Wednesday, December 31, 2008
from Gordydamus
1. There will be a major earthquake in Asia.
2. There will be a bloody conflict in the Middle East.
3. A noted Hollywood actor will enter a drug rehab.
4. The President of the United States will acquire a dog.
5. Canada will have an idiot for Prime Minister.
6. The price of oil will change.
7. In July, the southern military base of the US empire, McMurdo Station, will be struck by low temperatures near -40ÂșC.
8. A meteor will fall into earth's atmosphere.
These are but a few of the visions over the past few days.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
New Years Revulsions
1. Stephen Harper.
2. Ignatieff.
3. Layton.
4. Mike Duffy.
5. Taxes.
6. TTC.
7. Wind Chill.
8. Viruses.
9. Flu clinics.
10. Doctors.
11. Oil Companies.
12. Barack Obama.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Resolutions of a new year
Fewer doctor visits.
More drugs.
Lose weight.
Gain weight.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Well I am not falling for it. Masculinity depends not on the quantity of booze, the numbers of games or the the winning of bets. ...Wait, maybe it does.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Dinner
The coup de grease was that this was topped not by the flows of mustard but rather by dollops of Cheez Whiz. Yummy.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Grinch Scrooginations
The Ontario government (aka GovOnCa) quietly raised the base price of beer to $25.60 about 10 days before Christmas. By in large, most poor people buy only the cheap brands of beer. The excuse was to reduce drinking e.g. driving. Like they couldn't wait til January 2nd?
Poor people don't usually drive cars. They can only afford crap beer. They didn't raise the price of the higher brands til after Christmas.
Earlier in the year, GovOnCa pulled another GS worthy of the term. Many very poor families relied on the winter clothing allowance each August to provided clothes for their children. The usually parsimonious federal government created or improved child tax credits and rebates. The latter's goal was to fulfill a promise to help reduce poverty even though a lot of the credit would also go to middle class and richies.
GovOnCa decided in its turn to assist poverty by withdrawing the winter clothing allowance with the exceptionally lame excuse that the new tax plan revenue would perhaps match the winter clothing allowance. Upon calculation, this proves untrue. It was a written lie. Yet poor people cannot afford good lawyers or advocates. So GovOnCa got away with it.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Oh doesn't something like this really fuck one's head up.
Merry Grinch Scrooge
Yes, at this time of year during the festive season, one is supposed to have that Christian spirit of charity and good will. The point of this discourse is that you can have humanity and do the Grinch Scrooge (GS).
All these do-gooders, all of a sudden burdened with guilt of their 364 greed function descend on the poorest of the poor to give out food, rucksacks, blankets, soap and shaving items. Trust me. Poverty is 365 days per with the exception of Leap Year when the poor are blessed with a single rich day. The do-gooders never hand out the one precious human commodity which is respect.
Ask the do-gooders, they know nothing of the people they hand out too. They will always say we gave out this number of blankets or that number pounds of food. Never do these people hand out to Charlie, Mike, Dave or John.
Being on the other side of the lineup the receivers are rarely happy about having to take hand outs even at Christmas time. Yes there are some guys or gals that do believe in taking. Most however come out of Christmas still poor, embarrased, depressed and very alone. There is no comfort in constant necessity. There is no vacation, no weekend, no hour free.
Where does being a poor Grinch Scrooge come into this? You see. I got this thing about giving out a dollar and having that coin cross the palm of a crack dealer barely fifteen minutes later. Crack users aren't your normal drug users. Crackheads become the modern vampires. The best gift one can give a crack user is absolutely nothing. Normally it won't bother them one way or another. Its one of the rare cases where knowing how to be a Grinch Scrooge is a real benefit to society.
Often crackheads bum change for coffee standing right outside a coffee drop-in where there is a free pot of coffee. Of course to the uninitiated passer-by this sort of panhandling can assuage any guilt feeling by giving the beggar cash.
My common favorite Grinch Scrooge to crack heads begging for food money. The only thing a poor Grinch Scrooge like me has is knowledge. Where is the free or low cost food points available. “Oh sir, can we have money for food. I am so hungry.”
The reply goes. ...Yeah no problem. The food restaurant at Fred Victor Mission is still open. There are free tickets down in reception. Crack heads bugger off.
Another version of this, is to offer to buy them a breakfast, because I(me) is going there for breakfast. Crack heads bugger off. I've never had that offer taken up in this neighborhood.
The personal highlight of Grinch Scrooging happened last year. It is the fad of crackhead panhandlers to wear those ugly red Santa caps. It is common amongst crack beggars.
Crackheads use the caps to generate empathy in the marks. Mark, that's you. The Santa cap says gee I am in the Christmas spirit. You are in the Christmas spirit. You will give me a large amount of spare change.
Walking with an acquaintance we were accosted. So this female crack user employed the Santa cap trick. “Hey Sir. Any spare change?”
I stuck my hand out. “Sure, I'll take some.”
She stuck mouth open. “Ugghm, I meant you.”
“Ya, I'll take some.” I remarked.
She ran off. I went beyond the depth of understanding for any crack user.
Buddy goes. “What gives?”
I chirped loudly both to him and the retreating cracker, “Santa's are supposed to give.”
Monday, December 22, 2008
Winter pox

Well this should make some people happy. Any sort of slightly adverse weather event leads to profits and an economic boost. This is all good.
These images also provide those anti-Toronto factions with a headache. Here is proof that the city does get winter, and most of the time needs no army help. Slanderers.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Banks bailout limited
This isn't all bad. I was a user of the food banks until my disability kicked in. I still sometimes use low cost restaurants who use food from the central food bank.
What I learned is that food banks are a critical necessity. But donations are down apparently. This carries some irony because at this time donations are needed more as more laid off people stream onto the unemployment rolls. Food banks become critical.
For me, food banks worked. However each user must be warned of the health risks associated with this food source. I was sick almost constantly while I devoured food from the banks. It was a tough choice. Endure hunger pains. Or, endure the ill health so common to this food source.
Why is this? First consider the sources.
Food bank food is almost always either second hand food. It is definitely not fresh by any view.
With fresh food there is a limited numbers of handlers before one purchases. The farm, sorters, packagers and retailer. This limits the access of bacteria. In the case of food bank food, the food is handled many times before it hits the plate.
Fresh food means that usually food is below the expiry or best before date. Food bank food is almost always stale, or close too it. Often the best before date is a historical entry.
Canned food from a primary store is often pristine regarding the condition of the containers. Food bank cans are almost always dented. And they are often dented severely. Denting comes from the retailer who would have written off the dented can as unsafe for his/her customers. Denting also occurs because of the excessive handling of the food stuffs.
In the extra handling, not all the hands are clean hands. Often food banks are dirty old warehouse space which was donated by some rich guy who couldn't use the space. Or they could be located in ancient church basements with questionable sanitation conditions.
Also the food bank stores don't have the right handling conditions. The food undergoes frequent changes in temperature and humidity.
Now these are the problems encountered by the food banks which receives food from the well intentioned. There are a few donations that could be called malicious.
First there is the donation from people cleaning out the fridge. Instead of parsing into the recycling system, these people who consider the food unfit for their consumption put the food into the food hampers seeing as poor people are like dogs. Dogs eat anything and don't appear to get sick from it.
Second there are the poisoners. There are people who intentionally put spoiled food into the second hand food system. I once opened a jar of apple sauce only to find a thick layer of mold. The person who donated the food must have thought this was a good joke. Poor people have great senses of humor after all.
Another category of intentional malice comes from the commercial sector. Sometimes retailers donate the food to get a better tax credit rather than sending it to the dump where they know it should have gone.
Why the silence about all this? Fear. First the food is needed. Food bank food is a necessity. The large quantity of food comes from caring Samaritans. The fear is that by complaining it will kill the system and the larger good. The reason that poor people seem to die younger and have more health problems derive from the use of food banks and the charity meal system.
But if you are heading for the food bank system, I would encourage you to think again. No matter the care taken at the food bank apparently there are lax health standards. The volunteers are not experts in food handling, at any point. You are putting your health at risk. But if you need the food, use it with your eyes open. And say thank you.
Merry Christmas...
Friday, December 19, 2008
More later.
End of time flakey
"Snowmagedon" is upon us. Two low pressure areas combined over Colorado and will hit the Toronto city about rush hour.
The storm warnings issued by Environment Canada was upgraded to a Warning, and a Watch. Or is it the other way around. The alerts have been up since yesterday. The nickname for the weather alerts got picked by the weathermen at 680 News in Toronto. So this one is a Snowmagedon I.
Whether (weather) or not the storm hits like they say is totally speculation. In my recall, an experienced weather observer, in this area Colorado Hookers are busts. That term was adopted by the weather people at Environment Canada to express the power and motion of weather patterns. One is the Alberta Express, or Alberta Clipper. Another is Chinook.
Colorado Hookers are storms that form or enhance near the state of Colorado, then move east then is captured by the permanent winter low pressure area over Hudson's Bay which means the storms turn rapidly to the left to a north easterly path. The pattern hooks up.
The entire Great Lakes zone is subject to this normal storm movement. It was a Colorado Hooker that was the deepest low pressure area ever recorded over the land mass of North America. Even Katrina did not register such a deep low pressure measurement. Even though it had the windspeed of a hurricane it did not have the power. The difference is in the humidity which generates the power of a hurricane.
Regardless, tomorrow's storm is anticipated. In theory, it is striking at the wrong time which is rush hour, on a work day. It means a lot of traffic will be on the road. Environment Canada somewhat created this little dilemma. The last set of storm warnings was a complete bust, a real flop. Of course, what is logged here, is that the storm after a mistake, usually means that the people will ignore the warning.
For the conspiracy buffs, you will note that this warning comes on the Friday, of the last shopping weekend before Christmas. Now the storm is a rare chance to assist the staggering economy in the retail sector. One smells a plot.
If the storm track is to the south, it won't be too bad. If the storm track is to the north of Toronto it will deserve the weatherman's promise. If the storm tracks directly over Toronto, a bust.
I hope its bad. Gives a whole set of stories to put into blogs like this one. e.g. This is the worst storm in 37 years.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Cultural divides
Meanwhile in the alleged western world, Bush comes off well too. Commentators marvel at the old boy's reflexes. And he comes a hero.
This is going to take a lot of work.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Weekend Treat
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Images of President George W. Bush ducking shoes is the ultimate protest. It kills no one. It hurts no one. But it does demonstrate the utter contempt most Iraqis have for the Americans, and their puppets in power. Muntadar al-Zeidi threw his shoes and curses at Bush.
If he lives he may become the resistance hero for the Iraqis. A streak of blood trailed him as a pile of security agents dragged him away. Now we know what to do with those old shoes, recycle them in protest.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Malady insitu
What seems stunning in all this is that all these analysts have charted the decline of Nortel over the last decades since it was spun off from Bell Canada Enterprises (BCE on the TSX) which closed at $21.23 at week's end.
The major complaint of Nortel watchers has been the inadequate accounting department of the company. Now this accounting system had to have been instituted by its parent company prior to 1998. That company is BCE. Yet BCE's financial reporting has always been perceived as accurate. It appears that BCE was given a pass since so many investors had money in this company. BCE appears immune to the disease it gave Nortel.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Dumbocracy in action. - hypocrites #2
Harper then announces that they will appoint 18 new Senators before Christmas. Its called stacking the Senate. This was something popular with many Prime Ministers were it not for the fact that it was the Manning led Deform Party that split from the Proroguess Cornservatives because they wanted an elected Senate and that all Senators come from Alberta.
Harper along with Jack Layton claimed to be champions of Senate reform. Harper is a hypocrite.
Pay cut - hypocrite #1
Well, why don't these leaders of society, in crisis, lead the way and take a pay cut themselves. Why do I think that will never happen.
Bus stop
“Exit by the rear doors only.” driver says as the old women exit front.
“I got it somewhere, I gotta put my purse.” says a fumbling woman hunting for a token through a series of bags, plastic and leather.
It is rush hour. Packed street car. And a woman pushing the big plastic grey moulded stroller onto the car when every one has gotten on. Trapped.
For this I pay $110 a month.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
How do you think this will go? Can we get a conversation, or small skit to sum up Black's chances.
On the phone.
What? You fart?
From the other side :))
I was busy creating cute quotes for OUR blog (with your name on it) and I noticed, especially for the 'women are green' entry, a missing link. Where's the link to the story? I wanted to read it. Then it occurred to me, like a flash of lightning, this is the only blog in the entire world where no links are provided by the author and no links are permitted by the readers. Even my occasional TinyURL links don't show up as clickable links, they show up as plain text. Lots of people don't know how to cut and paste.
This is the Internet, Gord, mon ami! Everything is supposed to be linked to everything else. In fact, on other blogs there's a saying: if there's no link, it never happened. That's a common complaint and kind of the ultimate argument and insult on a blog. No links implies you're cherry picking the facts you happen to like and purposely leaving out 'inconvenient facts' that are contrary to your point of view. It's like a billboard saying: don't believe anything you read here because you're not allowed to independently check the facts.
On many other blogs with Moderators (and you DO moderate your blog more closely than anyone else I've ever come across by not allowing any posts until you've approved them) links, graphics, emoticons, photographs and a whole slew of creative user content is encouraged, not just grudgingly allowed.
I realize the Internet is a nasty and unruly place with zillions of spammers but your blog kind of runs counter to the spirit of the 'Net. In fact, in philosophy it's sort of like big government or big media --- although at least big media are finally figuring out the Internet and starting to get into the spirit of the thing.
Just some thoughts for a windy, warmer December day with lots and lots of snow...
Curry left me an email this morning, threatening to come over and drink my last two beers. That means I need to shower, shave, get dressed, etcetera. Maybe I'll go down and throw out my garbage and/or clean off and start his truck, which he's left parked in the empty spot I'm still paying to rent. It's been there over a week and I haven't had the energy to go and drive it anyplace. Oh well, maybe I'll get on that horse this morning and go to get some groceries and more beer. After all, he's using his old crappy truck and I have the shiny new truck. The least I can do is start it once in awhile.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
Mixed up Member Representation
The irony is that those who want this form of parliament sort of forget. There was a fully "democratic" referendum held during the Ontario provincial election. The option was resoundly defeated.
Like the perpetually stupid separatists located in an unnamed adjacent province, they have a mental problem of comprehending the word "no".
The other side of the debate
Have you ever wondered why the Ontario Political Parties are almost
universally in support of the proportional representation idea? It is
not to represent Joe Citizen. It is to garner more power for the
individual party leaders.
Representation Comparison
To compare the United States of America (USA) constitutionally began
as a people's republic. One person, one vote. The representatives
swear to uphold the people's Constitution. On their ballots, the
political party comes first.
In the case of Canada the constitutional formation evolved from the
British experience in quite a different manner. Canada was and still
is a constitutional monarchy. And Canadians forget this at political
peril. In Canada, the Member of Parliament (MP; MPP; MLA) swears
political fealty to the Crown and represents a district called a Riding.
Why use the word political peril? A peril exists because the entire
Canadian political structure evolved in an environment so different
than the USA. Canadian colonial precursors fought wars to keep that
political affiliation intact. In the USA the Congress represents the
people of the Nation. In Canada the people are represented through the
The USA presently evolved as a rather homogenous mono-culture even
politically. The USA possesses ten times the population compared with
the Canadian population statistics. Geographically the USA is smaller.
Proportional representation presents a far major shift to divisive
party politics. Each party nominates a candidate to run in each
election presently. In Canada, on the ballot it is the person who
represents a riding not the political party. In proportional
representation a list of Candidates is presented to some sort of
cesspool of politicians and those party favorites, these party
specials represent
Political Instability
A peril because one of the most important features of the Canadian
experience has engendered long periods of what is called majority
government and short periods of minority government. While
uncomfortable for those in opposition, the so called first past the
post system has brought governmental stability. Unlike the USA the
Canadian government depends on the voting support of most of the
members of Parliament.
Some people advocate a more USA like political system and in a
Parliamentary structure that brings disaster because the
responsibilities are different. It means potentially political chaos
and even a more intransigent political structure benefiting only
political parties.
In most systems where Proportional Representation exists there
maintains long periods of minority coalition governments. In Canada,
in Ontario the Riding and its constituents are placed ahead of the
political party. With the advent of the Proportional Representation
the advantage, the control of government shifts away from the Crown,
the people to the hands of the mandarins of political parties. These
people only care about themselves and care little for Joe Citizen. The
power shift from away the people, and to the political party is the
prime reason why all the Ontario political parties are for this
resolution. It kills the Parliamentary system slowly in a
strangulation of party politics in an environment of coalition
politicians which they control.
Advocates claim otherwise citing specific examples like Sweden. Sweden
is a very small country physically. Sweden is a mono-culture. Sweden's
political systems work far different than the British evolved Canadian
system. In most cases, Proportional Representation, stifles government.
Riding vs. Constituency
I am repeating this argument from the Northern Ontario political
crisis. But the argument also applies in much of Southern Ontario.
Recall that earlier the emphasis on the idea of Crown representing
Canadian Joe Citizen. Each MPP represents an area.
One of the largest myths is the absurd idea that in Canada there is a
one person one, vote idea. So in almost every set of Riding
redistribution hearings since then, there has been an idea about all
ridings being approximately equal in population. It is the over riding
goal albeit a twisted one.
This is always worth repeating. While an ideal, this equal population
only works if the foundation of the state is a popular republic.
Unlike the USA Congressman the MPP just doesn't represent the people
in Parliament. The MPP also represents the Crown to her/his Riding.
Canada is a representative monarchy. The MPP swears to the Crown as
the representative of the people. The MPP is not the people's
representative. Rather they are the responsible elected agent of the
Crown to the people.
Again in all this, presently political parties are entirely secondary
to Canadian government. Ontario political parties only wish to deprive
Joe Citizen of even that political right. Political parties wish to
control the Ontario parliament, the people, the Crown be damned.
Lets define what a Riding began as. In times of yore it was decided by
the Crown that population was the secondary consideration to political
access to that MPP. A "Riding" was a distance that a single rider or
riding MPP could cover in the space of one day. From the idea it
wasn't just the idea of one person one vote but also it was firstly
the idea of one person equal access to government.
As it evolved into the 19th century, the idea of political access
predominated. In a city with dense populations the access could be
divided into access by statistics. But in the rural districts it was
political access that had to be considered first. Every citizen not
only has an equal vote but every citizen must have an equal access to
In the federal government redistribution circa 1974, there was a
significant shift from the idea. An MP from Northern Ontario named
Keith Penner fought hard against this change since it began the
decline of political access to government by citizens. His arguments
ring to this day. Basically it was an injustice to such a large
important territory so critical to Canada lose political power simply
because of a lower population compared with a dense urban area like
When Parliaments evolved the idea of political access dominated versus
a population factor for represenetation. How does this work?
Presently I live in Toronto not by choice. The riding in which I live
probably has about 120,000 or so. To access my MPP I simply have to
walk up to College Street and walk into his office. Also there is the
option of simply going to a ceremony or community social function or
funeral. The MPP should likely be there.
In Northern Ontario, today that same political access to Crown
representation is not there. The MPP is an able hard working person
but cannot give the same quality of representation. The size of his
"Riding" is too large. The office is in Thunder Bay. Despite his best
efforts the MPP cannot go to the social functions or funerals that
urban MPPs can. Simply stating. A Northern Ontario Joe Citizen has far
poorer access to representation than a Toronto Joe Citizen.
Even though there maybe only 80,000 people in the riding and in theory
the MPP represents far fewer people the quality of representation
remains mitigated by geography, distance and adverse climates. Since
1974 that quality of representation has reduced significantly and
Northern Ontario residents are only second class citizens due to an
inane drive to determine Ridings based on population alone.
This inequality resides in rural southern Ontario as well although not
to the significant degree. An MPP in that Riding can drive to any
social function within several hours travel and be back in the
legislature the very next day, but the rural citizen doesn't have the
same easy access to political representation Toronto residents do.
Now with the advent of Proportional Representation this access will
be even further diminished. A city like Toronto or London has more
members. They will chose those members by outright vote to be the ones
nominated to that class of MPP. In Northern Ontario the only
representatives that will represent them will be only those members
that southern Ontario party members chose.
The only difference between Northern Ontario Joe Citizen's access to
political influence and the rural person in southern Ontario is only
in the degree. Proportional Representation, if adopted is simply a
naked power grab by urban centric political parties.
Political responsibility
And who gains access to these proportional MPs? In a
Riding/Constituency system the MPP remains uncomfortably responsible
for that Riding. A proportional MPP doesn't answer to anyone save the
political party they belong to. They will not have the same right to
cross the floor in a dispute with their political party mandarins.
Political freedoms so long protected by historical evolution are now
gone if Proportional Representation is adopted.
Again, who does the Premier or Cabinet member be responsible to if
she/he is a Proportional Member? People do not have the right to
complain to this person. The idea violates the very heart of
Parliamentary democracy because Proportional MPPs are responsible only
to the parties political, not the people, not the crown, only to a
vested interest.
And this is why few Political Parties stand up to oppose this faulty
idea. Proportional Representation skews and begins the wrecking of the
Canadian, of the Ontario political system. And the personal rights to
equal political access for all is further diminished.
Gord Campbell
Whew kno?
A legacy for the future generations provided. This leads in so many directions. Its one of those topics that can lead to thousands of discussion points.
Below an excerpt from the report.
Genders come colour coded, study asserts
Tom Spears, Canwest News Service
Published: Monday, December 08, 2008
OTTAWA - White men are red. White women are green, or at least tinted greenish, in a Morticia Addams vein.
But there's a deeper surprise underlying this one, says the researcher at Brown University in Rhode Island who scanned through hundreds of faces to analyze pigments.
Demise of american movie making
No I don't have to see the movie. The person playing Nixon is so far away from Richard M. Nixon that the character sounds more like a Sean Connery take off. I happened to live through Nixon times. And that, is not Nixon.
Howard should be checked out for dyslexia. He learns little.
Reviews on a gaime
Live reviewers complained about all the commercial breaks in the action. There were a lot of fans who also thought that the Canadian Football League was a poor cousin. But after going to some CFL games myself, there are few commercial breaks and the flow of the game moves quickly. Having the game played in the same venue gave the same impression.
The Fan590 which is also owned by the Rogers Media Co., the major sponsor of the event, even panned it. The best quote being ", with fleas."
Another wag said... "Go Argos!"
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Nothing can be done about about the first two events, but after viewing the game played in the same venue as the Argonuts. For once we can compare. I still prefer the Canadian Football type of game.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Fast food
And I stole that one. That's why its funny. Its the favorite of most polls(Poles)says I.
So the big chicken took the cowards way out and put the kiaboscha on Parliament. Most Canadians apparently support Harper against the "Coalition". Its because the ordinary Canadian doesn't know how their own Parliament works, and what is, and what is not Democracy. Its the problem of living to close to the USA.
Harper claims that the idea that a coalition is anti-democratic; frankly is pompous fuming. Even he knows that a lie. The majority of Canadians voted not for the Cornservatives but for those other parties. If they can work together, ...fine.
The other issue is working with Separatists. Big deal. Quebec has had Separatist governments a couple of times. Last I looked they were still hooked up to the old wagon. Its only a Coalition on money bills or bills deemed "a question of confidence" by the Cabinet.
And the Bloc Quebecois possesses a liberal policy base on most social issues which effects all Canadians including Quebecois. They get paid federally, and they swear allegiance to the crown or they could not take their seats. So they are entitled to support any government they wish. Do you think the hard core Separatists are exactly enthused about the BQ supporting a federalist coalition government? Likely not.
The only thing that a prorogation of Parliament does is delay. Come the later part of January, things can turn swiftly. Most of the Cornservative media thinks this tactic is a good idea. It may not be. While most Canadians back the Cornservatives at the moment, voters will also have time to absorb the issues better so that the political result may work to the Coalition's favor.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Absence of fondness
Not having a parliament in place for a couple of months won't be too troublesome. I remember when the Ontario bureaucracy went out on strike around 1996. They were not at work for weeks. And no one really noticed.
The idea of not having any government happenings during the Christmas season makes me love the government even more. Of course, this occurring during an alleged economic crisis seems strange. It gives Canada the excuse. There is a lack of leadership, some will say. One cannot have a diminished value of something we never did have to begin with.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
People widely anticipated such white whispy deluge. The weatherman's forecast of fear failed the test. Every place around the city got clobbered with the bleached precipitation. Toronto's citizens were both joyed and disappointed.
Now I've lived down here, in this city for a couple of decades now. I got some experience with the habit. The weatherman had his shot. Now its mine.
Based on history, when a storm warning fails. The following storm always nails this city's little ears back. The first major storm always chokes the city.
My theory is that people have short term memories here. It matters little that the previous ten warnings were accurate, it is the last forecast that people remember. In that train of thought, the impact of the first major storm this season will be far greater than the normal response because people will not believe the forecast weather watches.
So if there isn't a major storm choking this city right off,then I will be disappointed. Such is the nature of the beast.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Rant A-12156
Rant #A-12156
Rogers was 75 years old. He apparently suffered from a serious heart condition.
Rogers cable bills will increase. The pyramid will be built behind his home.
In other words a truly enjoyable journey.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Just visiting
Later I worked for a pool hall. They had no internet back then. Come to think of it. I have no internet now either.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
New TV system
The quality was high, but I don't think women actresses are going to be thrilled. All of a sudden Kathryn Morris does look 40.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The great hope
Black compared his jail to his days in private school. Who knew he would thrive in an environment surrounded by thieves. Of course, he failed to forget to mention that he got expelled from said schools because of insubordination.
Barbara Amiel is pining for the stud. He wallows in foolishness.
Monday, November 24, 2008
GM pulls plug
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Grey Cup sucks
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A shoe in
The student council had decided on a Winter Carnival. The month was right but the weather wasn't. January had been nothing but very cold averaging forty below for a month straight, day and night. So up went all these ice sculptures.
Almost the instant the Winter Carnival was proclaimed to be open, the temperature soared to be very warm. It was over the freezing point. And down went the melting ice sculptures. The sphinx looked horrid in the noon day fog.
A nascent student newspaper began. My first assignment was covering the snow shoeing races. The year before Santa delivered some super duper Faber Athapaskan style racing snow shoes. The snowshoe route was from Penn Lake to the High School which has since been changed to a shopping plaza and Canadian Tire parking lot. Distance was about 2 miles.
Using my high tech, Brownie box camera, I snapped off the first shot as the race began. I snowshoed to the middle of the race and snapped another picture. I hopped to it passing the entire field to get to the finish line five minutes ahead of the pack.
Quietly I stooped down to get that finishing shot which would make it to the news rag. The field finally came into sight. And you know that little lightbulb that sort of click, that third person guy... going... "Hey idiot, you would've won the race."
Friday, November 21, 2008
Poor politicians
Action must begin at the street level to tackle homelessness. If every New Democratic Party member would open their doors and make a room available to one homeless person tomorrow, homelessness in Canada would instantly disappear. Like I believe that charity does begin at home. To make social action happen it doesn't begin at a parliament, it starts in the basement.
Of course the right wing is more notoriously ignorant of poverty issues. Cornservatives are blatantly greedy people, and enormously self serving. There was a report in the free rag Metro that stated that a lot of the deficit could be easily tackled by reducing the $38 billion that the province of Ontario spends on its sector of the budget that is spent on public housing, security and welfare.
Again, like the Harrisites that ruled Queen's Park a decade ago to fix the economy the easiest target is the poor. You will also note that this is a false message from these Cornservatives. You will note that security is actually the police budget. If you go through any municipal budget the line item for policing usually matches or exceeds the Welfare allocation.
Worse they lump the cost of policing into the social services budget distorting. This does several things in promoting a view that social services are more expensive than actual. It is a strange marriage indeed. Usually police are used against the poor. The police are only there to protect the rich, powerful and connected.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Re: Godwin's
In the case of applying Godwin's law, I was left with the impression that the law dealt more with a comparative allegorical contact rather than a point of historical attribution.
The topic of the blug dealt with the fact that Adolf Hitler founded the modern anti-smoking movement. This was not a point of being a like issue or an issue that the modern anti-smoking movement is like the one instituted Nazi program. Rather there is a legitimate historical context to tie the anti-smoking movement to the one in Germany.
Another case where Godwin's Law doesn't apply is in the case of Volkswagen. Clearly it was a Hitler creation which sustained itself into the modern era. Its a historical point not a point of comparison.
I did find it a point of factual interest that the modern anti-smoking movement was founded by Adolf Hitler.
Monday, November 17, 2008
People voted for President. Had McCain been a strong candidate he would've quashed the Barack Obama candicacy. This reminds me so much of Kim Campbell's short flirtation as Prime Minister. Selected by Conservatives to replace Brain Mulroney, she lasted barely six months in office.
Canada's first female Prime Minister lost a hurried election in November. The conservative incarnation of the period, Progressive Conservatives then proceeded to place the blame for the election on her rather than Brain.
As for holding a Republican in office, whether Alaska follows the ideology matters little since Alaska is far away from the power base in Washingtomb. To the conservatives of the world, women make the perfect fall guys.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Another image detroyed.
Onset of misery
Acquaintances must suppose, 'Oh here he goes trashing this venerable institution.' Nothing exists further from the truth. Hear ye, I am to praise.
Its all about the weather report. Near freezing. Raining. Gusty. Possible snow/sleet. In any kind of words a perfect day. Okay a perfect day for November.
This event is good for the government institutions like City Hall, Post Office, and any number of clown politicians willing to march. The dry goods retailers hope that this event will trigger a buying run on the shops.
The most wonderful thing is that doctors love this day because tomorrow on Monday their appointment calenders will be jammed with nose colds, chills, flu. Lawyers are happy since several heart attacks will occur during the event on people that otherwise would have lasted longer had their dear progeny not dragged them to this tortuous event. The wills and probate from surprise deceasement bring in bigger fees.
Such events cheers the cynical alleged hearts in society. Of course its all nuance. This golb would be raging against such lack of moral ethics of these remnant festivals derived from ancient imperial triumphs over the newly conquered and enslaved if the weather was sunny and warmer. Such a fragile border on authorship. With such grey weather I am so glad that I can write such a positive glob.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Puff the dragon
However the anti-smoking advocates avoid their lineage. You see all anti-smoking movements are the result of a Nazi plot to destroy the planned obsolescence of consumerist economic structures.
Here lies the problem. Like it or not, the founder of the modern anti-smoking movement is a guy who ultimately destroyed his own nation, caused the death of millions and lost a war. All the modern methods for the combat of smoking were invented by him. His initials are A.H.
Somehow I don't think he will get any plaques for his foresight. He was at least forty years ahead of his time on this issue. He may have killed millions but ultimately his attitude and approach to this one social issue will save many millions more enabling them to live to a full long life. People don't want to deal with this. Maybe in another fifty years.
Check the link
Spiral of unsuccess
Banks executive managers totally screwed their shareholders, employees, and clients. skimming huge monies via the bonuses excuse they lined their pockets. In Canada, there is the understanding that bankers are above accusation in criminal courts. While in the US bankers fear a total melt down of companies leaving them open to criminal law. In Canada such law might even exist but will never be employed.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Predictions results
When lotteries were first proposed in the nation, there was great demand. The opponents of government operated lotteries predicted:
1. Cheating - this has happened with corrupt crooked ticket sellers taking prizes.
2. Gambling addiction - this happened from the get go. Never mind lottery users, the governments also got addicted, as predicted.
3. Loss of social morality - this train was already in the tunnel.
4. The ultimate government corruption where the government cheats its own people. The primary goal of any government, in any political system is to protect its citizens. - read the following article.
Lotteries selling tickets after big prizes already won, CBC finds
Mon Nov 10, 2:56 PM
Feeling lucky?
What if the big prize for the lottery ticket you just bought has already been won? And no one told you?
CBC Winnipeg’s I-Team has discovered that the Western Canada Lottery Corporation continues to market a variety of lottery tickets - even after the top prize has already been won.
The WCLC says customers should always read the disclaimer on their ticket, which says: “Some of the prizes on this ticket may already have been claimed.”
But lottery players say they don’t always do that, and besides, the practice is not fair - why continue selling lottery tickets if buyers have no chance at the top prize? The CBC's Investigative Unit found retailers still were selling games such as Texas Hold'em Poker, Lucky 7s and Set for Life, after the top prizes had been won.
“It’s ridiculous,” said Winnipegger Marguerite Lambert. "I wouldn’t continue to buy them if I knew that. If the prize is already gone - what’s the point?”
Elsewhere, lottery operators have been forced by customer complaints and pending lawsuits to end a game of chance when the top prize has been won.
Lottery officials in Colorado and Indiana earlier this year ordered retailers to stop selling tickets for games in which top prizes had been won. Virginia changed its policy last year after a business professor sued the state lottery for $85-million.
So how long should a ticket be left in the marketplace after the top prize is gone?
WCLC spokesperson Andrea Marantz said while the top prize may have been won in some games of chance - subsidiary prizes are still available.
“Winning $10 on a $2 ticket - people are happy,” she said. “That’s an attractive ticket.”
People often buy the tickets, however, hoping to win the biggest prize: $1-million or $100,000.
“If the big prizes are gone, why keep on selling them?” asked Winnipegger Maureen Rayner. “People are going for the big prize. That’s the way I’m looking at it.”
The WCLC says customers can check their website, updated weekly, to see if the major prize is still available - prior to buying a ticket.
Rayner said she didn’t know that. “It’s no use to someone who doesn’t have a computer,’ she said.
Marantz said the WCLC has no immediate plans to post the number of remaining prizes in stores where tickets are sold, but it's considering that possibility.
Customers say that would be a good idea. ”They should really let people know that the major prizes have been won,” said Diane Bishop. “I’m not going to buy a $5 ticket if I’m only going to win $50 - what’s the point?”
WCLC operates the lottery in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba and the northern territories.
Copyright © 2008 CBC
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Not the same
This pack had two batteries instead of the normal four. The poignant circumstance is that they did not work as well as the cheapies. Go figure.
The blug dealing with germ ridden women was totally a tongue n cheek gambit. Some people complained. Their real names are being withheld to protect fictional characters.
What an awkward phrase? Never been able to understand tongue n cheek. I would never really do that. Nor have it done to me. Imagine sitting down with a saliva covered butt. Eheeewwwww.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Phantoms exist in the ether of imagination. Seeing them isn't the problem. Rather denying them is. An agnostic will not believe your denials because denying nothing is a double negative, therefore you are saying the complete opposite.
Meanwhile the believer will not believe you because he believes even though he, or she, never seeing them would rather say they saw them rather than denying them. After all, this would upset the reality of the phantom.
Between you and me. If phantoms did exist, they really wouldn't care.
Having no regular or reliable access to the internet forces some blag entries to be written on days before uploading but never after. I wish this could be fixed but I would rather save the $100 per month for things like food.
It would be imprudent to bother taking the extra effort in connecting with the internet immediately. The reason is our topic, that being women.
Hey don't get me wrong, I like women but I will not jump the hoops like other males. Equal rights is good and all that stuff. Yet it hasn't been a good week for the fairer sex. A study by some high falootin university has come up with the idea that women's hands are germier.
It was quite a good study. I might rather enter it into the record when I next get access to the internet. Its worth all the read.
Hand washing helps apparently helps only a little bit. The bacteria restore their numbers quite quickly said the study. If this be true, then women shouldn't be allowed in medicine. Curses to nurses. Punch the clocks female docs.
The best way to prevent men from dying early. Segregate women from society in general.
Another problem. Jewish and Islamic tradition holds that women are unclean. The hell. The old prophets were right in the first place. Who knew?
Tree microphones
The leaves dropped all at once. A majority of trees appear to have decided to enter their vegetative stance. Quite the year for trees. It was a rainy summer with equal amounts of sunshine. Every species did well. Time for winter's rest. I hope trees can dream too.
Squirrels sit fat in the noonday sun. Its the trees. Trees do so much even in a city. Every tree grows as a community in each. Rodents, coons, birds, bugs and fungi rest in the boughs. Define each tree as a ghetto.
I tried to interview a couple of them for this blyg. They didn't say much. Creatures that live hundreds of years sort of get that attitude. Guess they don't like microphones.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Which one?
The last clock has been changed and life appears empty because all of a sudden there is a lack of challenge. By way of a challenge, I don't mean the Mount Everest sort of ball busting challenge. I mean that sort of ordinary minor petty challenge like standing a further six inches back from the toilet.
And all the city goes into a frenzy about changing clocks in order to conform. Even the most socialist radical adjusts the chronometers. Obedient neo-cornservatives swagger in personal achievement about their technical prowess in pushing back time. Of course to their credit, the latter do grouse loudly in spring about having to change the time an hour into the future. Call it a character flaw.
So we all run around checking time. Yet after checking the watches, radios, media recorders et al., there is always one that goes unchanged because we'll get around to it later. And always that unchanged clock sits confronting the mind about always doing the high math adjustment of deducting one hours to every reading. There is always one time piece that gets passed by.
Usually its the clock in the car or truck. Indeed too often people go year round on standard time everytime they hop into the car. What I mean is that usually there is always one timepiece that sits in the corner of the room or car and always the mind.
Well it took four days. I changed the clock radio. One cannot rely on neighbours.
Thanks Don
All the threats are in place. The criteria for a US military intervention is in place. Democrats are coming into power again. Worse, it appears like a radical is entering the doors of the White House. The excuse is terrorism, and more specifically terrorism conducted by Al Qaeda.
Almost to a man, the volunteer US Army officer corps is unabashedly pro-Republican. The intelligence and homeland security apparatus copies that preference.
Yet what has saved the US from one? If it wasn't for the sheer incompetence of the Bush administration along with the massive obtuse interfering incompetence of Donald Rumsfeld, a military takeover of the US might have taken place by now.
Monday, November 03, 2008
My Cane on OBummer
Flat out, I admit that I do not trust this guy one little bit. There are so many reasons for this. First, he smiles way too much. Second, his citizenship qualifications are in dispute. Third, he possessed and worked under at least four different names. Fourth, carefully listening to his “message”, he really hasn't said anything that visionary.
Mark this. I have the strangest hunch that Obama will not finish out his term.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Maypole of the vanities
CITY-TV covered the event, minute by minute in the triumphant gloat of barbarians dancing. Showing the patent ignorance of the usual urbanites, they bought the line of that this tree was nearing the end of its life cycle
At maturity, the typical White Spruce will reach up to 100 feet high, with a maximum height at 20 years of 100 feet. Which means that somehow this particular tree was only about 60% of its life's average growth. It is not a big tree but a small tree. The city boys killed a runt.
Apparently though they missed the irony. We will never know the life span of this tree because it was murdered before it could reach it.
One more suitable irony though. From Wikipedia comes this interesting and appropriate quote. "The tree is sometimes colloquially known as the "skunk spruce" due to the disagreeable smell emitted by its needles when crushed."
Friday, October 31, 2008
Blue face
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I am not a fan of the Phillies per se. However, I am convinced that Pat Gillick is one of the best General Managers to have been ever involved in baseball or any sport for that matter. I am a Gillick fan as absurd as that sounds. Where ever Gillick, went that team excelled under his stewardship.
For the Blue Jays he managed them to two world series. The Baltimore Orioles haven't been in the post season since he departed. Neither have the Jays come to think of it. The Mariners got to the post season. And now Gillick helped the long suffering Phillies into a World Series win. He is one of the rare General Managers who has guided a team to a World Series win out of both leagues, the American League and now the National League.
Gillick spent three years on a contract with each club after his long term with the Jays. I believe that he will seriously consider leaving the Phillies because he only intended to stay with them for the length of the contract. Despite
He especially surprised Philadelphia with his retention of Charlie Manuel as Field Manager.
Oh yeah. I am definitely going to remind that clown who booted me off that website. I saved his Yahoo messenga address. Oh Yeah.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Some jokes just are not invented. Some simply happen. Some explain themselves.
Acting as agent for himself, Duanté Culpepper, recently retired NFL Quarterback, just decided to turn down the 1win - 6 loss Kansas City Chiefs, for a better opportunity with the 0-7 Detriot Lions.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Yet, the very minute that the power cord becomes attached... ring, ring.
Sitting on a toilet brings with it the realization that everyone seems to call the cell phone during that period. The device can run for 24 hours per day. No one calls.
Yet, the very minute that the cheeks hit the plastic yoke and the little brown worm pokes out from the little hole... ring, ring.
Munching on a nice sandwich seems to perk up the pyschos that call. The device can run for the hours that you are between caloric fixes. No one calls.
Yet, let the incisors slice deep into the sandwich beef meat and the peanut butter explodes onto the roof's mouth... ring, ring.
The counteraction technique to these little life quirks is Converge Therapy. Plug the cell phone into the shaver plug. Sit on the crapper. Munch on lunch. And, no one calls.
Banking on success
[This cynical message is being brought to you by the Blue Streak Party which advocates recycling cynical thoughts, sarcasm and puns from all parliamentary debates.]
Friday, October 24, 2008
Notes on a blug
- Election results demand stun. Voters didn't vote. They were registered but not registered. Voters had to show their cards. Everyone hates cards. Voters hate politicians. Lotta hate.
- The voters that went marked “x”. In school, teachers marked “x” to indicate the wrong answer. No matter who you vote for, they are always wrong then. Back in the school, I hated “x”. Hate and a wrong answer every election. This all points to something.
- Canadian dollars crash into the tank. Oil prices collapse everywhere but at the pumps. Metal prices decline.
- Yet all staggers along. Its one of those rare times when not having any money makes you the fastest horse in the race. One cannot lose what one does not have.
- It is just another day to write into the blug.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Doing right
Complaining and complaining. Let's get more police. Let's make even more laws. Let's build bigger prisons. Make people obey the law and make more laws to say so.
People complain of murder, assault, rape, and theft as the leading decay factor to a nation. I say no.
You know where the failure stems from? It begins at the street corner. How many of those same righteous cross with only moments to the yellow caution light come on.
Toronto installed countdowns on the walk lights. Most lights are 12 seconds countdown to yellow. Fewer seconds in the poor people's districts as their lives mean less to the proper function of a city. Two seconds means only one thing. Run across faster.
Go through the university campus. It matters little which one. Ryerson, Alberta, Manitoba, Toronto, Lakehead, or York, you can pick any. Future society leaders, lawyers, teachers, politicians et al run across against the lights. They jay walk without looking for traffic.
It begins earlier. Stand in downtown Toronto watching people dragging kids across on lights or pushing toddlers out off the curb into traffic against a light. You know the same toddler of the same mother who says that the school can only have peanut free lunches because the little gene fart might, might have a peanut allergy. These are the same people that panic about SARS yet dive into a street in the company with two ton metal monsters driven by people with the same time management problems.
Pedestrians can only cross when the little white hand shows. The majority of people crossing at a light will cross on a red hand or the do not walk signal. Police fail to enforce this little crime but insist that more police are needed. While a murder is a crime against humanity, crossing on a 'do not walk' is a crime against all society. It states something about the person and social responsibility.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A memory moment - Fessin up
Duuohh! Did it twice. No shit. The second time wasn't so complicated.
Sunny day, late fall hunting with my cherished .22 model Winchester model 69 long barrel, down on Angler Creek road. I hadn't sighted the rifle in. It was a bolt action type.
As we 'expert' hunters know carrying a rifle around in a car, regardless of the quality of the gun case, the sights can get jarred. The older the optic sight the more likely this was to happen. I wasn't to comfortable as where the thing was sending the bullet.
On the flats above and before Neys Prison grounds, I picked up an empty pop can of virgin surface and placed it on the gravel road letting it be a partridge like target. I walked back ten yards, chambered a round, sighted and fired away. As I did, a horsefly landed on my head.
The can didn't move, I walked up and the bullet had enterred it and the can hadn't twitched in its death throes. But there was two holes, one low on the bottom third and another return exit hole right above. Picking the can up. There was only one hole on the back and right at the base.
Then I looked at the road. I had perched the can just ahead and against of a boulder, unintentionally. Oh damn that wasn't a horsefly. Did it again. Almost shot myself twice.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A memory - Hunting granite
Autumn winds blow the winter's warning clouds across the skies. Chasing a running summer in panic drafting on the “V” wings of the Canada Geese.
No stirs to catch the eye. Its too early in the morning. They are feeding. Its too early in the autumn. Its too warm for them to sit in the warm glow of the low angles of the sun rays. They are the elusive Partridge.
Partridge camouflage their true intent. Birds, yes they are. Poultry birds and species of chicken they plague the floor of the leaf strewn forest. Plotting man's ultimate downfall they haunt the ancient primate predator's desires.
Oh there are juicy clean poultry breasts yearning for the oven pan back home. Sitting for an hour and a half under the basting sheet of wax paper at 350ÂșF. Cooking slowly in a land which weather's measure is metric, but galley's toil is still in old British measure.
Oh there are racks of steak packages lying in marshal array in the retail food chain store butcher shop. These square packages of plastic and styrofoam trays each marketing a barbeque's feast. Careful eyes selecting the fatty, fat free protein soldiers on parade.
Yet today's hunt frustrates. No birds hop up their heads from behind shuddering shrubs crying “Kill me, Sir.”
No luck today. Slinging the .22 rim fire rifle onto the shoulder eyes pull back from the search to the skies in evening's blue red relief. Night closes in on the diving sun. Time calls to return home. The feet tread in boots along the rocky trail out onto the open margins of an open pasture the trail weaved on through the moss towards the near town.
This shouldered rifle frustrated by the day's futility wants a measure of some sort of target. Low lying on the rocky path shines the empty aluminum hulk which once held 12 ounces of beer. The unslung rifle butt shoved into the shoulder. Eyes peering through the rifle scope to point the barrel onto the useless beer container. It is now target.
A bullet leaves the barrel. One doesn't see the bullet. One feels the explosion transmitted into shoulder. That explosion of fire pushes the drop of lead down a small .223 tube of blued steel to a speed slightly faster than the speed of sound.
On a bright day using iron sights a shooter see the bullet leaving. In an optical sight, with the face cheeks feeling the pressure touch of the brisk cold fall breeze one must imagine the bullet traveling away to the target. Spinning to the right dropping the width of four fingers in the first football field. This distance was considerable shorter than that sport field, one tenth the measure.
The can feels the impact as the bullet crashes through its fragile skins. The tiny empty keg shakes down a few feet in reaction. Triumph. Can is dead.
Rifle re-slung on the shoulder. The journey now continues.
Youth has a low level of boredom. In the north, partridge isn't the only quarry. Delicious as the little birds are, they bring no market. Any hiking effort in this forest walks in the company of the search for gold. Yes gold.
This trail leads over a field of gravel. The construction name is aggregate. The geological term refers to beach cobble. The area is terraces of ancient lake beaches stepped by the storms of thousands of years ago in glacial times. Feet walk on trails of water smoothed stone deposited in gravel heaps by ancient glaciers.
In that cobble may be chunks of stones of all sorts. It was rather easy here to gather a rock collection for this was a naturally occurring rock collection. The poorly trained eye spotted a quartz granite stone which seemed to have a yellow speck on the surface. Youth experience said this rock was a like a can of gold. It held fortune more conquest than value.
Within the personal experience of the time, it was then my assessment that there may be a chunk of gold contained with that fist sized stone. Here lies the cruel joke. Youth assumes great wisdom.
Being a Boy Scout was parked at the door. Wanting to save weight on this hike, the rock hammer was left lying by the garage door. There was no point in carrying this compound stone another two miles to bust it open to find the gold. If it could somehow could be cracked open here this would save a fruitless burden.
Lifting the water lapped stone I felt that striking it on another would crack the stone. Well one stone cracked but not the stone in hand. Darn it, or words to that effect streamed into the forest air.
No partridge but a little nugget of native gold would be a good day's prize. Ideas clashed around until like the spinning one arm bandit hitting on three lemons. Using this useless gun, it would replace the forgotten hammer.
Carefully placing the hunted granite rock on an anvil of another rock, the mighty hunter paced a distance equal to that between the hunter and the can of beer. Lucky for that can. It confirmed the sighting of correct aim.
Rifle's sights change for a multitude of reasons from air temperature to simply the angle of light. But in turning at the target range there was the affirmed knowledge that the aim was true. It was a confidence beyond confident. The centre of the stone shape was the striking point.
Even a hair trigger can feel like the strongest lunking lever resisting pull as the whole body squares to focus the weapon on target. The finger muscles load up and the metal tab slides along its path relieving the hold of the hammer laying taut inside the sliding breech block.
There is a click sound that is heard and felt on every trigger pull. While thoughts are to be black in the needed concentration of holding the weapon on target, sometimes one cannot have that ultimate little revelation. One little thought popped into the skull which said, “You really think this is a good idea???”
Despite the speed of time, occasionally it slows imperceptibly. The bullet loosed from its cartridge, voided the barrel striking the stone. Good marksmanship demands good follow through. The gun must stayed aimed until the bullet strikes target.
Unlike the can the rock stayed put. It did not crack. Only a bullet rub on its surface. Achievement for the shooting. But disappointment for the smooth glob of granite sat laughing unbroken. The First Nations say there is spirit in the land. And this stone had a little hard devil with a treasure of gold inside, keeping it safe for a billion years.
That part done, stooping to pick it up and looking at the talc white strike on the granite surface there screamed a sharp pain on top of my head. The right hand felt along the scalp feeling a glint of liquid feeling a wound. A replay of what happened meant that the bullet ricocheted straight back, hitting the top of the head.
Forty years after the fingers still feel the place where the ragged lead tore my hair out on its bounce back path return volley from the stone. The little devil hit back. “Oh that... was stupid.”
Frying shelled eggs
The topic line has everything to do with breakfast. But, the topic line has nothing to do with the content of this blag.
A movie called “W” premiers sometime later this month. It is about the present sitting President of whose name I care not to enter in this blag. Yes this person enters the rare status of not having their name recorded in this blag.
There is the name of the town that will not be entered in this blag. There is the name of a sibling whose name will never be entered in this blag. There is a city of which will never be entered in this blag. There are television shows that will never be mentioned in this blag.
And of course nominations are still outstanding for ex-friend whose name will never be mentioned in this blag. Who says I don't encourage the response of readers. Vote for your choice. Nominee number one is ___________. Nominee number two is ___________. Nominee number three is ___________.
The successful candidate will not be named at the end of next month. Mark it on a date in your calendar. Probably I won't.
Anyhow, sneak reviews of the movie indicate that its not very good. I mean what a legacy can you give to this President.
He was in office on getting elected to He couldn't catch a 6'7” bearded terrorist with diseased kidneys. He launched an unsuccessful war in Iraq. His leadership couldn't help a major US city recover from a weather disaster. And he supervised an economic collapse which has exceeded the stock market crash of 1929, all due to his sub prime loans regulations instituted by his regime. Now he is going to be a crappy movie.
Geez Loueez. Save the money you have left. Don't have to see it to confirm it. Of course, he is going make the subject of a crappy movie.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Fun in the electric chair
Harper used about $300M dollars to get just over twenty seats. Is that $15M dollars per? All that coming from taxpayers. Oh that is punishment.
Harper shortened his promise of holding elections. He advocated and promised a four year term but took barely three. The majority of Canadian citizens are happy with political minorities. And after stating clearly that the parliament was dysfunctional, for the electorate to return another minority establishes a profound punishment.
Stephan Dion used up his dog points on this one. That grinding noise comes from the Liverals sharpening up the chopping axe. They want it super sharp. They huddle in their dark blue suits, adjusting their red ties to official choke mode. Gently waving a bespectacled professorial with a stunned expression into the conclave, they draw him in. Its punishment.
Every Canadian sourced radio or television outlet paraded a list of “experts”. Pontificating on the election results in authoritive monotone, party biased manikins launched their spin on the voting numbers. And the ideas. They may have an opinion that everyone knows, like reading between the lines of type on a Stop sign to expose the subtler meaning. Or they may espouse a viewpoint that makes you wonder on which planet the television program is made.
And don't you love that little message disclaimer that all these media manifestations pronounce. “The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the station.”
Like crap they are. The disclaimer camouflages the obvious bias that the media owner possesses. Its a pretense. Can you imagine that a Canwest/Global station would televise an opinion that Chapters bookstores violate the municipal codes concerning the dumping of garbage . No. The owner's wife owns the bookstores. Believing that the media empires do not hold political bias and agendas violates common sense, even the common sense of those not prone to the belief in conspiracies. And the line of opinions creates the suffering of punishment on those readers or viewers.
Oh we got one, two, three or four more years of this politico-media malaise. Despite the effect of Harper's statement regarding arts and the common man, he soldiers in the dim light of cornservatist thought. He said ordinary people don't care about the arts. And you should see the profound astonished reaction of the arts and music sector of Toronto. They are aghast. Horrified. Creatively horrified. Totally abominifried. He launched the haughty tart reactions of dozens of alleged artists upon the rest of uncaring Canadians.
Of course what Harper failed to appreciate is that while most Canadians don't really care all that much about arts and music, they given even less consideration for politics and politicians. Its an inferior value to Picasso or Fartalussi. About three am in a early morning's revelation, the Prime Minister will realize this. He's saying "God no, I is worth less than an artisté, ...and thus it will be his electric chair of the mind.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Election Day amusings.
This sort of thing used to be gripping. But in recent elections, I got a good night's rest instead. Stunningly it did not matter whether or not I stayed up or not, the election result was the same.
Elections Canada now demands two pieces of ID instead of rolling out the old enumeration system. While Elections Canada is supposed to be independent one can see the hand of the totally stupid Cornservatives behind all this. So they all say that the voter must prove it, but they on the other haven't told anyone where to vote.
I have no idea where I am to cast a ballot. I have to resort to searching on the internet. Others have to phone in. Others who are poor or living in reduced circumstances must now be absent from the voting. Such a bunch of screw ups.
On CBC's "The Debaters", host Steve Paterson said he was happy that the leaders of the major parties were also a variation on Steve. The question for debate was whether a majority of Canadians preferred a minority or a majority Parliament.
Paterson went on to say that while most Canadians preferred a majority, in this case Canadians wanted to see the election ... even Steven.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Why this for? My hunch is that with the advent of the widespread use of the internet people have really gotten used to lying to technology sourced queries. Also with the internet and news cable channels there are streams of information which do influence people's attitudes.
Another problem with modern society is the lack of loyalty. People used to be fiercely loyal to political parties. No more.
Prime Minister Harper called the election in the belief that he could achieve a majority in Parliament. This he could control. But he could not control the parade of exterior events beyond his management. The extreme example is the collapse of the global economic system due to misguided economic policy administrated by the US Republicans. Harper fashioned himself a friend of the US government. Ouch!
Harper also led a weak attack ad campaign which only attacked the weak Liberal party in a land where attack ads have failed historically. The one saving grace of Canadian political culture is that people appreciate the installation of at least one policy per ad. Indeed the Conservatives didn't come up with an alleged platform.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Green Party Follytics
I always have tended to vote for the person with the best character. The question appears in past conversations regarding the honesty of politicians. I don't always agree with this person politically. Rather the issue is integrity and honesty. Regardless of the nuance variations of views, this person would be an asset to the Parliament of Canada.
Have I voted for a person I didn't always agree with. Oh yes. I have even voted for persons I didn't even like personally. But in a Parliament of any country, to get the legislature loaded with honest people one pushes ideology to the rear of any list of considerations. Party politics tends to accelerate corruptive practice.
There is no real federal Green Party. Rather under they are rather an alliance of former environmental interest groups assembled together under a banner. It is rather a fractious political assemblage. One would think that for any group of people who recognize the environmental urgency of political policy, the individual would subvert the inertia of personal bias.
In the Canadian Green movement that rampant form of radical emotion imparts fraction. I am not saying that people should abandon their views but instead recognize that any party that functions in a democracy should within its own inner world, should itself be democratic.
Democracy functions better as a two way street. The supporter of the majority must always strive to understand the minority positions. They must appreciate the arguments less like an opposition but as intelligent options.
At this point the Green Party possesses a lot of native advantages politically. Unlike the stagnant concepts of the New Democratic Party the political potential of the Green Party has a lot of upside. Individual Green Party candidates could make excellent Members of Parliament.
Yet as a party the Greens would not make for a good government at the moment. They lack the cohesive gene. This also disables their ability to win an election. One would think that when the health of the human world is at stake, they would make the effort to unite the movement.
Friday, October 10, 2008
CBC puke themes
Hosted by the urbane banal and exceedingly boring boy progeny George Strombopolous, he guided the hapless hockey fans through several mind numbing minutes of horror. The final two themes hold to the tradition of abysmal. They are both terrible.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Myth take 02
Friday, October 03, 2008
Myth Take 001
Variation 1.1 Those who say that hard work is good for you: LiARs
Most of the guys with whom I started out in the American James Liver Marathon mill thingy. DEAD.
In memoriam,
Jimmy Stimpson. World war two veteran, Dieppe Raid. POW. Germans didn't kill him but work did. Dead. Cancer.
Vern Quinlan. Merchant Marine World War II, Murmansk and Halifax runs. Germans didn't kill him. Word did. Dead. Cancer.
Robert Ramsay. World War II Veteran. Test Pilot Air Force. Innovation didn't kill him. Work almost did. Survived into retirement. Throat Cancer.
This could go on. Except it makes me depressed. Remembering my mentors however, and expressing in anger their anger. Helps.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Bang bang big toe
One of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's speeches apparently appeared a plagiarized script. Thus delivered and suitably outed by political opponents, god fearing Harper, the orifice supreme of Canadian ethical behavior, stole the words from an Australian prime minister.
Its made bigger news in Australia than in Canada. Not surprising since Australians possess a greater degree of critical thinking, than most Canadians.
A political aide who allegedly wrote the speech for Harper abruptly fired. A lot of Harper's aides have been turfed on the run up to, and during this election. Harper has been through a lot of assistants. Either his party is rife with too many of inept assistants, or he cannot chose people.
Machiavelli pointed out that it was important to be able to surround yourself with competent assistants. Oratory was Pierre Elliot Trudeau's greatest skill. Hardly recognized was Trudeau's skill of almost always being able to choose the right guy for the job. Harper seems to have great difficulty in doing this.
There is a point where Harper must be held accountable for the words he said. It wasn't the speech writer who spoke the words. When presented to the public Harper took all the credit for making the speech. He, Harper, was ultimately responsible for orally making them published. He signed off on the speech. They were in essence his own words. It is not the speech writer who is accountable.
So typical of the primitive structure of the neo-conservative brain. Everyone else is accountable. They claim that they are. Harper should be the one taking the heat for this. It is not a faux pas. The Canadian Conservatives introduced a more stringent copyright regulation because ordinary people were having fun listening to music free from the avarice of the American music industry. Yet this is the download copyright violation of the century.
Harper appears intelligent. Politically he has skill. But obviously he is not an original thinker.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Back atcha
At the moment its before the Senate. They did however add some restrictions.
Not to be outdone, one top executive worked at a failed bank for about two weeks to get discharged and got a golden parachute for $19M.
Ordinary peeps are pissed (OPAP).
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Whoa! Slit thee own.
Upon scrutiny of the votes cast most of them came from congressional representatives who were facing tight election races in their own districts. Here lies the beauty of a resident democracy. Every four years or so ordinary people get a chance to voice their opinion. At the moment, its power to the people until after the election. Anyone who has no retirement savings or investments doesn't buy this crap that Wall Street puts out.
The reason is simple. If people are losing their houses because they need the money to pay for things like food, gas, health care and education costs. All of these have gone up in the US due to the grave political mismanagement of the conservative governments.
Ordinary people in the USA have been broke for a long time already. To see a bunch of fat cats on Wall Street go broke too, won't cause any crocodile tears in this constituency. Conservative politicians claim they know the business community. They claim to represent it. Usually business people who do run are simply inept businessmen. They perpetuate a myth that a country should be run like a business without attaching the little fact that three in five businesses fail within five years. It takes just as much luck and location than it does brains in a business success.
Running a country state is far more complex than running a business. Everything in business can be boiled down to the bottom line and the dollar value. In political success that success is measured in legacy. Neo-conservatives managed to lie their way into power with its knight in shining shoes, George W. Bush.
Bush's legacy to date. A failed bloody quagmire in Iraq which will exceed the Viet Nam debacle by good yardage. A failed strategy to capture the leader of the arch enemy Al Qaeda. A failed economy. A failed domestic strategy to respond to national disaster such as Katrina. A failed foreign policy. It would be much easier to name Bush's successes in theory. Why theory? Well try and think of one thing he has done right.
The interesting thing about all politicians regardless of stripe. The bad ones will jump ship when the polls indicate a shift in voter attitudes. While rich and upper class Americans have most of the money, the lower classes still have most of the votes. And in a ship full of affluent people quickly moving to effluent circumstances, the bad politician will jump that raft before the rats can smell the danger.
Monday, September 29, 2008
During the eight long years, Bush supporters prospered. Oil revenues have soared, up and into the pockets of Bush and Cheneys' pockets. George W. remains in financial linkage with the Savings & Loan fiasco where he and a few friends managed to line their pockets despite the failure of the financial system.
Behold another financial disaster. Behold who is leading the government. And you can bet, President Bush and friends will line their pockets with profits from the government.
This "disaster" is a shell game.