. Distance was about 2 miles.
Using my high tech, Brownie box camera, I snapped off the first shot as the race began. I snowshoed to the middle of the race and snapped another picture. I hopped to it passing the entire field to get to the finish line five minutes ahead of the pack.
Quietly I stooped down to get that finishing shot which would make it to the news rag. The field finally came into sight. And you know that little lightbulb that sort of click, that third person guy... going... "Hey idiot, you would've won the race."
Friday, November 21, 2008
Poor politicians
Action must begin at the street level to tackle homelessness. If every New Democratic Party member would open their doors and make a room available to one homeless person tomorrow, homelessness in Canada would instantly disappear. Like I believe that charity does begin at home. To make social action happen it doesn't begin at a parliament, it starts in the basement.
Of course the right wing is more notoriously ignorant of poverty issues. Cornservatives are blatantly greedy people, and enormously self serving. There was a report in the free rag Metro that stated that a lot of the deficit could be easily tackled by reducing the $38 billion that the province of Ontario spends on its sector of the budget that is spent on public housing, security and welfare.
Again, like the Harrisites that ruled Queen's Park a decade ago to fix the economy the easiest target is the poor. You will also note that this is a false message from these Cornservatives. You will note that security is actually the police budget. If you go through any municipal budget the line item for policing usually matches or exceeds the Welfare allocation.
Worse they lump the cost of policing into the social services budget distorting. This does several things in promoting a view that social services are more expensive than actual. It is a strange marriage indeed. Usually police are used against the poor. The police are only there to protect the rich, powerful and connected.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Re: Godwin's
In the case of applying Godwin's law, I was left with the impression that the law dealt more with a comparative allegorical contact rather than a point of historical attribution.
The topic of the blug dealt with the fact that Adolf Hitler founded the modern anti-smoking movement. This was not a point of being a like issue or an issue that the modern anti-smoking movement is like the one instituted Nazi program. Rather there is a legitimate historical context to tie the anti-smoking movement to the one in Germany.
Another case where Godwin's Law doesn't apply is in the case of Volkswagen. Clearly it was a Hitler creation which sustained itself into the modern era. Its a historical point not a point of comparison.
I did find it a point of factual interest that the modern anti-smoking movement was founded by Adolf Hitler.
Monday, November 17, 2008
People voted for President. Had McCain been a strong candidate he would've quashed the Barack Obama candicacy. This reminds me so much of Kim Campbell's short flirtation as Prime Minister. Selected by Conservatives to replace Brain Mulroney, she lasted barely six months in office.
Canada's first female Prime Minister lost a hurried election in November. The conservative incarnation of the period, Progressive Conservatives then proceeded to place the blame for the election on her rather than Brain.
As for holding a Republican in office, whether Alaska follows the ideology matters little since Alaska is far away from the power base in Washingtomb. To the conservatives of the world, women make the perfect fall guys.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Another image detroyed.
Onset of misery
Acquaintances must suppose, 'Oh here he goes trashing this venerable institution.' Nothing exists further from the truth. Hear ye, I am to praise.
Its all about the weather report. Near freezing. Raining. Gusty. Possible snow/sleet. In any kind of words a perfect day. Okay a perfect day for November.
This event is good for the government institutions like City Hall, Post Office, and any number of clown politicians willing to march. The dry goods retailers hope that this event will trigger a buying run on the shops.
The most wonderful thing is that doctors love this day because tomorrow on Monday their appointment calenders will be jammed with nose colds, chills, flu. Lawyers are happy since several heart attacks will occur during the event on people that otherwise would have lasted longer had their dear progeny not dragged them to this tortuous event. The wills and probate from surprise deceasement bring in bigger fees.
Such events cheers the cynical alleged hearts in society. Of course its all nuance. This golb would be raging against such lack of moral ethics of these remnant festivals derived from ancient imperial triumphs over the newly conquered and enslaved if the weather was sunny and warmer. Such a fragile border on authorship. With such grey weather I am so glad that I can write such a positive glob.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Puff the dragon
However the anti-smoking advocates avoid their lineage. You see all anti-smoking movements are the result of a Nazi plot to destroy the planned obsolescence of consumerist economic structures.
Here lies the problem. Like it or not, the founder of the modern anti-smoking movement is a guy who ultimately destroyed his own nation, caused the death of millions and lost a war. All the modern methods for the combat of smoking were invented by him. His initials are A.H.
Somehow I don't think he will get any plaques for his foresight. He was at least forty years ahead of his time on this issue. He may have killed millions but ultimately his attitude and approach to this one social issue will save many millions more enabling them to live to a full long life. People don't want to deal with this. Maybe in another fifty years.
Check the link
Spiral of unsuccess
Banks executive managers totally screwed their shareholders, employees, and clients. skimming huge monies via the bonuses excuse they lined their pockets. In Canada, there is the understanding that bankers are above accusation in criminal courts. While in the US bankers fear a total melt down of companies leaving them open to criminal law. In Canada such law might even exist but will never be employed.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Predictions results
When lotteries were first proposed in the nation, there was great demand. The opponents of government operated lotteries predicted:
1. Cheating - this has happened with corrupt crooked ticket sellers taking prizes.
2. Gambling addiction - this happened from the get go. Never mind lottery users, the governments also got addicted, as predicted.
3. Loss of social morality - this train was already in the tunnel.
4. The ultimate government corruption where the government cheats its own people. The primary goal of any government, in any political system is to protect its citizens. - read the following article.
Lotteries selling tickets after big prizes already won, CBC finds
Mon Nov 10, 2:56 PM
Feeling lucky?
What if the big prize for the lottery ticket you just bought has already been won? And no one told you?
CBC Winnipeg’s I-Team has discovered that the Western Canada Lottery Corporation continues to market a variety of lottery tickets - even after the top prize has already been won.
The WCLC says customers should always read the disclaimer on their ticket, which says: “Some of the prizes on this ticket may already have been claimed.”
But lottery players say they don’t always do that, and besides, the practice is not fair - why continue selling lottery tickets if buyers have no chance at the top prize? The CBC's Investigative Unit found retailers still were selling games such as Texas Hold'em Poker, Lucky 7s and Set for Life, after the top prizes had been won.
“It’s ridiculous,” said Winnipegger Marguerite Lambert. "I wouldn’t continue to buy them if I knew that. If the prize is already gone - what’s the point?”
Elsewhere, lottery operators have been forced by customer complaints and pending lawsuits to end a game of chance when the top prize has been won.
Lottery officials in Colorado and Indiana earlier this year ordered retailers to stop selling tickets for games in which top prizes had been won. Virginia changed its policy last year after a business professor sued the state lottery for $85-million.
So how long should a ticket be left in the marketplace after the top prize is gone?
WCLC spokesperson Andrea Marantz said while the top prize may have been won in some games of chance - subsidiary prizes are still available.
“Winning $10 on a $2 ticket - people are happy,” she said. “That’s an attractive ticket.”
People often buy the tickets, however, hoping to win the biggest prize: $1-million or $100,000.
“If the big prizes are gone, why keep on selling them?” asked Winnipegger Maureen Rayner. “People are going for the big prize. That’s the way I’m looking at it.”
The WCLC says customers can check their website, updated weekly, to see if the major prize is still available - prior to buying a ticket.
Rayner said she didn’t know that. “It’s no use to someone who doesn’t have a computer,’ she said.
Marantz said the WCLC has no immediate plans to post the number of remaining prizes in stores where tickets are sold, but it's considering that possibility.
Customers say that would be a good idea. ”They should really let people know that the major prizes have been won,” said Diane Bishop. “I’m not going to buy a $5 ticket if I’m only going to win $50 - what’s the point?”
WCLC operates the lottery in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba and the northern territories.
Copyright © 2008 CBC
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Not the same
This pack had two batteries instead of the normal four. The poignant circumstance is that they did not work as well as the cheapies. Go figure.
The blug dealing with germ ridden women was totally a tongue n cheek gambit. Some people complained. Their real names are being withheld to protect fictional characters.
What an awkward phrase? Never been able to understand tongue n cheek. I would never really do that. Nor have it done to me. Imagine sitting down with a saliva covered butt. Eheeewwwww.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Phantoms exist in the ether of imagination. Seeing them isn't the problem. Rather denying them is. An agnostic will not believe your denials because denying nothing is a double negative, therefore you are saying the complete opposite.
Meanwhile the believer will not believe you because he believes even though he, or she, never seeing them would rather say they saw them rather than denying them. After all, this would upset the reality of the phantom.
Between you and me. If phantoms did exist, they really wouldn't care.
Having no regular or reliable access to the internet forces some blag entries to be written on days before uploading but never after. I wish this could be fixed but I would rather save the $100 per month for things like food.
It would be imprudent to bother taking the extra effort in connecting with the internet immediately. The reason is our topic, that being women.
Hey don't get me wrong, I like women but I will not jump the hoops like other males. Equal rights is good and all that stuff. Yet it hasn't been a good week for the fairer sex. A study by some high falootin university has come up with the idea that women's hands are germier.
It was quite a good study. I might rather enter it into the record when I next get access to the internet. Its worth all the read.
Hand washing helps apparently helps only a little bit. The bacteria restore their numbers quite quickly said the study. If this be true, then women shouldn't be allowed in medicine. Curses to nurses. Punch the clocks female docs.
The best way to prevent men from dying early. Segregate women from society in general.
Another problem. Jewish and Islamic tradition holds that women are unclean. The hell. The old prophets were right in the first place. Who knew?
Tree microphones
The leaves dropped all at once. A majority of trees appear to have decided to enter their vegetative stance. Quite the year for trees. It was a rainy summer with equal amounts of sunshine. Every species did well. Time for winter's rest. I hope trees can dream too.
Squirrels sit fat in the noonday sun. Its the trees. Trees do so much even in a city. Every tree grows as a community in each. Rodents, coons, birds, bugs and fungi rest in the boughs. Define each tree as a ghetto.
I tried to interview a couple of them for this blyg. They didn't say much. Creatures that live hundreds of years sort of get that attitude. Guess they don't like microphones.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Which one?
The last clock has been changed and life appears empty because all of a sudden there is a lack of challenge. By way of a challenge, I don't mean the Mount Everest sort of ball busting challenge. I mean that sort of ordinary minor petty challenge like standing a further six inches back from the toilet.
And all the city goes into a frenzy about changing clocks in order to conform. Even the most socialist radical adjusts the chronometers. Obedient neo-cornservatives swagger in personal achievement about their technical prowess in pushing back time. Of course to their credit, the latter do grouse loudly in spring about having to change the time an hour into the future. Call it a character flaw.
So we all run around checking time. Yet after checking the watches, radios, media recorders et al., there is always one that goes unchanged because we'll get around to it later. And always that unchanged clock sits confronting the mind about always doing the high math adjustment of deducting one hours to every reading. There is always one time piece that gets passed by.
Usually its the clock in the car or truck. Indeed too often people go year round on standard time everytime they hop into the car. What I mean is that usually there is always one timepiece that sits in the corner of the room or car and always the mind.
Well it took four days. I changed the clock radio. One cannot rely on neighbours.
Thanks Don
All the threats are in place. The criteria for a US military intervention is in place. Democrats are coming into power again. Worse, it appears like a radical is entering the doors of the White House. The excuse is terrorism, and more specifically terrorism conducted by Al Qaeda.
Almost to a man, the volunteer US Army officer corps is unabashedly pro-Republican. The intelligence and homeland security apparatus copies that preference.
Yet what has saved the US from one? If it wasn't for the sheer incompetence of the Bush administration along with the massive obtuse interfering incompetence of Donald Rumsfeld, a military takeover of the US might have taken place by now.
Monday, November 03, 2008
My Cane on OBummer
Flat out, I admit that I do not trust this guy one little bit. There are so many reasons for this. First, he smiles way too much. Second, his citizenship qualifications are in dispute. Third, he possessed and worked under at least four different names. Fourth, carefully listening to his “message”, he really hasn't said anything that visionary.
Mark this. I have the strangest hunch that Obama will not finish out his term.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Maypole of the vanities
CITY-TV covered the event, minute by minute in the triumphant gloat of barbarians dancing. Showing the patent ignorance of the usual urbanites, they bought the line of that this tree was nearing the end of its life cycle
At maturity, the typical White Spruce will reach up to 100 feet high, with a maximum height at 20 years of 100 feet. Which means that somehow this particular tree was only about 60% of its life's average growth. It is not a big tree but a small tree. The city boys killed a runt.
Apparently though they missed the irony. We will never know the life span of this tree because it was murdered before it could reach it.
One more suitable irony though. From Wikipedia comes this interesting and appropriate quote. "The tree is sometimes colloquially known as the "skunk spruce" due to the disagreeable smell emitted by its needles when crushed."