Saturday, December 29, 2007
I followed Ms. Bhutto's political career for quite a while. Like the Peron's of Argentina and the Kennedys of the USA, there was always a large margin between the promise and the actual result.
In actual political performance Bhutto could be termed ineffectual and very divisive. Al Qaeda, the likely agency of assassination, may have finally goofed if it can be proved that they did this. The worst thing a society of future martyrs can do is to make a martyr of an opponent.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Mad fool
I decided to spoil myself with something very special. Yes I went, bought and opened a jar of Cheez-wiz.
And when I was done with the sausages, yes I spooned some remaining amounts directly from the jar. Hmmm that's some good eatin'.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
More on Christmas
Since the advent of the internet, which is about 14 years. I usually sent out Xmas wishes to everyone on my active email list. They would naturally hit the reply button and return said salutations.
This year I decided to be the passive. My turn to hit the 'lie reply'.
Only one. That's it. Hmmmph.
And I checked in ALL the email accounts.
I'm not bitter. I am used to getting no respect. Rodney Dangerfield died. Now I'm number one forget whats his name.
Hey next year. Time for the old 813.54d2.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Jolly Jolly little elf
Removing a box off the shelf.
Tearing open the seal
Letting loose a squeal
For he had just opened
The surprising scene
Of last summer's
Box of bread
Printed in red
Contents fuzzy and green.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Season of Joy
Now that these eyes lids have settled down a a bit, I can now look at the screen after almost two months. Figured out how to fix future eye infections. For those on Prevacid and Losec all you might be susceptible to such infections. Simply stop taking it for about three weeks.
The anti-anticid beta blockers reduce the PH in your stomach but also eventually lowers the PH in your tear glands. This means that the weaker acid in the eyes doesn't do its job in blocking what would otherwise be common infections not likely to infect.
The only downside to this is that you must endure a return to the bowels in malfeasance for a short duration.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
In the sun lies the substrate of all vitality. So why so many demands that you wake up before the sun comes up?
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Feet up
So I went to the doctor a week ago. It was a late appointment. So at the end of the physical he goes. "You take four prescriptions. But what do you take for the fractured disc in your back?"
And my reply, "What fractured disc?"
The doctor goes. "The last X-ray you got showed a compound fracture of your disc according to the radiologist."
"No one told me about that.".
Monday, October 22, 2007
Entry for today with no special title
Amazing that I am still in short sleeves. Looking at a small closet of jackets I ponder when next it will be cool enough to don this garb.
There are upsides to global warming.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Harper, Hillier and Hooey
Last week according to news and media reports, Stephen Harper, Canadian Prime Minister, un-extraordinaire, basically admitted that the only reason that Canadians engaged in Afghanistan solely for the reason because the Americans wanted it. And toilet goes flushing the reconstruction, security and we are bringing democracy premise for our armed intervention in another society.
Harper springs forth with the motto that such arguments are against supporting the troops. Nothing can be further from the truth. It is entirely consistent that the efforts that our military are putting forth are to be credited with excellent and exceptional work consistent and surpassing our expectations. Even then it is their reports that indicate the futility of the task seems a running deer.
And it is a task set forth by an Ottawa based government entirely in cow-tow position to a renegade superpower mad about the world swimming in an Olympic size pool of self delusion. Even historically the scope and tactics employed by our armed forces have been proven quite inefficient for the last two thousand years.
Only Alexander the Great succeeded in Afghanistan. General Hillier appears no Alexander. Alexander got results. Hillier constantly trips on his sword and tongue. Canadians are fooled because the media confuses his farcical self-promoting strutting at every photo op as soldierly.
He is no Patton. Patton got results. Using his troops as a vehicle to personal glorification, he appears a hero. A word, here. I grew up with men returned from a World Wars. I know heroes. Hillier remains far from heroic.
Soldiers shouldn’t be allowed into such circumstances. One takes every word of their proclamations that they are doing good in Afghanistan as gospel truth. Soldiers do not control society by their intellect, they exercise social control by the weapons they carry.
Also the casualty list is both a curse and a boon to government. At the time of writing 71 Canadian souls have been lost due to this conflict. Seventy-one people should be mourned but in reality it is such a low number for such a conflict, indeed such a statistic should be considered exceptionally low.
Even the Afghans can’t control Afghanistan. Nor are they a united people. They never have been. Afghanistan is only a region inhabited by a small number of warring, feuding tin pot war lords whose only concern is their poppy powered bank accounts,. not with social harmony and not with social advance. Without a central figure to control their anarchist martial attitudes they persistently devolved into civil war with no recorded exceptions. They are barbarians unto themselves.
Now Harper and the neo-Conservative fundamentalist Christians believe that this mission must be extended. Morally this is unforgivable. Our compact, our agreement with the NATO allies will be filled. In every sense the European allies of NATO are the ones that have skirted their responsibility to the alliance. This was supposed to be a NATO mission. Like the Canadians, NATO was dragged into this by an American need to control the Iraqis oil patch.
Even the Americans have only so many troops. The American Christian right failed in their goal in Afghanistan. Osama still rides his horse. The Americans failed in Iraq. New Orleans city paid the price.
One of the most hilarious events was the recent release of a poll claiming that about 70% of Afghans support foreign troop intervention. This must be very similar to the Russian polls of the early 1980’s which stated that 70% of Afghans announced support for Russian military intervention. This is also likely consistent with Taliban polls which will certainly indicate a 70% support for insurgency. 70% of Afghans will say anything anyone wants to hear.
Understand that such a response bears no malice. Rather such a response comes from survivors. These people survived warlords, invading armies and other do gooders. They care little for “free world” government forms. Their preferred government form is the traditional tribe and chief rather than the elitist abstract forms of imposed government. Eventually they will have a democratic form of government but in no record has a will for democratic reform been imposed from outside a state.
In 14 months our present military responsibility ends. Regardless of the situation, for Canada’s government and the Canadian army that contract has been filled. It should not be continued in its present form.
The contention to extend the present military mission is entirely ludicrous. First, one of the biggest spin of rational emanating from this conflict is the Afghan cultural demand for honesty. It is a mechanism to respect. How can any Afghan elder respect the word of a Canadian officer or agent when to this point they have always stated that they weren’t in Afghanistan to stay. Extending the mission means that foreign troops intend to stay. If Canadians leave when they say we will leave, means that our word means something.
The big military pitch has always been to approach Afghan village elders as guests. Guests who do leave, when they say they are leaving, always earn a welcome back. Guests who overstay their welcome are poison in Canadian society, and more so in Afghan society.
We can go back if invited. We are more likely to carry more cache of diplomacy with Afghans if we keep our words to the letter of the contract. It is more ethical to do what we say.
One of the most recent pitches for staying has been Hillier’s bleating about the need to train Afghan police and soldiers. Well during World War II, Canada trained thousands of people, in Canada. It would be far cheaper, far more secure and far more effective to train these police and soldiers in Canada than Afghanistan. Canada trained allied pilots and spies in the safety of our borders.
All the teaching tools are here. Southern Alberta and the Caribou Chilicotin mimics topographically Afghanistan. So all the teaching material would be here. The student troops could train without fear of sudden attack. They can be prepared better for combat here than over in the wrecked facilities in Afghanistan.
The best full training for such forces would be in Canada not Afghanistan. When they return to Afghanistan they would be fully trained and experienced to defend themselves. Now that the Conservative government has spent all this money on new airplanes the traffic to and from Afghanistan of these training troops.
We could fully train 3 to 4 Afghan police and soldiers in Canada for the same cost of maintaining a single Canadian soldier in Afghanistan. And the Canadian government could fund that training as our contribution to the NATO effort. And in employing such a strategy, we could achieve the original warm aims far more efficiently, more effectively and more quickly. Don’t train the Afghan army and police in Afghanistan. After six years of trying, that pony won’t learn that trick. If there is a need to train police, train them here.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
That sound… a scream.
That sound a scream of joy. The idea of Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) representation crumbles in the dust of its own stupidity. That scream erupts from air ripping vocal chords in emotional display mouthed with a hoo-ray.
A scream of despair. The proponents of MMP groan in terrible pain as the elitist concept gets ground into the dustbin of history. 103 selected citizens, mostly the Premier’s concept of citizens, (all sporting red hearts, brown noses grunting like abandoned Peccaries.) allegedly grouped together and came up with this idea.
Such a proposal then provides the punch line of either one of two jesting queries:
1. How many Liberals does it take to come up with an actual idea?
2. How many Liberals does it take to come up with a very stupid idea?
One answer for both. 103.
We could have this on Jeopardy.
Alex: Okay the only remaining category Liberal Patronage?
Contestant: Stupid ideas for $120 Alex.
Alex: (Ding) 103… one … hundred and … three
(Boop, boop boop … boop)
Need an answer.
Contestant: What was the number of stupid butt kissing, brain farting, cater eating Liberal panty waists who recommended MMP?
(ding, ding, ding, ding, ding ding.)
This is being written in the early morning and not having the actual figures all the radio reports indicate the magic sixty percent was achieved and that is rejection. A big fat NO.
The media is sort of muted. Many alleged television journalists sort of were sure that this measure would pass. Liberal supporters took it for granted that since this was a committee of brainy trusts that everyone would naturally fall for the line.
Opposition to it from mostly print media journalists grew during the last days and overwhelmed the lazy campaign of the pro MPP forces. It was a tsunami of opposition.
This doesn’t mean that I am opposed to election reform. There is a better alternative.
First the province does need a few more MPPs re-established and not necessarily along Federal riding boundaries. Federal ridings follow a design based on the National needs and criteria. The Provincial legislature should define those boundaries along Provincial needs and demands.
Second run off elections similar to the process used in Europe would work. In Ontario’s case a run off election would be triggered by a plurality of less than 49% and a less than a vote lead of less than 12% or less than 42%. Which means that if those criteria are not met the top two vote getters would have a run off election 14 days later.
This system would assure that a certain majority in each riding would vote for the elected member. Such a system assures that the new member has received a definite number of vote support entering the legislature. Oh never mind. It will never be accepted it makes sense.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Constricting Canadian democracy
Have you ever wondered why the Ontario Political Parties are almost universally in support of the proportional representation idea? The official name is something like Mixed Member Proportional Representation (MMPR). Such a new structure doesn't represent Joe Citizen. It is a change designed to garner more power for the individual political party leaders.
They all state that there will be a full disclosure of the list of party candidates. Mind you this is to fix a system they claim is broken. The first questions that must be asked are: Is it the system? Or is it those managing the system?
In short, the present system works fine if those driving it were competent. It is the poor manager that blames the system. And the present system worked for hundreds of years. Such a change like MMPR will permanently diminish the voter's access to the politician. It transfers political power from universal sufferage to political party compacts.
Here is why.
Representation Comparison
To compare the United States of America (USA) constitutionally began as a people’s republic. One person, one vote. The representatives swear to uphold the people’s Constitution. On their ballots, the political party comes first.
In the case of Canada the constitutional formation evolved from the British experience in quite a different manner. Canada was and still is a constitutional monarchy. And Canadians forget this at political peril. In Canada, the Member of Parliament (MP; MPP; MLA) swears political fealty to the Crown and represents a district called a Riding.
Why use the word political peril? A peril exists because the entire Canadian political structure evolved in an environment so different than the USA. Canadian colonial precursors fought wars to keep that political affiliation intact. In the USA the Congress represents the people of the Nation. In Canada the people are represented through the Crown.
The USA presently evolved as a rather homogenous mono-culture even politically. The USA possesses ten times the population compared with the Canadian population statistics. Geographically the USA is smaller.
Proportional representation presents a far major shift to divisive party politics. Each party nominates a candidate to run in each election presently. In Canada, on the ballot it is the person who represents a riding not the political party. In proportional representation a list of Candidates is presented to some sort of cesspool of politicians and those party favorites, these party special lists represent. In no case are unaffiliated people nonparty members qualified for political appointment.
In the present electoral system the focus is on the individual candidate in each Riding. Now the focus will change. In this present system any person can run independently. In the new regime only political hacks would be available for governing. This new aspect of MMPR impairs political government represented by the Crown. In our system of government ideally the MP or MPP should be representing the Crown.
Along side of this one must remind oneself that in the Republic system there is no such thing as Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. The implication is clear. With this new system the opposition will only be loyal to the party that selected that individual not to the Crown, the people of Canada or the people of Ontario.
Political Instability
A peril because one of the most important features of the Canadian voting wisdom has engendered long periods of what is called majority governments and short periods of minority governments. While uncomfortable for those in opposition, the so called first past the post system has brought governmental stability and as a result economic, social and cultural stability.
Unlike the USA the Canadian government depends on the voting support of most of the members of Parliament. In the US, conceived in the blood of rebellion, the government executive functions apart from its legislature. Often the party that controls the Congress is not the same as the party controlling the Executive Branch of that Government. In that case the government decision making process is compromised and stifled.
Some people advocate a more USA like political system and in a Parliamentary structure that brings disaster because the responsibilities are different. It means potentially political chaos and even a more intransigent political structure benefiting only political parties.
In most systems where Proportional Representation exists there maintains long periods of minority coalition governments. In Canada, in Ontario the Riding and its constituents are placed ahead of the political party. With the advent of the Proportional Representation the advantage, the control of government shifts away from the Crown, the people to the hands of the mandarins of political parties. These people only care about themselves and care little for Joe Citizen. The power shift from away the people, and to the political party is the prime reason why all the Ontario political parties are for this resolution. It kills the Parliamentary system slowly in a strangulation of party politics in an environment of coalition politicians which they control.
Advocates claim otherwise citing specific examples like Sweden. In every manner Sweden is so unlike Canada on so many levels. Sweden is a very small country physically. Sweden is a mono-culture. Sweden’s political systems work far different than the British evolved Canadian system. In most cases, Proportional Representation, stifles government.
Riding vs. Constituency
Diminishing citizen access highlights the argument why so applies in much of Southern Ontario. Recall that earlier the emphasis on the idea of Crown representing Canadian Joe Citizen. Each MPP represents an area.
One of the largest myths is the absurd idea that in Canada there is a one person one, vote idea. So in almost every set of Riding redistribution hearings since then, there has been an idea about all ridings being approximately equal in population. It is the over riding goal albeit a twisted one.
This is always worth repeating. While an ideal, this equal population only works if the foundation of the state is a popular republic. Unlike the USA Congressman the MPP just doesn’t represent the people in Parliament. The MPP also represents the Crown to her/his Riding. Canada is a representative monarchy. The MPP swears to the Crown as the representative of the people. The MPP is not the people’s representative. Rather they are the responsible elected agent of the Crown to the people.
Again in all this, presently political parties are entirely secondary to Canadian government. Ontario political parties only wish to deprive Joe Citizen of even that political right. Political parties wish to control the Ontario parliament, the people, the Crown be damned.
Lets define what a Riding began as. In times of yore it was decided by the Crown that population was the secondary consideration to political access to that MPP. A “Riding” was a distance that a single rider or riding MPP could cover in the space of one day. From the idea it wasn’t just the idea of one person one vote but also it was firstly the idea of one person equal access to government.
As it evolved into the 19th century, the idea of political access predominated. In a city with dense populations the access could be divided into access by statistics. But in the rural districts it was political access that had to be considered first. Every citizen not only has an equal vote but every citizen must have an equal access to government.
In the federal government redistribution circa 1974, there was a significant shift from the idea. An MP from Northern Ontario named Keith Penner fought hard against this change since it began the decline of political access to government by citizens. His arguments ring to this day. Basically it was an injustice to such a large important territory so critical to Canada lose political power simply because of a lower population compared with a dense urban area like Toronto.
When Parliaments evolved the idea of political access dominated versus a population factor for represenetation. How does this work?
Presently I live in Toronto not by choice. The riding in which I live probably has about 120,000 or so. To access my MPP I simply have to walk up to College Street and walk into his office. Also there is the option of simply going to a ceremony or community social function or funeral. The MPP should likely be there.
In Northern Ontario, today that same political access to Crown representation is not there. The MPP is an able hard working person but cannot give the same quality of representation. The size of his “Riding” is too large. The office is in Thunder Bay. Despite his best efforts the MPP cannot go to the social functions or funerals that urban MPPs can. Simply stating. A Northern Ontario Joe Citizen has far poorer access to representation than a Toronto Joe Citizen.
Even though there maybe only 80,000 people in the riding and in theory the MPP represents far fewer people the quality of representation remains mitigated by geography, distance and adverse climates. Since 1974 that quality of representation has reduced significantly and Northern Ontario residents are only second class citizens due to an inane drive to determine Ridings based on population alone.
This inequality resides in rural southern Ontario as well although not to the significant degree. An MPP in that Riding can drive to any social function within several hours travel and be back in the legislature the very next day, but the rural citizen doesn’t have the same easy access to political representation Toronto residents do.
Now with the advent of Proportional Representation this access will be even further diminished. A city like Toronto or London has more members. They will chose those members by outright vote to be the ones nominated to that class of MPP. In Northern Ontario the only representatives that will represent them will be only those members that southern Ontario party members chose.
The only difference between Northern Ontario Joe Citizen’s access to political influence and the rural person in southern Ontario is only in the degree. Proportional Representation, if adopted is simply a naked power grab by urban centric political parties.
Political responsibility
And who gains access to these proportional MPs? In a Riding/Constituency system the MPP remains uncomfortably responsible for that Riding. A proportional MPP doesn’t answer to anyone save the political party they belong to. They will not have the same right to cross the floor in a dispute with their political party mandarins. Political freedoms so long protected by historical evolution are now gone if Proportional Representation is adopted.
Again, who does the Premier or Cabinet member be responsible to if she/he is a Proportional Member? People do not have the right to complain to this person. The idea violates the very heart of Parliamentary democracy because Proportional MPPs are responsible only to the parties political, not the people, not the crown, only to a vested interest.
And this is why few Political Parties stand up to oppose this faulty idea. Proportional Representation skews and begins the wrecking of the Canadian, of the Ontario political system. And the personal rights to equal political access for all is further diminished.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Paradoxical Conundrum
Regardles of which side I would speak in support, the feeling remains the same. No matter which, I would be speaking like an idiot.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Repost: First past the post and last at the trough
For Northern Ontario proportional representation becomes an unmitigated political disaster. There is no benefit to any Northerner regardless of political loyalty.
Over the years Queen's Park drained every spare resource revenue from Northern Ontario. Never reinvesting unless the applicant is a major political supporter, the south only will accelerate its economic pillage unfettered by political audit.
All senior levels of government compose legislation satiating the inward desires of the urban voter in southern Ontario. The Gun Registry, the tax on diamonds, passports at the border, the banning of hunting contribute to the declines in northern commerce, in northern industry and northern populations.
There is no serious reinvestment in the North despite electoral campaign promises. Only a trifling percentage of those taxes revisit the North.
Depending on whether one defines Northern Ontario along the French I believe the North is left with eleven seats in the federal and provincial parliaments. Recently the federal government dangled twenty two new seats from Ottawa to Toronto.
No new seats for Northern Ontario though. In the last distribution the gnomes of democracy proposed one riding from Current River to the Western Border of Sudbury. Try being a representative of that.
Do the math. Even if Northern Ontario held onto its few ridings the proportional representation and the 22 new seats would add about 61 seats to the south. The North presently holds a bare ten percent voice which would fall instantly to four percent. A power reduction of more than 50%. Does anyone actually believe that ten percent of those proportional MPPs would come from the North.
Do you believe that any provincial party all of which are headquartered in Southern Ontario will pick northerners over thirty nine good old boys from 905? Numerically the growing Asian community in the Greater Toronto Area is a more important demographic than the few Northerners scattered over the vast land mass of Northern Ontario. Few no likely none of those 39 seats will be posted by northerners and I state none will.
This is a very critical point of time. If Northerners actually got together in a Bloc like party it would get no legislature funding because all of the seats must switch to be a party recognized by the speaker of the Ontario Legislature. In 2011 the party would have to win more than 16 seats for house debates and house funding. Consider that there is only a rump of 11 maybe 14 seats depending on where you define Northern Ontario. No Northern faction will receiver adequate funding.
Even then approximately 140,000 votes would be needed to qualify for any proportional representation. According to the new legislation a new party must get three percent of the popular vote to be recognized as entitled to add a proportional representative. And that would be only one representative.
If Northern Ontario was a separate province then proportional representation works politically. But when there is a vast discrepancy of population densities between the two parts of this province, then proportional representation works against the lesser population.
In 2011 it is very likely that Northern Ontario will possess no voice over its own affairs. Only 4% of the seats doesn't carry much weight in any caucus no matter what the present incumbents say.
Before that happens Northern Ontario must form its own political movement, its own political party for political separation to regain some form of self governance.
Its been proposed before and handled poorly. There was always time. Now that time has run out. Every single voter in Northern Ontario must vote against proportional representation. Let this referendum be the poll that asserts your rights. Deny southern Ontario its habitual oligarchy over your affairs, over your education system, over your power plants, over your resources, over your mines, over your roads, over your houses, and over your existence
Monday, September 17, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Canada's other War against Povery
You know why? They are one stroke, one heart attack, one arthritis condition, one mental health episode, one industrial accident away from being there. Canadian poor lose everything. The great Canadian social system is a wreck.
Yes the welfare system works for all immigrants. It works if you are Quebecois. It works better if you are female. It works if you are gay. It works if you are a visible minority. But if you are male, middle aged or older (female, or male), aged or even slightly overweight, the discrimination appears naked and unabashed.
The business executives in the city core complain about panhandlers all the time. And to them panhandlers equate with all poor. The solution is to disenfranchise and deepen the poor condition and contrive to remove the social safety net.
Billions can be spent on protecting the Canadian sovereignty over an Imperial Oil resource prospect and this is good. One dollar spent on Canadian poor is considered a waste of money. Yesterday I saw a guy who is dying slowly in agony because of stomach cancer. He has been deliberately shoved around from doctor to doctor because he is poor and has no power.
More on this guy. To the majority of the medical establishment money spent on him is wasted, indeed for the longest time they didn't even provide him with any comfort for pain. They didn't make sure he was put into a proper medical facility forcing him to return nightly to a Salvation Army shelter. A service club has since made sure he gets proper pain medication morphine when he needs it while he waits for a surgery to reduce his pain. His story is not the only one, it is only the most current.
I don't wish to single out the medical establishment alone. This sort of institutional bias swims in other areas like housing, or even a poor guy standing in a downtown mall under the great towers of power. I've seen avid security officers expel people who are poorly dressed out of the complex even if they only sit on a bench. The poor are a convenient target for a society that is becoming a mean, shallow and greedy nation.
People are blaming the panhandlers for a situation they did not create. A point here. Most poor people do not panhandle in Toronto. Quite the contrary.
The embarrassment of most people to be impoverished tops most emotions. In Toronto, at this moment most panhandlers are either alcoholic or crack addicts. When a mark places that spare change in their palms
The solutions are wrong. All this panhandling began with the Harris government 's arbitrary 25% reduction in welfare rates a decade ago. This was the neo-conservative stance discriminating against impoverished individuals.
Since the Thatcher Reagan economic policies were handed to political ethics the gap between rich and poor has been growing. The poor in Canada have been denied voice not only in the city but voice in politics.
Every single social, economic and political problem stems from the poor. The poor in Canada are the first to suffer and the last to benefit from any political turn. If the city finds its budget is in the minus, will they sacrifice road improvements in the richer neighborhoods? Will they increase the residential rates on the high end mansions of the wealthy, their campaign funders?
Answer no. The very first thing the city council does is to increase the transit fares which is a direct tax on the very poorest of the city. They reduce services in libraries and community centres all of which serve only the poorer members of the municipality. The mayor did not cancel his million dollar office renovation.
As a result we have food banks, severe reductions in shelter space, increased homelessness. And now the braintrust of city hall and provincial halls of power and the upper classes of society. Leaders of this society, the privileged want to legislate against the poor.
To reduce this problem isn't to reinforce the psychopathic political theory of canadian conservatives. Rather this whole situation can be solved by simply restoring welfare subsidies to the percentages of the mid 1980's, increase funding to social housing and assistance programs.
Increases in social spending like that would be more cost effective, more proactive than increasing funding to police. If done so, the discrimination and hopelessness that embraces Canadian poor can be solved literally as soon as tomorrow. It won't for the simple reason that politicians of all parties, even the one's claiming to be proactive against poverty won't have any target group to blame to mask their own incompetence.
If anyone ever asks me the biggest change in Canada over my lifetime? The answer wouldn't be the growing new cities. Or the growth of the richest people's property. Or technical feats which usually are exported to other nations. No its simply that compared with the Canada of 40 years ago, this country has become a cold, mean, and greedy nation.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Medical conundrumitis
Here's why. Most doctors and medical professionals work for the public system while actively promoting the advantages of private medicine. Opponents citing a lot of really good reasons against the idea remain equally ignorant to a rather poignant reason grinding against such an idea. A private system in Canada will not work.
You see the doctors claim that public system doesn't work. The flaw in their argument is that they are the people that basically run that system. A private system cannot work since they have proven that they cannot run the public system efficiently.
Now some people claim that the doctors are only part of the Canadian medical system. That is horseshit. They are the public health system according to the acts they do. Doctors have their mucky fingers all over and into the pie. But they want even more.
Now I've been in the private commercial business systems for years. The only reason that the Canadian medical system runs poorly is because the doctors run it, or strongly influence its operation. So having a private parallel system will not mean any improvement whatsoever because the same idiots will run that too.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Tin Can under the weather
I had a doctor's appointment during that period of time. It was rather humorous. I forgot all the names of my former family doctors and counselors. I thought the powers that be were going to institutionalize me right on the spot it was so bad.
About four days in a dark room rather helped a bit. The biggest problem has been the measured time forays into the heat and smog of the outside. Tuesday has been cooler and thankfully cloudy. Once one gets a heat or sunstroke then the chances are really good for a re-occurrence.
For a full recovery a nice long grey winter is the best cure. Can hardly wait.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Only a month to fix, but five years later.
First was the failure of the media to dig properly into this issue after the report. I guess I wasn't the only completely dissatisfied reader or news consumer. The whole situation stinks to high heaven including the failure of the news media to get into this from minute one.
But this belt system was a new "Upgrade" in 2000. Apparently, this wasn't the first time this particular restraint system had failed. Reports now indicate that there were incidents dating back five years one occurring in 2002. Yes a whole five years before the tragic accident in Montana.
Again the news media is letting the Canadian Armed Forces lightly on this. Not a single report indicates any senior officer accepting responsibility for this. There are no real leaders. No Mia Culpa in other words.
Even with the scant information that the media has percolated one thing clearly comes forward now. They, the Canadian Armed Forces Command knowingly sent this squadron, Canada's pride, into the air knowing that the belts were faulty.
And since the command is under Hillier and up to this point he has also hidden from the glare on this issue. He is supposed to be commander. He is there when there is a photo-op about a war. Its not the first time he's run from the field.
Rampant negligence from the Canadian central command office appears rampant. The Snowbirds are an aerobatic team whose duty clearly indicates that the belts issue should have been addressed within the month of the first incident not a month the recent fatality, at least five years later.
Totally inexcusable. Since none of these officers and alleged gentlemen have stepped forward preferring to remain camouflaged behind the spin doctor tools of a junior grade mouthpiece, Canadian citizens should demand charges, courts martial and total dismissal.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Beltless and Brainless update part duh
I sent this email... The text as follows. Most of it is a repeat and a redraft. But I don't expect a reply.
To CTV News...
You guys ran a story about the Snow Bird crash. How does it feel to be so gullible? The reporter actually seemed to buy the goo that these military types were trotting out. I used to be a free lance reporter in a hick town in Northern Ontario, even I could've done better than the covering reporter. First here is the story.
Does this particular excuse provide holes in it. And on so many levels. CTV reporters are so gullible on this one. Any line of questions would have punched out a total lie.
First off. It isn't an ordinary lap belt like a car or those laughable lap belts on passenger jets. Note the singular use of belt issued by our Canadian Armed Forces. Thats the signal for a real line of bullshit because nothing could be further from the truth.
Belt loose? Its not just an ordinary seat belt. Its a full restraint harness. I've looked at a jet harness and it is a star harness, almost the same kind as race car drivers have worn for years. So they are telling you and me, that a pilot going inverted:
1. Doesn't check his harness.
2. That all four snaps failed all at once. He was flying inverted. In fact many star harness have six points of attachment. Its more than a single belt.
3. Isn't the plane's tech supposed to check this harness at spool up?
3. Nowhere did the story indicate positive G's on this maneuver. I mean, simply a 1 G. Positive broke all four or more straps at the same instant?
This story trotted out by our military simply absolutely stinks. They better invent a better one. I used to work as a free lance stringer and the military claim is total crap and a big disservice to the pilot's family. And since you carry the message it is up to you to really examine the information. Your editors and producers missed this.
How about this? He got sick. Or he may have had a stroke. Or heart attack. All those cut the grass, not the seat belt crap. Even the old standby truth. 'We don't really know!' would have been a better spin. Instead their statement is simply flat out lie.
And no where does the reporter ask the most pertinent question...Like who tested the broken belts? Which Lab? Is there an independent accident investigator? Who did the investigating? Are these people real accident investigators? What tests were conducted to duplicate the incident? What flight models were used? ...and so on.
What were the G's capable of snapping the harness?
Like this story generates a thousand questions all relevant because the military is trotting out and making you guys look like complete idiots to anyone who knows anything about fighter jet aircraft.
Come on CTV, hire fewer news readers and hire some real reporters. You're giving the military a pass on this one. Why don't you get some real journalists on such an important story?
Beltless and Brainless, a waltz
Seatbelt came undone before Snowbird crash
Updated Mon. Aug. 20 2007 12:51 PM ET News Staff
A report into the fatal crash of a jet from the Snowbirds aerobatic squadron says the pilot lost control of his plane when his seatbelt became unfastened.
Capt. Shawn McCaughey was killed May 18 during an air show practice at Malmstrom Air Force Base near Great Falls, Mont.
The interim investigator's report says McCaughey was flying upside down during a pre-show practice session when his seatbelt came unfastened, he fell out of his seat and lost control of his Tutor jet.
The crash occurred during an inverted pass about 22 minutes into the show, when the No. 2 aircraft dipped low, wavered, and left the formation inverted.
The report says the aircraft climbed, then rolled upright before nosing over at about 750 feet above ground level.
McCaughey's plane hit the ground at about 45 degrees nose down. He never ejected from the aircraft.
The four-paragraph summary says the probe will now focus on how the seatbelt came loose.
According to the summary, preventive measures are already being implemented, including changes to the pilot restraint system, to the aircraft operating instructions and enhanced training for aircrew and passengers.
The Snowbirds aerobatic team has dedicated its season to McCaughey.
McCaughey is the third Snowbird pilot to die since 1998 and the sixth in the squadron's 35-year history.
He was replaced by Capt. Paul Couillard, a veteran of five seasons with the Snowbirds.
Courtesy a very un-inquisitive CTV news bureau.***************
Does this particular excuse provide holes in it. And on so many levels. CTV reporters are so gullible on this one.
Its not just an ordinary seat belt. Its a full restraint harness. I've looked at a jet harness and it is a star harness, almost the same kind as race car drivers have worn for years. So they are telling you and me, that a pilot going inverted:
1. Doesn't check his harness.
2. That all four snaps failed all at once. He was flying inverted.
3. Isn't the plane's tech supposed to check this harness at spool up?
3. No where did the story indicate positive G's on this maneuver. I mean, simply a 1 G. Positive broke all four or more straps at the same instant?
This story trotted out by our military simply absolutely stinks. They better invent a better one. I used to work as a free lance stringer and the military claim is total crap and a big disservice to the pilot's family.
How about this? He got sick. Or he may have had a stroke. Or heart attack. All those cut the grass, not the seat belt crap.
And no where does the reporter ask the most pertinent question...Like who tested the broken belts? Which Lab? Is there an independent accident investigator? What tests were conducted to duplicate the incident? What flight models were used? ...and so on.
Come on CTV, hire fewer news readers* and hire some real reporters. You're giving the military a pass on this one.
(I wanted to word it such as this "... hire fewer news readers with larger IQs than their bra sizes." But it was dicey to get this comment approved and they actually might have one with a 56DD)
(Note: After ten minutes... this comment placed to CTV, wasn't published.)
Saturday, August 18, 2007
But who gets the money?
The denomination in question aint the American $5.00 Bill. It is the Jehovah's Witness. Apparently they are the main financial holders of something called the International Bible Society.
About 30 years ago these hardworking little bees updated the Bible from the antiquated King James virgin. How do I know this?
Well I looked. You see I been doing a bit of volunteering at a Library and furious at work trying to book into a data base all the volumes of that library. Apparently no one did it before. Today I did religion.
One of the books is the new virgin of the New Testament. And it is a credit to my illustrious library predecessors that this time they took the unusual step of putting a book into the right category.
Entering the data into the computer should be easy right. Name of Book God... Author...???? Well its gotta be ...God.
You hear this all the time from all the Christian pulpits and armpits. Hey they hold up "the book" and wave mystically.... "This is..." with all appropriate heavy obscene telephone call kind of breathing... "... the word of God."
So hey... no doubt on the authorship. Ya think.
Well hey. I could be wrong.
One of the past features of this blog realm has been the invigorating discussion about copyright. "That's a copyright and he/she can sue." Says readers to postmaker.
"No he can't." Said I.
"Yes he can." said reader.
"No he can't."
"Yes he can."
"No he can't."
"Yes he can."
"No he can't."
(...and on and on, ad infinitum)
Now you can appreciate the depth and breadth of this conversation. It challenged the intellect in every way.
Back to the Library. So I flipped over to the library data information page. And lo and behold. I see that incredible phrase. "All Rights Reserved."
Yes. I can't believe they can manage this one. The American Jehovah's Witnesses put a very secular copyright on what they say is God's own words.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Pass the goo
What sort of space pioneers have they created? NASA sent a shuttle to the International Space Station. This we know.
We also know now that they sent it up with three kinds of tile repair kits that probably don't work in space. Its like driving a Ford with a spare tire from a Chev. Its sort of like trying to fix a Van Gogh with duct tape.
Now they are saying that they don't have to fix it because the damage is small. Here is the best opportunity to test repair techniques and materials in that environment. It presents an opportunity challenge to try to see if the technique works.
I was also under the impression that NASA prides itself in designing its fleet on naval experience. In a Navy, the final say over any vessel does not lay with a suit clad buddy of a sad and incompetent political leader who avoided any military duty in any patriotic responsibility. A decision like this was and still is up to the commander of the vessel. The final say on a repair must be left with the Pilot Captain, the mission commander on Endeavour.
But this ambivalent anemic leadership prevails. Then the land based Bush administration picked Shuttle Managers claim that part of the difficulty is that accidental damage may happen to the tiles from the astronaut making hard accidental contact with the alleged fragile tiles. Apparently the spin goes that the space suit is heavy and the tools are heavy... Wait for this... in weightless space.
So in line with these events is that really they can't fix a small point of damage to a vehicle attached to a space station in near earth orbit. And these guys are planning on a trip to Mars?
Are these guys for real?
Monday, August 13, 2007
Can't stand the edjucational pressure
It takes a few minutes to get the hot and cold water mix right. Adjust a little this way. Adjust a little that way.
The water streams cleansing skin cells screaming to the whirlpool of drain. Flowing streaming to the wash, wash.
A clown on the first floor flushes his first floor toilet. The happy stream falls definition to the sallow stream.
This wan flow follows physics. It was in all the science classes.
Flow returns streaming to cleanse screaming dead cells to the sewer network of a teaming city. Wash, wash.
One perhaps two minutes fly. Again another clown on the first floor flushes toilet. The happy stream becomes an an impotent dribble.
Again frustration remains prisoner to learned knowledge. Anger pens its script of vengeance. One cannot act for the upper floors above are forever lower class citizens subject to rules scribed by Boyle, Newton and other paleo-nerds. Okay, alright.
Flow returns streaming to cleanse strands of greying hair rooted tenuously to the cap of one's ancient skull hydraulically brushing dandruff screaming into cascades of raining water rushing to outlet vortices. All is right.
Footsteps on the third floor walk to the third floor bathroom above. Moments later the clunk of a toilet handle announces the charge of excrement on its way to the municipal works. The happy stream becomes an anemic squirt.
Okay. Now how does this work, you learned idiots? It confirms my theory, all science teachers and world renowned physicists lived on the ground floor.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Showing Zeus, the scars
On with this little story Mr. Stargell. Now, this person convinced mother that I always ignored her. Then turns around and accused me of interference. Now, I am six hundred and thirty six miles away or for you modernists, one thousand kilometres away with no home phone no nothing. He’s there. I’m way down here. I get blamed.
Well that absurdity is crowned with the fact that this faux relation states that he… will never talk to me again. So that ended okay. All’s well phrasing erupts in a chorus lifting joyful cliché’s .
So then at the end of that summer month I ate a rather cheap and ripe BBQ Chicken from a Middle Eastern fast food joint and literally almost died. I mean really died No one called. No one visited. Creepy.
Two days after I got released from hospital, my then doctor decides to take my blood pressure and stuff. Gee it was high. Oh why would that be?
So then he decides to put me to lowering cholesterol. That worked. He also gave me some bad news. That there was a 3 in 10 chance that I would die in the next ten years. To some this would present a horror. On the other hand considering my father’s family history with cardiac a 7 in 10 chance is actually really good odds since 98% of them died before 60 years old. Mixed blessings one might say.
Remember I was fighting a very bad left knee that was injured at work several months before. I was trying to get it looked at but the doctor wasn’t helping. It took me until February of this year to get to a specialist who looked at the knee and said Holy Crap and I had a surgery to repair it within a month.
I had to laugh. The doctor who was assigned to me stated that they (a committee of doctors apparently) had decided that they would tangle one thing at a time. The problem was that by the time one thing had been treated it emerged that two more things reared into the lights. Something the federal government’s Auditor General has always found when it came to the doctor run Health System, after 20,000 years of university edjumation, the buggers can’t do simple addition.
The specialist there said that the damaged meniscus and ligaments were repaired by surgery. It’s arthroscopic surgery. I can’t show any scars. You know the scars you can brag about. You know the old gathering around, drunk as a skunk parteés where a surgical victim can roll up the pant leg and point (sort of) to a long scar. Then another loaded gas up, answers challenge by rolling up their pant leg and states pointedly at a super ugly scar segmenting the tendons of the knee “Not as bad as thish here scar!”
In victory the doctors crow with the very clause “but we can do nothing for the arthritis that is there.”
Official answer from accredited specialist doctor is “Yes.”
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Dubious merits
For the longest time the Conservatives tried to spin the idea that our reluctance in further participation is equal to nonsupport of the troops. They play on guilt. Unfortunately, Canadians are coming to the conclusion that it may be time for other Nato partners to put up. We've done our share.
Maximum incompetent commanding General Hillier who seems to swim in the glory of being a wartime general, came out with the comment within this day that Canada should stay longer. The reason is that the Afghanistan Army won't be ready. This revelation came less than 48 hours after a command change in theater where the combat general said that the Canadian contingent was to be held in reserve since the Afghan Army was now ready to carry the load. Can anyone else detect the ever present disconnect?
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Needing a cheap hobby I've taken to Yahoo Answers. I found my favorite target. A new hobby revived.
Now understand the premise is lousy. A questioner often only accepts answers that supports his or her world view. Such a virtual department doesn't always mean that good answers amongst many will be accepted especially if you take after the questioner.
To make it worse the little Yahoo feature is polluted with stupid Americans. And I do mean they show up. And young ones too. Its easy to be a genius flower in a land so barren of scholarly endeavour. When you find such a flower pass it on.
I plug into it when listening to the Blue Jays lose. Now days I do it a lot. But its a fun hobby.
democrats, how do you feel about the far left hijacking your party?
If you don't agree than you're in denial. The modern term for socialism is now liberalism.
Me answer ||
Not too good actually. But at least they managed to pass out of Junior High. How un-American.
- At the least they can count beyond t the twenty digits attached to their limbs. Obviously mathematically challenged they are. How un-American.
- At least they can vocalize a coherent sentence with proper grammar e.g. like the simple ability to know when to capitalize a question sentence and know the difference between "then" and "than". How un-American.
- At least they don't worship a glory golly presidential idiot. How un-American.
- At least they can walk and hold their mouths closed. This only substantiates the vicious rumor that unlike Republicans, those evil Democrats can also do that and chew gum. How un-American.
- At least they are genetically human and not direct jump morphed from Australopithecines. Oh wait see as a Democrat I am totally wrong. The species of Australopithecus possessed a far greater I.Q. Sorry. More research is needed. Oh wait. Republicans emerged from the Garden of Eden with the other snakes. How American.
- At least they wear hats, the brains aren't fried. Oh wait another Democratic error. Republicans don't need hats... No brains. How American.
- At least they are generous. You know when they turned 10 they gave up their books and crayons giving them to the young Republicans so they can pass their University finals. How un-American.
- At least they don't overdo eating beef. All that mad cow disease effects brains. Maybe that's why Republicans don't get that huh? How un-American.
Now you've moved the pointer to the right to point out the persistent flaws of the left. The big flaw of left wingers is the total inability of Democrats to accept horse plop.
So I totally agree with you. They just are not up to the fine Republican standards that has wrecked the environment, totally decimated American manufacturing, driven the nation into hopeless bankruptcy, caused a global conflict killing hundreds of thousands, isolating Americans internationally, corrupting the young, following a policy that insures that Americans continue to pay the highest health costs in the entire world and destroy any military credibility that this nation ever had, gut the emergency services to the point where two years after southern Louisiana still staggers under the burden of destruction. I totally agree with you those darn socialist Democrats could never ever match those fine achievements of the Republicans.
Let us take a small trip back into a socialist nightmare. Why under the last Democratic President, there was unprecedented economic growth, a vibrant manufacturing sector, growing international respect for Americans opinions and I dare say those foreigners were beginning to actually be fond of the Stars and Stripes. Whew close miss eh!
So looking at the list of that horrible nightmare under the last bunch of Democrats. And I hope you do point out the weird historical coincidence that no recession ever began under a Democrat, that every period of prosperity was under a Democratic government. This sort of thing is not good for America. Thank God for the Republican Party.
I mean you are totally right. I wholly agree with you. Such hijackers is revolting in the extreme. You are to be admired for such piercing insightful questions especially after the hours upon hours of research it would have occupied your otherwise busy day to conceive of such a piercing query. You sir, are an intellectual God wrapped for certain political glory. I am so happy you're a Republican. You are the living testament, the incarnation of that standard that will keep this country along the same great path over the last seven years.
Libs, Who should make more money, a brain surgeon, or an artist?
Why do you think artists should be able to charge anything they want for a painting, but doctors should have set prices for health care?
What gives YOU the right to tell someone they aren't allowed to do what every other occupation in the U.S. can do?
Why do YOU think just because YOU need health care, that SOMEONE ELSE has to go to medical school, and treat you for non competitive wages?
Me answer ||
An artist. The works contribute to humanity for generations. Everyone remembers a muse. We remember Rembrandt, not his doctor. We remember Michaelangelo not his doctor. We remember Picasso not his doctor.We remember Mr. Spock not Dr. Spock.
Oh yes we remember Doctors. Doctor Livingstone, he sacrificed his life, earned almost no money in bringing modern medicine. Albert Schweitzer, a man, a doctor who gave everything to service mankind and a doctor. They had little wealth. Today's doctors are not here for mankind as a group they are greedy and evil.
Wounded soldiers in Iraq are saved by advanced medical techniques in forward field hospitals on a system. That system comes not from greed. It wasn't founded in Iraq, it wasn't founded in WWII. No the system was founded in the mid 1930's by a volunteer Canadian doctor by the name of Norman Bethune working in combat with the Red Army in China. And he died in service giving. He got no wealth from work. But his gift, his free medical artistry gave thousands of soldiers, your friends life. So America owes so much to a Canadian, a doctor, and a socialist. That's memorable. That sort of thing sticks in memory.
Now if you claim to advocate a moral ethical stance. Even Jesus railed against the money lenders. Money is the root of all evil. Therefore it is appropriate that you advocate the support of greed by money. Now you advocate, you measure by giving evil to the deserving doctors in your idea.
Brain surgeons only do operations on rich Republicans. Which begs the question how can these guys live on a vacuum?
So artists need not your money to prove who they are. The works they do... carries a greater reward. Their bodies suffer in poverty and die because they have little money. But from the ashes of their dreams it inspires future generations, molds future generations. Sates the quest of society for leadership in recording their contemporary world.
Doctors do nothing of that. They are such small people. They measure success in the size of the bank account, and the numbers of Mercedes parked in the garage. Medical types who seek money over service get rewarded by ignominy and disappear from human memory quickly.
Art is eternal. It sustains. It inspires. It lights. It is good. So it can never be compensated in any measure. It is beyond money. Beyond consumate evil.
These are not the evil people, these artists. It is appropriate that Conservatives measure everything in money not deeds. Doctors demand no respect. They just demand more and more money. So it is entirely appropriate that you a Conservative advocate, promote this need to move evil about to those deserving of it. Evil sees what evil does.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Fade to Black the Munchkins Cheer.

"It will startle an entire burgeoning industry of pundits, eulogists and curio-vendors, but I'm far from dead. When everyone is finished dancing on my grave, they may be disconcerted to find I am not in it." - Conrad Black email to journalist and all journalists everywhere.
The terrible reign wanes in a Chicago courtroom. Judge Amy St. Eve's assumed the role of Dorothy and used the power to drop the Castle on the cruel magician.
Dancing, the Munchkins cheer. And it happens, at this moment, the old boy’s apparently still quiescent underfoot.
A list grows. The mound on his mortuary pit grows smaller as thousands of tiny feet tamp the granules of dirt into concrete compaction. After the trail St. Eve's could likely come into Canada and get any golden praise. She could consume all the lecture dollars for two lifetimes.
As the days wander away from that memorable Friday, the real stories seep out of swamp mists of fear. The fog of libel threats finally abate in the reality that clear.
Oh the total irony. Lord Black always threatened court action against any journalist who threatened to, or spoke the truth in Canada about the peer.
Of the few who defied his obtuse regality, Linda McQuaig (picture top right) deserves the right to be the chief soprano of the Munchkin chorus. Her editors, even though they might be staff of a publication unowned by the noble baron still quaked in fear of his perceived wrath. Canadian media existed a desert of political thought of honest criticism.
Many others than the ever defiant, always editorial dampened Linda McQuaig, pestered away in the background. They came out today.
In addition to the choir leader McQuaig, ...Jay Bryan, Romina Maurino, and Chris Cobb sang different phrases. A very unique day.
I've spent the last few days perusing the journalistic spread of literary output from a variety of sources. Before and during the trial the information input consisted of expanded newswire material. Journalists tended to portray Black in a neutral image. One story from paper to paper was all the same.
After the trial, there seemed a moment where the newswire continued with the same churning. But Monday morning, the sun rose and journalists crawled out from their hiding places for the first time in almost two decades to actually feel liberated enough to register an opinion or story on the Canadian exile. Every story, every paper, almost every writer had completely different anecdotes, viewpoints. A rainburst on a parched landscape and the flowers bloomed on the desert scape of a latent media.
The long drought is over. The Munchkins cheer the rain as it hits the shriveling magician.
One must appreciate the Canadian view. In the short history it retained a British government system and monarchy but developed its own nobility. The British and European possess blood line nobles. The USA elected Senators assumed the baronial equal. In Canada very successful business people sated the need for this homegrown nobility.
It is why Canadian businessmen get away with crimes that any other class would be convicted of. When people ask why the Canadians didn't prosecute Black it is not because there isn't any laws against what they do, no contrary. Canada possesses a quite up to date list of legislation. Black almost got arrested for a variety of crimes including tax evasion, and those boxes. But the Crown Attorneys in Canada have their positions assured by the friends of the powerful so Black and his ilk can do almost anything short of murder and sexual assault.
Indeed the Canadians would have taken action but Jean Chretien the popular Prime Minister, familiar with the here to for hidden cases of Black's tax evasions decided to deny him the peerage offered by the very same monarch who ruled Canada. Black as it is known finally opted to severe his Canadian ties and on the way out gave comment to the effect that Canada was an unfit place to live.
To reflect the Canadian attitude over the lordship affair, by far the attitude was shared by all. Britain appeared overjoyed that they would steal such a brilliant powerful economic baron like Conrad Black. Most Canadians (not all) could be culled into a single phrase regarding Black. "Don't let the saloon door slap yer ass on the way out!"
For the first couple of years the former Canadians trashed their former country obliquely. Later astounding all to find that Lord Black wanted back into the Canadian Club public opinion even threatened its minority government if his credentials returned. Wasn't a British title good enough?
Still many neutral journalists cowered in fear of his worshipfully. Nary the stories emerged before. Now the winds of change continue slowly crushing the House of Crossharbour. The Munchkins cheer.
Give leave to McQuaig her obvious joy. She fought that large cruel shadow for years. A convicted felon, Lord Black can be legally denied re-entry to Canada. If it happens the government lasts only to the next ballot. Kudos to McQuaig. A hip hooray to St. Eves.
Dance on.
Note: -
With all that said. There is another reality. While many cheer the strength of American penalties, one cannot appreciate that at Lord Black's age of 62 even an eight year sentence carries an onerous tone.
If the American prosecutor's suggestion of 15 to 20 years is upheld, personally I think its inappropriate. It is a life term in effect. Indeed a man of his gentility could find sufficient cause for self immolation. If he committed suicide then he might become celebrated and his memory mourned the wrong way.
Modern media doesn't lead. It twitches from popular to popular. It lacks the sense of a Metronome of society any more because of medias need for the advertising dollar. Its popular to bash Lord Black. He can not retalliate. He is a convicted felon regardless of, or until, the success of any appeal.
If you or I went to jail for the same thing it would be far less according to the modern themes of American justice sentencing. Go to jail. Its like tripping over a curb. I have nothing. Comparatively, Black's demise equals a rapid uncontrolled descent from the top of the CN Tower.
Black has an absurd sense of history. He considered himself a historical figure not one that causes hysteria. Considering this I believe that Black is not a flight risk, however he is a suicide risk. A man with his sense of history must be sensing that fate, thinking that fate right now.
This man must live. Yes a tortuous shamed existence albeit. But hey, join the club with us impoverished mushrooms.
More appropriately this man who always threatened the weapon of litigation upon litigation, faces total torture. Even without prison from now on this man is a prisoner. He will certainly face decades of litigation, constant attacks on his declining fortune. Even without jail, justice is certain. However none of these convictions deserve a life sentence.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
It is the normal course for most every species. Of course to balance this off, new species are expected to fill the vacant niches in the environment.
The reasons for extinction occupy a long and interrelated list. Often an extinction may be the result of the introduction, or the evolution of a genetic challenger or the result of an astronomical object striking the earth and radically altering the geography and climate of the species environment.
Understanding that extinction can evolve out of a range of causes, often a combination of causes makes the prevention of extinction a questionable effort. Some species may be subject to extinction vectors in a complete separate reason than sourcing it to human causes.
Indeed humankind appears presumptuous that it alone is the cause of a species extinction. Interfering to prevent that extinction may be wrong. So complete study of the environment and the species are always necessary.
What are the individual causes, the vectors to extinction.?
1. Human interference, specifically reasons such as artificially altering an environment, over hunting a species beyond its capacity to reproduce, or introducing a poison or toxin to the species environment.
2. Disease. Often viruses will effect a species far beyond its innate capacity to reproduce. In other words the population falls below numerically its capacity to maintain a population due to natural methods of replication.
3. Volcanism, The planet experiences periods of frantic volcanic activity. The period we exist appears to be a relatively quiet one. But as evidenced on the Indian Subcontinent the Siberian Traps and the Deccan Traps are geological features that indicate a violent period of volcanic activity. Such an aggressive period would have had a severe adverse effect on the environment.
3. Astronomical events. This vector is best demonstrated by the meteor impact event at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (KT) period. Such an astronomical event certainly would be deadly to any species concentrated in the locality of the impact zone. So it is an extinction vector. Whether it is the sole extinction vector of the dinosaur on a global scale remains open to challenge.
4. Food scarcity. Or starvation. In the natural world many species are so dependent on another single species, either plant or animal, that if one species changes or alters that predatory species will also significantly decline.
Since the parasitic or predatory species is often numerically inferior and a slower reproducer its capability to maintain population may be in jeopardy.
5. Climatic - The planet may get cooler or warmer and quickly. Indeed, extinction of many species is the regrettable forecast for human caused global warming. This occurs naturally due to the change in the related orbit and angle to the Sun.
6. Tectonic - The moving of the planets tectonic plates is a major extinction vector. It is closely related to the others. Continental plates move in and out of the trade winds, into or out of the polar regions. Mountains thrust up or volcanoes are created effecting the surrounding climate.
7. Genetic evolution. At every stage a species can be supplanted by a genetically superior rival in a specific environmental niche.
So this is a brief list of the many vectors to extinction. Most of these vectors are natural. Discerning which is an extinction due to natural vectors and the human caused vectors can be difficult.
Every species is born into a world enters into a myriad of vectors all pointed to extinction. Certainly the presence of humans enhances many adverse vectors and suppresses animal populations below their capacities to naturally reproduce.
What are the primary human caused vectors?
1. Predation. Humans, despite the howls of Vegans, primarily evolved as a predatory Primate. It is significantly proven in the fossil record. Humans may have hunted many species to the point of extinction or below the species capability to naturally replicate itself enough to maintain a thriving population.
2. Climatic change. Well Global warming.
3. Poisons - introduction of chemicals and durable synthetic or manmade items into the environment.
4. Environmental demands. Many of the preferable sites of human habitation are also the same preferred habitats of many species. Humans put housing and create industry on prime habitat.
Those are the basic human generated vectors to animal extinction. They don't deter the naturally occurring vectors. Many species already lived on the thin edge of natural extinction vectors before the sudden advent of humanity. Humans are a relatively new species in the natural history of earth. And few animals can compensate quickly enough for the presence of this Primate.
Okay, humans can do all the things to reduce the vectors. Limit predation (hunting) of threatened species. Quit human activity on the remaining habitat. Eliminate the burning of hydrocarbons by humans. Completely eliminate chemical discharges. Recycle chemical and human made materials.
Yet humans could significantly reduce the strength of extinction vectors on many species but will never completely eliminate the event of natural extinction vectors. It is important to appreciate the difference, and effective if humans to learn to do reduce their impact.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
One could gloat over this. Except that is what he always did to those opposed to his will. He did say something, and another arrogant comment it is. He alluded that to all those waiting to dance on his grave will find him gone.
Oh the woes now. Black apparently had a long list of libel actions sitting on the back burner waiting to go. Well that is the sound, the music of a flushing toilet. Let's all dance to its wonderful notes.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Greasing the Gullible
After this government gets down to basics. An aside you will note. I do not define which party is in power. Note that. In their treatment of Northern Ontario each and every Party has promised the North this or that. And every party has delivered on Nothing.
And I don't refer to the little crap. I mean the meat and potatoes of good administration. To the southern Ontario government, despite the expressed woes about how expensive and difficult things are they haven't delivered on a substantial Northern Ontario focussed capitalization.
Yes they will back up their buddies in the forest and mining industries. But all the profits from those corporations stream south because all the head offices are in Toronto or in the GTA (Group of Total Assholes).
Nothing they do is focussed to help Northern Ontario. Okay people cite the Highways. The southern Ontario government always trots them out like they are doing the North a favor.
Well what a crap. Highway 11/17 has only one purpose. It is to get southern Ontario goods to the west efficiently. That's it. That's in the history of those two arteries. They are National links.
If the province was serious about true Northern Development. Big Trout Lake would've had a road twenty years ago. There would be a Highway route to Moosenee. There would be a highway linking Thunder Bay with the Port of Churchill.
So many towns still rely on ice roads. A northern Ontario run government would've dealt with this false isolation years ago.
And what about the countless industries that Northern towns court only to lose them magically to southern towns. Do you expect that there will be fair play as long as northern development is left in the hands of southern biased bureaucrats. You want to know the moaning about the Bombardier plant in Northern Ontario?
During this last bidding process Thunder Bay almost lost this contract to the Europeans because a large segment of Southern Ontario do not regard Thunder Bay as being an integral part of Ontario. I'm down here now. That's exactly the attitude expressed. And I don't know the disposition of the terrifically stupid street car contract. Its up for bidding still.
These are contracts to help Toronto. Not help Northern Ontario. All the profits made from those contracts will depart Northern Ontario and leave only behind the value of the wages behind. It is not an Northern Ontario company it is a Quebec company.
Back to the ten percent rule. Like I stated anyone from Northern Ontario who actually believes that the southerners are telling the truth about this are totally blind. They haven't followed the history of this.
Interesting comments but everyone is quoting the 10% figure. Just how is this going to work?
I am telling you all. It is so many words spewed by an arrogant southerners. You see at present the view of Northern Ontario held by southerners isn't the same view held by northerners.
FYI. The existing law is as follows. All the ridings in the province of Ontario must also be equivalent to federal riding boundaries. That is the law.
Now provincial governments are notoriously lazy. And they lie. Do you believe for one instance that this province will convene members to allocate extra ridings to Northern Ontario. The Southern Riding MPPs would protest. The Toronto MPPs will protest.
This is just a pre-election promise. Get it in writing. Even if you do. It will be all lies. All this promises is a bunch of 10% hooey. Smoke and mirrors.
So southerners regard northerners as slow and stupid. Thats the truth. And with this ten percent figure the commentors insist as the gospel only substantiate that thought.
Here's why. Pay attention to just how sleazy the southern Ontario political leaders are. All parties. NO EXCEPTION. Lets say the proposed number of seats is 108. Its 103 now. And five or six are being added. Thats only one seat for the north at the most.
Second. Everyone who commented about the ten percent. Didn't understand at all that at present time. The North has at least 11 percent. So next redistribution the North loses one. Probably more.
Here's why? NOW PAY aTtEnTion. You guys don't do your political homework.
Every one commenting has referred to those ridings being north of the French River right. In the Reign of Terror of Mike, the Psyche, Harris, the damn boundary moved big time. He wanted to give Parry Sound and save his buddy Ernie's seat some extra funding from the Northern Ontario development fund. To make this feasible, that government moved the southern edge south from the French River to a line south of Muskoka from Midland and across the Northern tip of Lake Simcoe.
So you know the extension of the 401 north of Waubeshene? Thats Northern spending. Ernie got his spending. Moved ridings. Dumped his wife. Married a rich bitch. Regardless all that spending into Muskoka comes out of the Northern budget in the view of Ontario.
In all my readings... All of them... That little policy Law has never, never, never, ever been revoked by the last party or the present one. It is still in force.
So the boundary to the southern Government is far more south than the traditional Northern view. Do the Parry Sound to Bancroft people consider themselves Northerners. Well no. And when there is extra Northern funding... Well yes.
To the Province with the extra two or three ridings already in the Muskoka extension. To them, Northern Ontario doesn't have 11 it has 15. And that dear Suzies, is why the southern Ontario government says with a very straight face that Oh yes, You got your ten percent. You can already give up two ridings safely. And if they have to add they will add a riding somewhere around Orillia.
Thus these comments about the 10% rule is false. Because none have defined the boundary of Northern Ontario. If they give up a seat in your north, they'll move it to Muskoka and it will still be Northern Ontario.
Don't buy the line of Bullshit. Under their proposal under their rules. If you use the present southern Ontario Boundaries Northern Ontario presently is closer to 18% of the legislature. Under their boundaries. Northern Ontario, north of the French River, the real Northern Ontario would not qualify for any proportional representation. In fact it might owe.
The method they will use to deprive the North of representation is simple. The north, the French River boundary will lose up to two more elected seats and will only get one single proportional representative. I dare say that all or most of the proportional seats will go to the cottage (not camp) buddies in Muskoka.
Proportional representation only works in Urban areas not Rural areas.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Have you got the same Question?
Do unemployed blind/visually impaired/physically disabled persons resent those with jobs?
Again serious replies only. What I am basically asking do you think those who are unemployed or underemployed or on disability resent those disabled and non disabled persons who have full or part time jobs? If you do pls tell me why? If not pls tell me why not as well. Thank you.
Well working against the stream of thought expressed by the youthful able bodied here. After 15 years of having a disability, honestly. Yes tremendously resentful. Absolutely resentful and beyond any measure British or metric system.
Why shouldn't one be resentful? If you are disabled you are plunged into poverty due to employers demonstrating absolute bias.
A lot of disabled and challenged people put on the happy face. They'll put it on here. Oh they'll say that they aren't. Well that’s a bunch of horse crap.
You know why? Because many people who register an opinion here while being able bodied can't look themselves in the face if they say otherwise. I see it everyday on the streets where I hustle from service agency to service agency simply to stave off the pangs of hunger. These moral people registering a NO. What a total crock. What a absolute lie.
Now why am I resentful. First off. I look at a lazy suit winding his ass out of some taxi into a large office tower and know that SOB or SOBess will do little more than read a couple of screens, sign a paper, move some documents around, or sit for hours on end saying yes for some idiot boss who really is trying to decide which golf course they should call for tomorrow morning. I can do that.
Murderers, yes murderers and criminals get out of jail with a degree and all the social science to help to get a job. The social scientists fall all over themselves trying to rehabilitate these insufferable violators. You know my crime? I got injured.
Thats it. I got injured on the job. I got a life sentence of abysmal poverty. The employer couldn't wait to get rid of me. They got their money out of my work. I didn’t even get a good luck. And I am not the only one who experiences this commercial callousness.
Then the government stepped into "help". And help they did. They did everything to prove that I wasn't really injured even though I couldn't move to the toilet without screaming to myself in constant pain. The medical professionals did everything to prove that I should not receive any benefits from being injured.
And you know what I've learned. I am not the only one. There are thousands upon thousands of old bodies, wasted human hulks forced into shelters, soup kitchens and squalid rooms on the hidden streets of every city. I go into soup lines and soup kitchens and see people pushed onto the heap of the unseen.
You know the city council's idea of helping the homeless and poor. Declare panhandling a crime. Imprison homeless. Harass the poorly dressed every time. This happens every time a tourist bus may see some poor person sleeping on the exhaust steam of a sidewalk grate.
This society shoves the unprivileged like India treats its Daleks or Untouchables. Then hand out benefits to foreigners from other countries. To their own refugees. To their own relatives. To their very own citizens this society banishes from equality.
Families reject them because people lose their job or they shut off the phones because their injured relative may come searching for a meal or clothes. Wives see the light and leave with all the cash. Husbands take off for some obscure reason unrelated to having no income horse. Of course if these same family members have an emergency, well the only time they call when they need assistance because you or that member of the family is on welfare and gee they have spare time.
This society callously hurls the mentally challenged into the streets with overpaid fatuous medical professionals writing out false reports or results from mis-diagnosis.
This modern society claims that it is good and moral. Horse crap. This postulation is total, absolute horse crap and total hypocrisy.
This society will tolerate food banks but not address financially the root causes forcing the need of those food banks. Food banks should not exist in a kind society.
Oh yes there will be some here who complain that this isn't true. But I walk that path everyday. I see it up close. So close you can smell the breath of poor. It stinks. Fumes reach up your nose and into your very soul.
I see people rotting. Driven to crack. Driven to drugs by a cold evil society fundamentally living a dream world cloaked by a facade of total hypocrisy.
Every day I look into the eyes, the depths of their souls. These poor they are like me. I know their pain. And resentful is the sea of their daily lives.
But to eat. To find a place to sleep. To find a cheap way of getting smashed to obliterate that crap feeling of alienation, of sheer loneliness of the embrace of social rejection. They live each day. Someone dies each day.
Oh yes a smile for the person that hands them a coin. A thank you.
Oh a cheerful... "Well I'm okay. {No I am not resentful.}" This is the answer to you. You want it straight. That's straight. That's a straight lie. I see its guts. There is monumental resentment and resentful bitterness.
They are afraid that if society or their relatives find out. Why the great lie? Society may decide in its callous response to cut off all assistance instead. You know the old well if you're not happy well then fruit you. All the crumbs might be cut off.
Do I sound resentful. Hey I can do a lot of things. I know a lot of things. I have monster skills. You know why? The only difference. I got a wonky back and now I am very old. That's it.
Do you think I am resentful.You bet.
But don't think for a minute that I don't appreciate every day the efforts of those very few, those very few like some social workers (not all...) and the efforts of the Salvation Army. I thank whatever God they want me to thank.
You want to see a real Christian. Not the right wing nut bars who claim family values, get into government and stay in office by cutting the meager benefits of the poorest. They say they are Christians. No church can claim to be Christians except the Salvation Army. They walk the walk and do the talk. To them I can never be resentful.
I am not a Christian by any sense of the word. To say otherwise, would be a total lie. But if I was I would definitely be in the Salvation Army. No question.
Never confuse or intermix the thankfulness for resentment, the help by the very few as compared with the vast majority of self righteous pompous suburban hypocrites that populate the concrete canyons of the inner city. It is quite easily to keep separate that appreciation, and indebtedness towards those few with the absolute resentment towards the others.
Do I feel resentful. Oh yes and most of the untouchables of this absolutely hypocritical society do. I can see it deep in their hearts every day. I'm entitled to be resentful. Its working out to be a cheap reward the only social reward for my constant and growing pain.